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Everything posted by joello

  1. Not sure if this is the right section, if not move it please. Anyway I'm looking for a good hosting company, server that's capable of handling up to 1000 online with l2j files. I seen some around but none were really satisfactory. The lower price the better, I know it's always "you gotta pay up if you want something good", but long time ago when I was still into making servers there were couple cheap but really reliable hosts, so there might be still some good ones around. ;) Cheers ! ps. Which linux OS would you recommend for current Hi5 l2j server?
  2. bow price?
  3. I got an info that l2control is working on l2sublimity. It's apparently 6.x version. I got 6.2 cracked, I can connect ingame, it says in control server settings "connected ingame port blabla" problem is it doesn't detect character, is that because of server protection ? Or I'm just doing something wrong?
  4. How much you want for an SMF forum logo?
  5. Spent a while searching for this..Is there perhaps a way to edit system folder in a way that allows you to use 1 2 3 4 5 6 etc keys for 2nd bar ? I'm used to playing newer chronicles so feels retarded to play interlude now. ._. Any ideas? Did anyone try doing this?
  6. I'm interested in the Moirai Heavy Set not the duals. xD Do you still have them? If so, drop me the price on the PM. I'm only interested in the heavy set cuz I got everything else I need. Hope we can work out a deal. :]
  7. Free bump. Read your pm bro
  8. Oh ! That's wonderful, can't wait ^_^
  9. You people talk as if never made skills +30, it's similiar - only easier. And how many masteries it took ? If you were lucky from 10 to 30 you could make it with 40-50. Also as the admin said, farm will be easy, since it's pvp server, so no worries about farming, will be wonderful server !
  10. Stop making stuff up u butthurt scrub srsly..
  11. Very promising server, definetily gonna play here with my clan. =)
  12. Very bad server. Full of bots, 99.9% ppl in farm zone are bots on exact same spot for few hours..If you come exping legit, they'll just pk u with maxed gear. Also donations from day 1 with stuff unreachable by normal ppl, some people had full +16 hours after start. Gms don't care about anything except their friends and getting donations. If you don't wanna waste your time - don't bother. =)
  13. Very bad server. Full of bots, 99.9% ppl in farm zone are bots on exact same spot for few hours..If you come exping legit, they'll just pk u with maxed gear. Also donations from day 1 with stuff unreachable by normal ppl, some people had full +16 hours after start. Gms don't care about anything except their friends and getting donations. If you don't wanna waste your time - don't bother. =)
  14. Very bad server. Full of bots, 99.9% ppl in farm zone are bots on exact same spot for few hours..If you come exping legit, they'll just pk u with maxed gear. Also donations from day 1 with stuff unreachable by normal ppl, some people had full +16 hours after start. Gms don't care about anything except their friends and getting donations. If you don't wanna waste your time - don't bother. =)
  15. Surely some post whoring tard like you does.
  16. gamer-l2 = mpoug? And stop giving bullsh1t story, your server got hacked once again today, you are totally clueless twat capable of just talking and stealing other's work. If your actually capable, DO IT, ask your amazing new website designer dev to make a new website from scratch - or is stealing the only thing you are capable of in the end? Trash.
  17. Stay away from this server if you don't wanna waste your time. Admin is total clueless br, he got hacked 5 or 6 times now, a new database just got posted on certain forum.. To add to that, he's a total respectless douchebag too, a friend of mine made website for server for totally free and helped with server in every way possible, when server got hacked 1st time, exiled raged and blamed it all on windguard. After that, server got hacked 4 times and after 4th time he realised it's not website's fault, he put it back up, even tho he didn't have consent to do so from author anymore. Me and couple of friends will make sure such a disrespectful and dumb admin won't waste anybody's time anymore, so avoid this server if u don't wanna waste ur time. =)
  18. I'm supporting you guys with this project ! As soon as section with retail info gets open I'm gonna try to help as much as possible, since idk java at nowhere near ur lvl, guess that's all I can do. Anyway all the best luck and can't wait till it's ready =)
  19. it was kinda amusing tho xD server was fail from day 1, but I stayed around cuz teh dumb joe struggling, was truly funny sight D: even if russians stopped, it'd get ddosed cuz retard joe had to stomp on some ppl's toes with his retarded ego attitude, ah well. (=
  20. And u both can surely see it. =/ These spammers everywhere annoying ><
  21. He implements donations, while every1s botted to the max already. Few smart people tell him to get anti-bot protection and restart server from begining, but he listens to 80% of losers that botted since day 1 and are afraid of actually playing fair. Gonna end up with there being 20 ppl online and him never getting single donation, but well, his choice in being an idiot !
  22. Sounds like those "go to giran church and walk around in circle" hacks. :D If some1 tested it and made a vid or smtn would be cool.
  23. gg lol. Hopefully it doesn't get fixed anytime soon =)
  24. Any clue if l2control or zranger or anything like that works on renewal ? Link plx if so.
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