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Everything posted by xB1LLaKoSx

  1. I am looking for interlude faction pvp server like koofs vs noobs,goods vs evils etc Domain only .com .gr .eu .net .info websites.. DONT SUGGEST ME L2 MAFIA SERVER,IT IS A FAILED SERVER WITH KIDS DONATORS...!!
  2. Enchant 70-75% High exp safe-max 3/4-16 some farm non custom or little custom...
  3. Rates: EXp:5000 Sp:5000 Adena:5000 Safe+4 Max+25 Normal 75% Blessed 100% Gameplay: Level Area (This is where your new character is spawned) Farm Area(Safe) Farm/PvP Area Bless Area Apella Armors Custom Weapons 100% Uptime Site: http://www.l2lastresort.info
  4. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189254.0
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189254.0
  6. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=189254.0
  7. Server Rates Experience Info: 5000x Skill Points Info: 5000x Adena Info: 1000x Drop Info: 1x Enchant rates Safe Info: 3 Max Info: 20 normal Scroll: 75% crystal scroll: 79% bless scroll: 85% Features - No Custom server. - C1 - C6 Skills Fully Working. - Fully working C6 Olympiad & Sieges. - Grandbosses Fully working. - Custom PvP and Farm Areas. - Anti-cheat engine client/server protection - Voting System every 15 votes on hopzone you will get 5 pc bang points - Voting Checking. If the player has never voted for the server, he is notified through an EnterWorld message. - MP Potions. - No Weight Penalty. - No Death Penalty. - Pc Bang system. - Clan notice system. - Offline Shops(privatestore/sell required item replaced from adena to Lords Of Coins). Events * Team vs Team: Standard Team vs Team fight with 2 teams. * DeatMatch: Free for all. The one with the most kills wins. * Domination: One zone. 2 teams. If the count of team 1 players inside the zone is greater than the count of team 2 players, then team 1 gets one point per sec. * Last Man Standing: Free for all. The last survivor wins. * VIP Team vs Team: Standard Team vs Team with a random VIP player in both teams. Killing the VIP = +1 score for the team. The VIP is different at each respawn. * Lucky Chests: On start a lot of chests spawns. On click they opens. Theres a chance that the chest explodes and the player dies, and get resurrected a few secs later. The player with the most opened chests wins. * Zombie: One random zombie player chasing the others. If he hits someone he become a zombie. The last non-zombie wins. * Simon Says: In each round Simon the NPC says a random text. The players have to say it too. The last one who says and everyone who says a wrong word lose. The winner of the last round wins. * Double Domination: 2 team, 2 zone. The team gets a score if they hold both of the zones for 10 seconds. * Capture the Flag: Standard Capture the Flag with 2 teams. * Russian Roulette: The event spawns 6 "russian". In each round every player choose one. One of the russian, and everyone who choosed him dies. The survivors of the last round wins. * Bomb Fight: 2 teams. Every player gets a new skill. When they use it it spawns a bomb which explodes after 1-2 seconds and kills everyone in a certain radius. * Mutant: One player become a mutant. The others have to kill him. The mutant have increased stats. If someone kills him, the killer will be the next mutant. If the mutant kills someone he gets a point. The player with the most points wins at the end of the event * Battlefield: 2 teams. There are a few points which the teams can capture. In every second the teams score increased by the count of the points captured by the team. The team with the most poins wins. Castle crest Ownership - Every clan that owns a castle will automatically get its crest onto the corresponding town npcs. Information Voice Command - In case you are bored to log in our forums or read this topic, every player can type .info on chat . By typing this icommand an HTML window pops up and the player is able to read any information he wants, from rates to top player/clans. Items Leveling System - Server has no custom items, although there is a unique Leveling System. The players can buy the simple S Grade or Dark Crystal Armors. Although, if they want extra PvP Resists they have to upgrade their armors. There are 4 Levels and with each level up the player gets an extra resist. In this way the balance is kept and the players simply get a PvP Advantage. Economy - Adena, used for almost everything to be bought in the server. - Coins of Lord, used to buy S grade items and upgrade levels on Armors. NPC - Global Gatekeeper - Full Buffer - Special GM Shop - Custom Shop for Leveled Armors Server Dedicated Machine - Os System :Linux Debian 5. - Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quad-Core - 8 GB DDR3 RAM - 2 x 250 GB SATA-II HDD - Unlimited Traffic website: http://www.l2darkspirit.org
  8. N1..I will add this server for some frags... ( `Suzuuu. here HOTMAN) :D
  9. Osiris buffs are 1 hours and song and dance too.Only cov keep for 45min..And have more than 600 ppl online
  10. axaxa kalo to exw dokimasei..
  11. hahaha nC !!
  12. n1 i want one bag with FOX's logo !!
  13. nC share brO..It helped me.. thnx
  14. This is a hack tool which can enchant some weapons armors or jewels,you can speak with announcements and you can stuck the server when you fall down adenas..... Here is the link to download the file http://www.4shared.com/file/105525063/43265f29/how_to_use_l2phx.html
  15. nC man..it is usefull for 1 hp cause when you fall down you die ....
  16. I know this bug :) and I also play this server ---> Kapsimo
  17. nC dude i check some of these !!
  18. very good brO
  19. nC guide..It is very helpfull gZ!
  20. nC re brO.Very good
  21. Hi re guys!!9a h9ela na m pei opios 3erei pws mporw na ftiaxw enan server sto cs 1.6 non steam giati to hdls m dn douleuei enw pio palia htan GG..loipon opios 3erei as m pei h as m afhsei pm sto prof m.t!!hnx!!
  22. nice share man.8a to dokimasw k 9a s pw
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