IS GR so delete my posts , I just troll this guy , he's too weird for this generation , btw is the only site accepted by countries as NL , UK if u have prohibition on torrents too. happy?:) I never lie customers as u did with me , and maybe with the other 10-15 guys , and on everything u asked me I could prove it , so facepalm troller:) btw I left 10 cent on every paysafecard , keep the change.
[26/11/2012 20:27:16] L2NEON TEAM 10 euro 0439-1942-9390-3692 10 euro 0307-4869-3460-6579 25 euro 0051-5750-9901-5309
[26/11/2012 20:27:21] L2NEON TEAM pay safe
[26/11/2012 20:27:23] L2NEON TEAM give me
[26/11/2012 20:27:25] L2NEON TEAM olympiad
I am too laizy to upload a photo from skype , but if u really want I can do that.
I doubt is the same geodata , but who knows , I don't influnce people to buy from me , I just sayed what I am selling the interlude geodata l2j or l2off from that's all :) and I have that by buying it , not from a share.
I have a stable server , so I doubt that on l2server , about customers , the first thing I do when I buy something and I think any customer will do that is to test , I did tests , and your server hasn't any fix from that list of baggoc. Btw you forgot to put the , and in that mode you kinda agree with me:)
If u say so , maybe I am more experienced , who knows and I know to test. Nvm I doubt that u sold the pack for 10 + customers , but I don't care , then they are more stupid then I've ever imaginated a customer can be :) or maybe u just gived me another source maybe by mistake:P