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Everything posted by efegue

  1. Finally the time has arrived. The defenders of the castles beat the bells and drag their swords for the magnificent confrontation that is to come. It's time to prove which clan is competitive, which of you has been hard-pressed to get the desired castle! It will be a fantastic weekend, we are just waiting to see what's going to come out. We wish you good luck in the great confrontation! Gludio Castle - 10/06/2017 18:00 GMT+2 Dion Castle - 10/06/2017 18:00 GMT+2 Oren Castle - 10/06/2017 20:00 GMT+2 Giran Castle - 10/06/2017 20:00 GMT+2 Aden Castle - 11/06/2017 16:00 GMT+2 Goddard Castle - 11/06/2017 18:00 GMT+2 Rune Castle - 11/06/2017 20:00 GMT+2 Schuttgart Castle - 11/06/2017 20:00 GMT+2 Innadril Castle - 11/06/2017 - 18:00 GMT+2
  2. "I Sam take thee Samantha to be my wedded Wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God’s holy ordinance; and thereto I plight thee my troth. With this Ring I thee wed: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.." ~ Saturday 3, 20:00 GMT +2 ~ A wedding full of surprises, with the integration of marriage system on our server we would like to host and pay for one lucky couple the full cost of the wedding, all from the house. At the same time all the guest attending to this memorable event will get to eat from the wedding cake which will boost the "spirit of the party". The event rules and conditions are pretty much simple, you'll have to register your couple in this thread: Rules for couples: - Both of you must be online at least 30 minutes before event starts. - You should be engaged with your partner by using the command .engage nickname - Couples must be formed by a male and female in game. - Couples must be minimum level 40. Rules for guests: - Be online in game at least 30 minutes before event starts. - Be polite and stay organized in line. (We will mark with adena) - Don't pass on the church carpet. (We will warn you with kicks and you will miss the wedding cake at the end of ceremony) - Use the fireworks when the announcement is made and the couples are succesfully married! Gifts: In the end, both of you, couple and guests are rewarded with piece of the delicious "Wedding Cake" which will boost your XP by 10% for 60 minutes. Dear couples, We are glad to introduce to you the new marriage system here on Lineage 2 Evoke. Many couples got married in real life due to finding their right soul mate in the world of Lineage 2 and we believe this feature should be available on our server. Here is a brief guide on how to get married and what benefits comes along with it. How to get married 1. Get engaged with your partner by using the command .engage nickname 2. Make sure your couple have equipped the beautiful: Formal Wear 3. Find NPC Maximilian located in the Church (Town of Giran) and get married by paying the fee of 5.000.000 Adena each. Commands .engage nickname (This command must be used before getting married.) .divorce (If you divorce from your partner you will get a 7 days penalty before being able to engage again.) .gotolove (Teleport to your wife/husband, this command has 1 hour re-use and can not be used while being in combat.) The bride and the groom will receive after completing the ceremony: 3 x Wedding Rice Cake (Increases XP and SP gain by 10% for 20 minutes. Cooldown: 10 minutes. Cannot trade/sell.). If you would like to get married, but the wedding is to expensive for you, join our Lucky Couple event and get a free wedding from the house for free! Read more HERE
  3. Impressive community, after 2 days from launch we hit the impressive amount of 2,000 online players, monday 29th of May! We cannot tell you how glad we are to see all of you enjoying L2Evoke.
  4. We'd like to ask if possible to move us on Live section! The server was successfully launched, thank you very much for your support, your dedication and your faith! Best regards, L2 Evoke Team
  5. Server successfully started with over 1,800 online players! Do not miss the opportunity to play a retail like Interlude server with no customization. www.l2evoke.net L2Evoke Team
  6. Dear community, We'd like to announce you that the account panel is ready to use now! All beta accounts and also the accounts which were created in the last 2-3 days were wiped. You can register your live server account right here ! Do not forget to use the voting system which will bring you more Gems everyday on your balance.
  7. We are very happy to see how our dear community grows daily, today we have the pleasant surprise to cross the threshold of 1,000 users on our forums. What I can say ... It's a fabulous moment, a moment we all enjoy. This says a lot about this project where more or less we all have high expectations. For this moment we have prepared a surprise for you dear ones. We've been thinking of offering you a diversified start, what I mean by this will be explained below. Because we really want to have a nice start, we really want to offer you a quality server, to offer respect to our community, as many of you reward us the same, we will offer a starter bonus pack containing: - Ruthless Mask (Item will disappear after 24 hours) An exclusive mask to show your truly ruthless self! - Mithril Shirt (Item will disappear after 3 days) An exclusive shirt which makes you feel fast as the wind. Description: Song of Wind (5 min. duration) and 20 minutes reuse delay that can be used when equipped the shirt. - Ring of Heir (Item will disappear after 3 days) A unique ring that will ease your burden and make you stronger. Description: +5000 Weight limit
  8. I am using a smartphone, it's been discovered since 2009 or so..I cannot log on fg because I simply cannot remember a generated password. Tomorrow I will be there waiting for your pm's in case you need my assistance of course! By the way Ares, next time when you create accounts here at least select different locations not just Afghanistan :)
  9. Let them "spend hundreds of hours" on our fake server "bro". Don't waste your time "helping" them...they don't deserve your attention! Better play on other servers I saw real devoted administrators.
  10. It will open in the 4th week of May.
  11. This is L2Evoke with its files, actually the files are better and way more fixed than previously server, the fact that we simply updated our extender from 2013 to 2017 brings a lot of changes and that's why we opened beta tests for two weeks. Your capability or judging is pretty low in this case therefor you decided to create this pointless post which proves nothing than you're on Ares side. For your own concern Ares is KaEL, the leader of a corrupted clan, if his clan is corrupted I assume he as GM is corrupted as well, and that's why he was kicked out from staff. This is Ares/Kael e-mail and domain: http://www.boxwind.com/site/en/l2-apoc.com Hope it will clear your mind and will clarify this situation. C4jk was also helped and his clan was able to buy various items from "donation shop" for example: over-enchanted items, boss jewels and power level from Ares(KaEL). We do not open the server to obtain donations, there are few topics on our forum that got an answer about donations and what donate shop will contain, but once again you are blind, you are hand in hand with Ares or you are simply to silly to understand that Evoke is not re-opened for donations. The fact that you mentioned Greece, which also Ares (the corrupt) mentioned once, proves nothing. It only proves how stupid and how close-minded he is, because we didn't post on other forums so if he see flags from greece that's from our moderator which deals with advertisement campaign as well. I am from portugal, if that's your concern, more exactly Funchal, other team members are from Europe and United States. If you really want to play a server without : - Corruptions (Ares style) - Black donations (Ares style) - Java files - free account panels - Lags L2 Evoke is the one to select. We provide a lot of benefits and we do not care about donations or greece which is in "crisis". Opening in summer doesn't mean we open for donations and for short term, that's pure senseless but I cannot expect from everybody to use their brains while talking. We provide 100% bot protection, secured accounts for game, no lags, no rmt's, no corruptions or black donations. Have fun and good luck wherever you choose to play. Feel free to spam this topic, we won't consider too much those posts, we provide support and answers on our forums, which have over 400 users interested of joining, users that trust us and saw that we got a skilled team and a huge potential.
  12. True, it's a shame. I do not usually get involved in such trashes and such scams but they force their hand, soon we will make a post on our forum and hopefully it will end this "drama", and yes, we are the only ones capable to create a low-rate server without those shiny donations that all new wanna be "low-rates" rise up everyday. Less words, we will prove it in game. www.l2evoke.net
  13. As soon as our beta stage ends.
  14. Greetings, L2Evoke Open Beta test has successfully started! There are currently 70 players testing the our features, if you encounter any issues please do not hesitate to contact our staff members in game or on forums. Bring your friends and do not miss the opportunity to play a non-donate server! L2Evoke Team
  15. We can assure you that the files are L2OFF and are exactly the same we used on previously edition.
  16. You are wrong. There's no drama at all, feel free to join the server once it will be live, please come back after few months and write here if we're corrupted or not, until than lets have patience and enjoy the upcoming beta test period which starts on 28th of April. Good servers always bring trash talkers or enemies, we just ignore them because it's pointless to start a war here. We will see what files we got, what staff we have and what drama will start next. Thank you in advance.
  17. Dear friends, Our paid advertisement campaign has started from today, as you can notice we've already selected the most popular Top Sites, Forums or Lineage 2 databases according to website visitors. - Google Ad-words - L2.HopZone.Net - pmfun.com - lineage2.com.pl - top.l2jbrasil.com There are also some Top sites where L2Evoke will be registered in the upcoming days, but the priority was to target the most known ones, Top sites like: - L2Topzone.com - L2op.ru - L2j.lt - Topservers200 Our new Facebook Page is under development, the page will be publish as soon as we are done making it! Until than, we strongly recommend you to visit some forums where our server was published and share your impression about us: - MaxCheaters Thread - Lineage2.com.pl Thread It's our chance to make L2Evoke great again, lets fight together, lets spread the word about L2Evoke and its return on Lineage 2 scene.
  18. Yes, we will setup for beta tests Sieges, Clan Hall Auction and Olympiad.
  19. We are glad to inform you that our Beta Test period has been decided! We need as many as possible to help us testing, therefor we won't setup a login limit. Open Beta will be launched on: 28th April 2017 18:00 GMT+2 Open Beta closing doors on: 5th of May 2017 18:00 GMT+2 Let's schedule a meeting and have a nice conversation on a "pint of wine"
  20. http://forum.l2evoke.net
  21. Hello teliasko, the grand opening will be in May, beta tests will be available on April, in the end of this month more exactly. Take a look on our forums.
  22. L2 Evoke wishes you a Happy Easter!
  23. @SwS - We kept the same donations as before.
  24. Unfortunately you're wrong Skylord. Have a nice day and I strongly suggest to my of your business! -fg
  25. We plan to open it on the beginning of May.
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