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About arbil

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  1. nice one , thx for share but it is hard cause u can easly get ban
  2. simply working on your server cause it sux
  3. so repeat your setps and u will find it
  4. changign system is best idea btw i need posts :-)
  5. Nice work , share keep doing but i think u will name your server G4Y x[69]
  6. Is Possilbe to Remove In Game walker info about Target LVL/HP/MP ? Pls Post your opinion or Clue if is ther any , thx in advice. And I need that for making screens and fraps.
  7. Copy and Paste ? and what is this for ? dont say this wil help u in PVP
  8. Thx, but it sux anyway >< i mean if u gonna do screen or fraps
  9. [table][tr][td] LABEL(start) call(bizonrage+zelot+frenzy) delay(80000) call(start) LABEL(bizonrage+zelot+frenzy) USEITEM(Chrono Unitus[iD=5133]) <----- Fist weapon here UseSkill(Bison Spirit Totem) delay(600) USEITEM(Dark Elven Dagger[iD=6356]) <----- Dagger here for fast skill reuse best is (rsk haste)SA UseSkill(Rage) delay(600) CHARSTATUS(HP,<=,30) { UseSkill(Zealot) delay(600) UseSkill(Frenzy) delay(600) USEITEM(USEITEM[iD=8681]) <---- Main weapon HD, DHA or whatever u use RETURN } call(bizonrage+zelot+frenzy) RETURN call(start) [/table] Remove SA in Script example (Cursed Dagger[Rsk.Haste]<--Remove[iD 99999]) It is for DN server when u can use ty+de skills or other Stacking subclass Servers
  10. Hi, All is working but i have question ,Is possible to remove ingame info about HP/ MP monsters and players? thx for help
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