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Everything posted by enuben

  1. i used thie method to, but u don't need anymore now coz the waiting time was removed; another method was to make a macro with jumping :)
  2. can u be more specific? ty
  3. hello everyone, if someone knows a nice gather bot/macro that works on off will be great. it's a pain in the ass to stop evry 1 min and gather, when u can let it over night on 1-2h a day to make that alone, right? ;) ty wm
  4. imo th is a good for begginers is easy to play with it, after th go on aw u'll like it better and when u really think u know to play dagger go for pw u'll have a ncie time with it: a lot of crits/leathals = more mana
  5. i'm useing fraps right now, but i'll try this one too so ty
  6. with the ms u'll never kill saggi, self buff, even if u use rapid fire
  7. when u reach end-game (max lvl/full equiped/epics) saggi (full buffed) will pawn any other archer coz of good hp and nice dmg; gh has bigger str but low con that make's him vulnerable to stuns (1 stun is enough if u play glass-cannon type) and ms has to low str, crits often but low dmg; all archers are good in pvp but depends of your gameplay style: u like to stay in the back and hit or u like to go in the first line and aggro your enamys ;)
  8. if the server i play have an autobot that bans every hacks will this program bring me ban?? ty for the share and w8ing for an answer gl
  9. start it long time ago on, c2-c3 don;'t rember good, old extreme serv with a lot of friends, i was fascinated of the medieval world ;D
  10. imo c4 was the best and balanced chronicle
  11. ic+db(focus) and ma set+am(acumean); coz your active skills and buffs will be easy for u in oly, have fun
  12. from pics looks nice but i don';t think we will need better pc's coz they aren't stupid to make a game only for those with nasa pc's, they will lose costumers and money; will be for everybody imo ;)
  13. maybe the pala was low lvl wearing high grade equip and the ws was like 20-30 lvl higher...
  14. ty for the share and for the ids.. i can add them now ;)
  15. hmm reinstal your client...
  16. the stones give random skill's, u can obtain a skill from a mid 70 and u can obtain the same one with a top 76; the bigger the lvl at stone the bigger the lvl at skill
  17. hi, try here http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=27292.0
  18. good job, i saw your art on wrath's forum we are camping him at galaxia's spot not at vortex
  19. ty its very good to know; the prob is that where i play (low rate serv) u get "raid" curse even if u have dlvled your chars from 78 to 65-70 lvl and is very hard to kill it, but i'll keep trying ;)
  20. Giran Town, watching the sky when Dusk won 7s... best view imo
  21. 1x-50x get's my vote; for me 5x-10x serv rates are the best (no gm shop/buffer; retail styel) ;)
  22. HE ftw! best archer if u manage the right dye's
  23. very usefull... i can add that from what i know lvl 10 active skills u can get only from mid/high/top lvl 76 stones; the lower is the stone lvl the lower will be the skills lvl.
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