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Everything posted by DNEEJ

  1. Where and how use this script?
  2. OMG, noone can look at it? it wont be hard to make Ig working on those servers, if ogg working perfect
  3. Guys, need IG bot on C4 Frozen like a hell...someone have any idea how make it working...? OOG working, but i need IG... P.S. was found Guide for IG in frozen, but it is too old.. Thanks in Advance
  4. all new servers is pacthed and protectted of all those bugs like this, with shops...
  5. when i trying it, then game event wont lunch...;/
  6. It working l2java and l2off serveres with only c6 skills right? i think very great share
  7. 6lvl - C grademiddle power weps; 7 - C grade hightest 8lvl - B grade lower wep; 9lvl - B grade hightest 10lvl - A garde lowers wep 11lvl - hightest weps 13lvl - S grade
  8. vert nice share, but would be very good we could add custom items...mobs, npc, would be great....
  9. another one is you xaxax
  10. here the same....
  11. Oh shit, so much work... You will try to do this?
  12. looks like the same as L2frozen.... and bwt, sorry for my english, but i try to explain what i think it is The server has a protection in the packet for authentification to login... so u must use a sniffer to compare the packet that send a legal client and walker (when use l2phx uncheck "Pass a Login")... then u can use a script in the sniffer to fix the differences between walker and client. (again sorry for my english) but anyway, somebody have any idea of sniffers or something liek this?
  13. I checked it, dont working with 10.7.4, and VS 600x event dont connect to...
  14. i was very happy when i found working walker for L2Vicous server, thanks for Koyfo, but now when i used 3 days, bot dont working anymore......so unhappy...coming freedays and i cannt play without walker... when i tryed do something myself, i found that l2clinet runing not like from others server, but using lineage2.dat, other servers use l2.exe (that why is easy found token and others thing needed) and maybe something coded's....
  15. New updates, new patch's and walker dont working anymore...!!!!!!!! I think problem is in token, any betters idea's?
  16. even anyone know where the problem? maybe try to find new token?
  17. Even you had know that? maybe need try to find new token
  18. OMG say something, we can forget boting there? Have we are hope?
  19. Sorry for making other topic about L2 Forever, but in the last topic it nothing say about oog walker in l2forever, just l2gold..... bwt is any way to bot with oog in l2forever now? any diea's? maybe new token, the last wich was using it was 6C5A10259D4FBBFF49484D5C354D97DCE86EBBB1
  20. I have the same problem on the L2revenge, wich now is new c5 and have loader, and when running l2.exe u cannt run any cheats programs like walker oog, or IG, L2asrv, hlpahex or smthg like this....it automatic close, these programs.... I try run l2 withuot loader, its fine and working, but you still cannt use bad programs, and i deleted gameguard folder, and it still not allow use, so i try search some process wich block it, with "cprocess" bet nothing found...so i think it is some file, like some sad in dll.... Need help to fix coded dll files :) or any others idea... Or Try yourself, to check it u dont need have account on, just running c5 client with l2revenge patch... www.L2revengeserver.com
  21. So? Guys, we can forget oog walker's for some server's and of course L2forever? any expectancy?
  22. New news: anouncemtens: now bot cannt log in ;) it's mean, they inplace antibot system, smtg the same like pvpx.... any, people try run walker on pvpx? any knows how to break this system? new antibot system, peased me off really....
  23. any way make working oog walker on l2forever, after update i had working oog walker before update....
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