We are clearly seeing that from H5 to now the latest update Helios leaked in its version L2OFF, however these files are not available there for poor people, delaying Development also set by developers both java as L2OFF. The problem that several people have such files more ganacia for money is a lot and it opens the eyes of ncsoft with private servers seen it now with the recent removal of several l2j projects saved github still good for backups. It is more than time to release such L2OFF files to the public, of course, it had appeared new good and bad servers, speeds and private projects could all be winners. Of course not many would emerge as a good hardware servers to run L2OFF stable and without lags is required so many noobs filtering servers, not to mention the persecution of the authorities. More we have to have these files with access to all that the l2j has greater progress, and that in the not too distant future the death of officiais servers is not as disastrous and let the fans in dreams. Everyone agrees that at least one more affordable value for such files should exist, since there are people charging between $ 10ke $ 30k between H5 and Glory Days, 40k Lindvior and Valiance, 50k to 100k for Ertheia and Helios that is already pure ganacia for a product which was stolen.
What you guys think of these files become more accessible ?