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Posts posted by Draxx

  1. ProfessionalGeodata - I really hope the reason you write like that is your keyboard. I'm about to commit Seppuku because of your posts . No insults intended, i apologize if it happen.


    Now back on topic:

    Obesession, how much will it take to get full geared , ready for battle? An estimate would be awesome. :] I'll probably give it a try if time is on my side.

  2. Hey,


    I'm curious, I recently bought the vip upgrade for my account and since its not a instant promotion (as i first thought) i'd like to know, usually how much does it take to get promoted?



    Also , does my acc e-mail needs to be the same i used on my paypal account?


    Not rushing this, especially if Maxtor has to do this manually but i'm not sure i did it properly or not.

  3. Hello MxC,


    I'm interested in power-leveling services since buying Othell Rogues this days is so hard. (well, not that i tried to hard :P)


    If you can do it, please PM me or post here the following:

    - How much you're asking for (I'm only paying over paypal.)

    - How far you can go (The more , the better.)

    - What server

    - How fast you can do it.





  4. I'm interested in buying an Othell rogue (Dark Elf) on any NA servers.


    Looking for something around lvl 95-99, full geared but i'll be looking in to anything lower too.

    I'm mostly interested in the level and race, i'm ready to pay a good price for anything nice..




    Interested in a Iss Enchanter too. Nothing special, just a buffer.



    PM me with info / price

    I'll use a middle man from mxc (If i can find one.) since i don't strike like a trusty person.

  5. I got to say, if you're looking for something like gta is not what you are looking for. No idea why so many compare it. It has cars and a open world...but the game is not GTA or even trying to be.

    The game is more like Total Overdose . Something not as realistic as gta and more like a joke.

    Well, if you think flying motorcycles, car eating and throwing pedestrians from a cannon, mutated humans, zombies and shotguns using fishes as ammunition is something realistic...then i cant argue with you.


    Also, i have to say the story and dialog is one of the worst things i ever seen in a game, it makes you feel like you're playing a game made by a 12 years old, with lame jokes (i admit, i laughed at some) and dialogues you only see in harry potter books...but...the missions/minigames are fun so it makes it a ok experience. :P


    SR2 was better in my opinion, to bad they had the speed bug on pc and didn't have the chance to enjoy it for to long

  6. Never played rakion but from my knowledge that is more like gunz and a bit more pve-ish right? Cant really compare it. :P


    This is just a lobby based pvp game (zombie mode is the only pve ig) like most fps out there. ;P

    Ever played TF2? Its something similar just not that team based as team fortress 2 and way smaller maps.

    Cant explain better then this but i promise, the installation and download is really fast. So give it a try, nothing to loose. I only get referral points when you reach level 5 so i'm not trying to make you join just for that ^^



    Someone asked me via pm and i thought i should answer them in here too. Maybe someone else has similar questions in mind :)

    "Is like fps games?" Something similar, still lobby based like fps but more unique when it comes to classes and maps


    "Also lvls have so big role?" Not a big impact, you just get to unlock all the classes on 1 character and all the things you see in the list i linked in my first post.

    Other then that, nothing big...I can easily kill a level 20 with a level 1. The only difference, level 20's get unlocked ranked games(not released atm) and from level 8 to 11 you start getting new weapons unlocked in shops. New skills(4 in total for each class, not much. 2 for each weapon. Different combinations) and new looks :P



    I really want to see new players around. :[ They really need it.



    Anyone else gave this game a try? I must say, i usually get easily impressed at the beginning of every open beta, all the freebies, players swarming the servers etc. I always think "heck! this game has potential." and it usually ends up dead but this game takes like 3-5min to download and install(no joke!) so why not give it a try? I guarantee you will have fun.

    They kinda need players and i need referrals xD. I said it and i'll say it again, its worth the 5min.



    It has the art of team fortress 2 and S4League gameplay(kinda).


    You get to choose from 5 classes (Boxer, Firefighter, Rocker, Slugger and Blitzer) and as you level you get to unlock and change them as you think it fits the map/team. At level 11 you get to have all the classes unlocked.


    The items are permanent, something i always disliked about fps/tps, shop items always had an expiration date. BB has them permanent :)


    Items don't have any stats on them(yay!) but they do make you look different and you can enchant them for a bit of stats. Weapons have different skills, nothing big tho.


    You can choose between single player, co-op(zombie mode), Free for All or the always present Team Deathmatch and some twist of DM (i think, never got the hang of it). Around 7-8 maps working for every mode.


    I have absolutely no lags regardless of what some say . You can choose between EU and US ig and i can play with little lags on US but no lags on EU. So don't let that scare you!


    For a game just out of closed beta, i have to say...its awesome.

    The only game this fun that i played before was S4 and Battlefield Heroes

    If you want to play, i suggest you go for the whole Single Player. You get some nice exp and at the end you will know how every class works. Will help you decide what class to choose next and ofc how to counter the pesky classes. :P


    Trailer: Brawl Buster Teaser Trailer

    Kinda sad they have so little advertising :( The game really needs players . Oh well.


    Enjoy mxc and welcome back.

    /imout :P

  8. Yes you can get vorpal and top/low s84 weapons from Valakas and Antharas.

    Scarlet also drops vorpal but only Vesper weapons . 


    That if things didn't change -.-

    They change so much lately, i don't even know where to buy my soulshots xD

    With god update you can probably forget this drop list also...

  9. lvl 81 spectral dancer in teon ..say whateva u like with this crazy vitality boost its way too easy ..

    2 No-bots= No overxped idiots

    3 u can donate also ?u mean ur server doesnt have any form of donate?

    4 officials different with donate is pc's (i bet u dont know what it is ,go google it)

    5. We didnt swear anyone .. U know what they say about ppl calling them selfs pro's


    1.It took you ages what you can do on a ps in weeks....don't get me wrong, i cant wait for official to go f2p as well...just don't think every ps is now fail if is low rate -.-

    2.You think is all it does? You should see how annoyed members of l2.ru are over this Frost  "anti-cheat" program , keep banning for no particular reason.

    3.Not my server, i don't even know this person and i dont know what kind of donation they will have...but when they will make a donation list with accessory and things like that...+1 from me. If not, well trust me, enough l2 members out there that will keep donating and joining this kind of ps...


    4.Like i stated above, the official is not even f2p -.- You have no idea how they will make the marketplace, what kind of things they will have. Just wait....see how the off goes then go "blabale" around low rate ps that they fail.

    5.Did i say you flamed or anything? Did i call myself pro? I cant understand your #5 at all.


    Well, no point arguing over this. Enjoy your official because every f2p is so great and never fails (lol)

  10. -2 to the above guys. -.- We didn't even see the official going live and you already diss every low rate coming out? You have no idea how many things could happen by the time it gets released...but out from the top of my mind.

    1.Frost (or w/e the antibot is called) will screw the f2p l2

    2.The cash shop will be so imba you will rage quit .

    3.You will rage quit before even reaching lvl 10 because you have no idea how huge is the difference between x1 and a x2+ xp rates ._.


    Tithen - good luck with your server , as for the others, if you don't have something constructive to say, keep it to yourself...Just for the sake of what is left from my brain cells.



  11. who would be a member of a clan full of retarded kids? cause thats like 99% of mxcs population.


    The retards? xD


    Then why are you on this forum  ?







    I'm sorry but he has a point, is a good community to find and share a few things also a nice place if you search for a new server :P but sadly is full of kids. I should point out, not all are :) just the majority :P

    Also, if that didn't sold you out should i remember what mxc is doing? Sharing hacks/bots/ps things...pretty much all the things ncsoft hates. You gonna join a clan to let ncsoft have easier times keeping you on a leash. Good luck with that bro ^^

    Tip of the day: Blend in! ;D


    I'm out:)


  12. @yevonxxx It won't be that way

    Look at all the f2p still having ps with success, not the same lineage2 ps have but still.

    In case you don't know any...cabal online, jade dynasty and metin2(i still cant figure out how this game has the official servers up...lets not talk about ps .__. I find it rather...err...garbage) and that is just from the top of my mind :d


    Reason is rather simple, some go just because of the higher exp, unbalanced cash shops on official or just because they want to jump in to pvp sooner ... I know i'll still play a casual ps of lineage2 even after it goes f2p...if anything decent comes around ofc ^^



    @Airwaves Yes, it seems Ncsoft will host the us servers with a hybrid model and eu will be hosted with the f2p model they have on the russian servers. Pretty much what i understand xD

    So eu gets f2p and us gets...probably nothing good :d


    @MrRees I'm a big l2 fan but honestly they needed a change.

    1.Class merging...way easier to balance 8 classes then 30+

    2.Auction House...best thing ever invented in mmo's

    3.New character creation...better be improved even more, we need it.

    4.Less farming...farming was one of the worst things in l2, way to much, imagine farming from 1 to 99 with the same xp rate.

    5.Graphic improvements...never hurts.

    6.f2p model...was about time or l2 would follow l1 in the recycle bin. :\

    Did i miss anything? Every improvements coming with GoD is for the best even if it seems something big or just another step to the "just another grinding mmo"


  13. I don't understand why peoples say f2p...i don't see anything about f2p. The announcement says it will be hybrid...APB when it first released said the same thing, end up being just a way to choose between payments (pay the hours you play or classic p2p).


    Not saying anyone is wrong and i'm right, i'm most likely missing something and it really is f2p like l2.ru but from what i've seen i doubt that :\

    I wish someone could clear things up and let me know why you think it will be f2p...


    On a side note, l2 going f2p w/o many restriction or even b2p would be a smart move...i know i'd choose official over any private servers ^^



    EDIT- And then i read this and everything makes sence

    Supervised by Innova, the corner stone of the Lineage 2 experience will be the newly implemented Free-to-Play System. Users will be able to play the game free-of-charge — without having to pay any subscription fees or face restrictions. All that is required to start playing is to download the game client and log in.


  14. Get over yourself kiddo, go back to your own server and advertise it even more, i don't want to spam bartty's post because someone like you wants to show his e-penis to me.



    If i want a review of a server, i want it based on what was tested not some "wako" dissing everything just to make "his" server look better.


  15. 3 online, free web domain, free web theme, Counter Strike forum domain, it seems good !! =D

    Yeah, we should all join the server you so desperately advertise .-.

    Stop judging a server by domain and actually try it. I know i played a few good servers that had a free domain. Not everyone thinks is worth paying for a domain, that doesn't mean is home hosted -.-

    Oh and judging by the online players is as stupid as the domain one, you know some servers need to start somewhere...

    Note: I didn't play and i will not play on this server, so i'm not going to recommend the server, just sick and tired of the mxc community keep dissing servers for a stupid reasons.

    Keep on diss-ing now, see if I care. ;p

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