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Everything posted by luisf.reis

  1. we can make some scripts to click in diferent parts... for exemple to enchant... how can i do?
  2. in my server... we dont have squashs... =/
  3. in the server when i play this work... of course i others dont...
  4. to marry 2 chars the both need wear a formal wear iten, rigth? wrong! to marry 2 chars u just need 1 formal wear! give the comand /friendinvite in the char u want marry give the comand .engage in the char u want marry put ur formal wear talk to NPC, pass YOUR formal wear in a trade to ur partner! ok now ur partner just wear ur dress and talk to NPC i know its obvious but have a lot of people dont know this!
  5. this is a old trick, but very usefull to kill queen ant! 1.take your char... put in him all ekips u have... (for exemple i will use a DY robe and arcana mace acumen!) 2. go to the grand master and take a sub class (eg. warlok) go to ur passive skill, u will see the grade penalty icon! 3. cancel this sub class and take other(eg. sorcer, cause this is the best class to kill queen ant) ok! now see the passive skill and u dont have more grade penalty! this bug work in a lot of servers! enjoy!
  6. this way u can put 2 chars in baium room whith only one blood fabric! 1. one char can do the quest and have the blood fabric... 2. marry the 2 chars 3. one of chars talk to the vortex and enter in baium room. 4. the other char just give .gotolove and he will go to the baium room without use blood fabric! work in the interlude server when i play!
  7. very good! the GM can discovery this trick? have a way to dont record this in the DB? a person in my server say to mem the gm can know if u have a haplex or this kind of program... sorry for theeanglish!
  8. its good... think u can put war cry from a duelist in a titan! good work man
  9. this bug was fized in the server were i play... but works in a few servers.... its good make a big pt.. to get batleforce lvl 4 or 5! you p atack will be great!
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