Well,well...well...I agree with all of you!But stop telling that if you see a ucoz site server will close.Someone maybe wants a ucoz site because may he wants to see if his/her server has success and if has then may hire a web designer,buy a domain name or make something alone anyway.But the point is that the problem is not the free web hosting,which is true that many servers with free domain anmes and web-host close very quickly,BUT the preconfigured packs!If i will give tommorow to my little sister who has not any idea of l2 and general of pc and i will tell her click this,this and this...now she will be a Administrator.:O:O Admin..pff... Anyone can be admin in 5 mins .I suggest to delete every preconfigured pack and be forbiden by the Maxtor posts with this motive!The truth is that our community is widely expanded and very well-know,that harms the Lineage II World of Server!I don't blame none but it must stop here!If someone stay one day in hopzone,he will see at least 20 new servers to be added,may be more....As Zeronimo says if precompiled and preconfigured packs stop here,the Quality of forum will jump up...and this will help a lot the Gaming Experience too.