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Posts posted by Draxx

  1. Evil you have to play tvt + farm to get SA for weapons from what i've notice. :)

    What i'd like to see is a top N/A grade set + N/A soul/spirit shots at start :d

    If we get lvl 40 at start at least give me items to also reach 76~ w/o going to gm shop .

    Just a suggestion , i can live without the items xD

  2. Dota is like L2 interlude, for peoples who cant grow up v.v

    It was a great game i admit , it open doors to many games(talking about Dota) but new and more improved games got released. Try 'em out.

    As for what to choose between HoN and LoL, well both are great games but for me LoL was better. I liked the heroes more then i did in HoN xD


    Yeah, i think is a good idea to choose between moba style games looking at the heroes. If you find LoL having a hero more suited for you try it out :P if you find HoN with a better hero for you, then try that one out. :P TF and Garen we're fine for me so i decided to go for LoL :)

  3. @N4ked - i honestly don't know what your problem is :\ They didn't fake the players online counter on website. They didn't start with a lot of players because its "re-opened".

    They are new, they need members and we all try what we can.


    Hopefully L2Eagle gets accepted on hopzone/topzone soon, it seems new server have problems getting in (vacation or some sort, no idea.)


    RєVєnGeR^ - Yup, not gonna lie 10-15 members top is the most we have at the moment. :P No topsites yet. I just hope max community gives this a try and don't listen to the trolls. ^^


  4. No idea why peoples troll around v.v The server is really new, needs members badly but the staff is nice, listen to everything you have to say and online almost every day :p

    Join, try it...leave if you don't like it , don't listen to the "home hosted" crap...

    We just wait for hopzone/topzone approval :)

  5. Well yes true, the 66% is low but the blessed are really cheap and the items are cheap to :P


    beas = 10 apiga ... 1 apiga per mob (like 80-90% chance to drop) mobs are easy kills even for a s graded character

    bews = 20 apiga


    Vesper armor = 100mil adena ... the dungeon i was talking in my post gives 250mil :]

    Also you can exchange 50mil adena for 1 apiga :P


    That is pretty much all i know :] still not sure about the balance of classes and the pvp part mostly :P All i notice is that one ally is in charge around there xD

  6. You know, about the summon thing...i remember everyone talked about the dual daggers when they first announced them...after they released them half of l2 fans either hated the looks of it or realized they suck compared to a vesper with critical sa (pvp oriented) :P


    So before talking about the summon x2 better wait and see it :] who knows maybe it will be a normal summon + a new kind of summon that gives you nothing xD


    In other words, nc soft sucks ^^



    On Topic - Tyrant / Tanks seem to win most of the time :P Titans = phail .

    Counter and they go down :D

  7. http://eternal-network.com/

    Desperion server :P


    It used to be hard to lvl up/gear up but now i started again (today) and seems like it changed a lot.

    Safe / Max - 3-4/16 (66% normal, 85% blessed) and vesper items really easy to get.


    You have a lvl 78 dungeon, you do it 1 time and you already have money for vesper set + weapon :P (That can be repeated as many times as you want)

    Boss jewl seems a bit harder to get but 1 day and you have it to.

    Blessed, again, easy to get from shop, normal scrolls...to cheap :P


    A bit harder to lvl up from 80+ 1% per mob


    Members on - i don't know , 20+ when i logged :P


    Oh yes completely forgot this part...I'm not sure if is epilogue or not, i played with final and i had a invisible npc (the dungeon npc) xD



    You should try it, i've been looking for a easy to enchant/epilogue server to...hard to find them these days >.> but this one ain't bad at all :P

  8. Hard to move the wing on the other side , i'm guessing...

    If you think about it...in every way you move it it will be either upside down or the start of the wing will be in the exterior...something like that i don't have photoshop installed atm to try and see how the wing will move.


    Just my thought, i might be wrong, well i'm sure i can be wrong xD



    kobeshoot - looks? fun? Like this http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=126514.0 ... for the looks and fun of editing :P

    Note - i'm not saying thats something bad, actually is one of the most interesting things i've seen for a long time. (talking about the link)

  9. Well hello mxc community :]

    First of all, i apologizes if this isn't the right section or if is already an answered question (To my defense, search button didn't found anything)

    Anyway, back to my question....You see i'm trying to add grass instead of the paved center in giran, like here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=120919.0 ^^

    Problem is, will the files work on Epilogue server? (title clearly says interlude D: ) If not, can it be done for epilogue? :\

    Last question, how do you add the files to the server? I found the 2 files in StaticMeshes in my L2 folder but they have some minor changes in names. D:

    Also, i know i've seen a long time ago a mod that changes the statue in giran (the big thing in center) now problem is i cant find it anymore, do you know any kind of mods like that?  


    Note - I'm new to this modding thing and i'm not really good also the server is only on my pc and will stay that way so idc if i mess up anything xD I just want to make the center of giran to look like a forest zone and learn a few things on the way ^^


    if tldr - I suck !



  10. 1-5 euros per mob in safe zone is the drop rate.

    Sadly couldn't find how much the mobs in farm zone1 drops but i'm guessing it isn't that big difference since they ain't to hard either.

    New character starts with 2x50euros and 1x10 euros .

    What makes me think that everyone will make new characters and mail the euros to main character ? :P


    +1 to the server for actually making the farm zones some other places then Hellbound

    Would of stayed but farming to much ain't my taste for a pvp server.

  11. Ok, you guys are my only hope, i've been searching hopzone for ages but no luck , anyway i'm looking for something like this

    Epilogue (Final is ok to but i'd like epilogue server more)

    Exp rate: 10-25

    Free Class change (pop-up or class master)

    Auto learn skills (80+ no matter)

    New server (this year) : 50+ members online

    Old Server : 200+ members online

    Would be nice to have soulshots (untill c-b in shops) if they have no economy yet :P

    Buff time - retail like, at least for Dance/Songs or not to long (just optional xD)


    NO Buffer/GM shop >.>


    So that should be all :\ Can someone help me? D:

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