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About Volaille

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  1. ie for every enchant I set installment?
  2. hmm new project i download and test
  3. sux, the best stuck-sub's are 1+1 a/w gl with serv
  4. sure, we will see, thanks,
  5. maybe another mid rate, but without donators, and fresh server,
  6. .::Welcome to the Eternal Glory!::. Eternal Glory is new server. As it gained international status, we are expanding our language support to polish & english. Server Are online about 3 days is administrated professionaly by professional staff. Join Our Server And .::Have FuN!::. -= Client =- # Interlude -= Rates =- # Exp [35x] # Sp [35x] # Adena [25x] # Drop [2x] # Spoil [2x] -= Enchant Rates =- # Weapon Fighter [60% normal 50% blessed 95% crystal scrool!] # Weapon Mage [60% normal 50% blessed 95% crystal scrool!] # Armor [60% normal 50% blessed 95% crystal scrool!] # Safe Enchant 4 # Weapon's max 16 # Armors max 20 # Jewelery max 20 #NPC #Buffer - Buff for 1h. #Cat to change professions - You can change the 3 class. #Luxury GK - Teleport in places inaccessible to normal Gatekeepera. #GM Shop - From No grade to B grade. #Special Shop - Is the shop for custom modyfication. #Event #TVT - Participation: Two teams. Fighting each team's Blue and Red. (counts the number of kill the opposing team). Reward: Adena, Coin to Enchant Crystal, Ancient Adena. #Farm's #Coin Zone - Special two farms to dropi coin the A grade items. #Giant Codex Zone - Books to enhance the skills of statistics. #Life Stone Zone - Stones for a special enchant weapons it makes possible to get some extra skill. (Etc) Recommended walking Party. #Enchant Raid Boss - The farm on which there is a special RB to drop Blessed enchants exchangeable for Crystal. #General Information #Anty PHX - Enchant, Announce, Multisell Bugg, Critical Error. #Anty Walker - Not running L2Walker. #Anty Bot System - Protection against Bot programs. #Balanced Olimpiada #IP Olimpiad - Not be permitted to enter at the same time for the Olympics the same IP. #Auto Learn Skills - Auto Learn Skills. #Spawn Class - Each new character spawns in the one place where you can level up . #Banking System - .deposit -exchange the Gold Bar .withdraw - exchange the 100kk adena. #Nobless - The character immediately after entering the server has the status of Nobless. #Show Info - When you have a mob to the market you can see his info just hold shift and click on the mob. #Clan - Clan penalty disabled. #Delete Character - Removal takes only one day. #Protection - Spawn protection 30 sec. #AutoLoot Automatic lifting of the mobs, and RB. #Offline trade/craft - You sit down to sell or freely Crafting and log in-game character is. #Weight Penalty Disabled. #LVL Protection Protection of players to lvl 40. #Show PVP/PK Shows PVP and PK in Title. #Crafting For crafting things Craft gets EXP/SP. #XP/SP Bonus When the mob has 3 lvl more than we get SP x2, and when you have 5 lvl you get more XP x2. #Champion Champion mob drop to special coin exchane the Blessed Soe, Blessed Res. #Subclass Sub Class is once 80lvl, Subclass no quest. #Color Mod #Clan Lider - After getting 3lvl Clan, the clan leader receives green nick. #PK 500, 1000, 1500, 2500, 5000, from light to dark red. http://www.eternalglory.2ap.pl/
  7. hmm clan's comming from dragon x15,mxc, carnage etc Syndicate clan, Destiny,Forgotten,Jebbawokez and more
  8. its good idea, cuz for a grade set u need only 3 cookes and 4 braided hemp for s grade armors smth like blacksmith frame x4
  9. we add some news: shops/craft offline active active vitality system in gm shop u can buy items b/a grade for money item's s grade you can buy for crytals a/s no clan penalty acc say how many is ppl on the server Pvp Color system Clan Ledar have color nick after clan 3nd lvl... spawn protect 60s and other's for ur ask chucky, we maybe make other server rate, we think about this;) Server start at 19.02.2010!!!!
  10. Start in 7 days :>
  11. dont worry :> class balanced... its x15 but , buffer is for faster exp
  12. Welcome to Erica Network -== Rates ==- Exp: x15 Sp: x15 NPC: Rate XP 15 Rate SP 15 Rate Party XP x2 Rate Party SP x2 Rate Drop Adena 18 Rate Drop Items 10 Rate Raid Drop Items 10 Rate Drop Spoil 20 Rate Drop Manor 20 Rate Drop Quest 18 Rate Quests Reward Pet XP Rate18 ================================================= -== Features ==- Npc Buffer Cat to change profesion Luxury GK Events Team Vs Team Capture The flag Death Match And More ================================================= -== Enchant ==- Normal Scroles 60% Bless Scroll :85% Maximum: +16 Max Armor's 25 Safe: +5 ================================================= -== Working Features ==- Wedding System Clan System Fishing System Olympiad System Subclass System(8 subcklasses) Hero System Noblesse System Clan Halls System Duel System Augmentation System(active,passive,chance) Enchant Skills System ================================================= No Customs! ================================================= -== Server Staff ==- [ADM]Yume [Gm]Aoshi [helper]Hagal ================================================= http://www.ericanetwork.pl/ ================================================= Server will start at 19.02.2010!! Enjoy And Have fun
  13. mmm th is the best on Gracia... best blows miracle a lot of good skiils ;) , but GH is good too:D
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