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  1. Den einai tipota to diskolo. Ftiaxe enan fakelo forum.Katebase apo to smf site to version 1.1 kai perna ola ta arxeia tou mesa ston fakelo tou forum sou. Epita , kane register stin webhost [ www.000webhost.com ] opou otan telioseis to register tha sou stalei sto email ta ftp infos.Username kai password. Katebase ena ftp client [ smartftp kata protimisi ] kai simplirose to domain kai to username kai to password pou sou stalthikan. Kane login , anikse ton fakelo public_html kai perase ekei mesa ton fakelo forum pou dimiourgises. Perimene na teliosei h metafora kai eisai etimos.
  2. Tha sou bgalei ena arxeio.Tha patiseis deksi click -> Extract SQL. Meta tha sou bgalei ena parathiraki , tha patiseis pali start kai tha epilekseis pou thes na apothikeutei to backup. Tha perimeneis mexri na teliosei kai voila!.
  3. Database -> Backups --> New backup --> start
  4. kega , sou eipa ena ekatomirio fores na stamatiseis ta preconfigured packs. Sou einai toso diskolo pia na kaneis compile ena pack kai na doulepseis panw se auto??? Sto greek section exei ena sticky guide gia to compile , ean den ksereis pos na kaneis. -Locked.
  5. Ean thes na ftiaxeis website , min xrhsimopoihseis diskw ( einai to xeirotero ) alla FTP Client.
  6. Sto installation tou mysql bazeis new password kai username. Meta pas sta configs sou kai alazeis ta database infos.
  7. Increase your virtual memory. Do what the critical error says. Control Panel->System->Advanced->Performance->Settings->Advanced->Virtual memory.
  8. Request Dev Help Gr http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=128905.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=128904.0 http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=22606.0
  9. - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78897.0 - Guide - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78900.0 - Websites PS : Min ksanakaneis 2 fores to idio topic.
  10. - http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=78897.0 PS : Lathos Section.
  11. -.-' Kai emeis pou thes na kseroume? Rota sto forum tous i kane pm ston serk.
  12. Tote teliose prota to sxoleio kai meta asxolisou.Den einai liga alla oute kai polla.
  13. Tha ta breis sta bibliopoleia tis perioxis sou.Periexoun OLA ta java methods kai pou xrhsimeuei kai ti einai to kathena.
  14. Kapoios ekane login me 2 paixtes kai efage critical.
  15. Sto gameserver kai sto login tha ftiaxeis tis ip's apo ta properties.
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