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Everything posted by R3spawn

  1. I'm sorry, I know this is the wrong section but here are the most of online users... I have very big problem with NPC Buffers on my server... WTF is the problem IDK, but I hope you will help me ... 1st of all, I've try 30 different buffers and no results... 2nd:I've searched here for buffer problems but still with no results... it needs some criteria or bla bla... and I've pasted all codes for .py file from this forum ... please help ... :S Again, I'm sorry for the wrong section.. :S
  2. How can I change the image after logging on the server and after accepting the terms... the image after u chose your character... I mean on loading image... thx.
  3. How can I remove the text when I login to my java server ... This text: -This server is running L2J version 6 dev/unstable created by L2Chef and the L2J Team . visit l2java.com for support Welcome to Bartz L2J Server Version: 3172 L2J Server Build Date:
  4. Can you help me make the merchant_buylist... I'm new in this things and for 1st time I need some help... btw help me and everything will be OK :) ty
  5. This is my Misc shop, test it but IDK why on my server when I press to the shop menu like "potions","scrolls","shots" etc... no window to buy them.. help please ;) Download link: [move]http://rapidshare.com/files/182477127/Misc_Shop_by_Respawn.rar.html[/move] With: Code: <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_multisell ***">font color="FF9933">Potions</font></a> *** = multisell number.xml And [move]http://rapidshare.com/files/182479521/Misc_Shop_by_Respawn2.rar.html[/move] With: Code: <a action="bypass -h npc_%objectId%_Buy ***"><font color="FF9933">Potions</font></a> Which one is correct?
  6. What's the problem with my shop ? its every good when i spawn it and when I press to "potions" menu there isnt another windows with all potions ? where is m problem... srry for the double post.. ;S
  7. And I dont need merchant_buylist sql ??? thx* Is this correct ??? Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/182448805/Misc_Shop_by_Respawn.rar.html
  8. I know that is the wrong section, but I need fast help :( I'm so sorry .. :S
  9. Hello guys.. I know I'm n0ob in makeing NPC's but I started to make 'em :) > My problem is that I don't know how to make the sql file for my misc shop ... btw I've made misc shop and I don't know if it works.. anyone can help me.. :) or I must share it and u will test it ??? thx :* This is my Misc Shop... :) I need help please... Download Link: [move]http://rapidshare.com/files/182437985/Misc_Shop_by_Respawn.rar.html[/move]
  10. Thx :* m8s and srry for the double post.. :S
  11. Why I cant make my Java server public what is wrong... ?????????? this is my loginserver.properties file.. # Bind ip of the loginserver, use to bind on all available IPs LoginServerHostname= this is my whatismyip.com adress LoginServerPort=2106 GMMinLevel=100 # The port, ip on which login will listen for GameServers LoginHostname= cmd adress LoginPort=9014 What's wrong ???
  12. aham .. 0kay :) I'm uploading the picture atm ... somth wrong with my nET .. :P w8 a little bit.. xD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Srry for my bad english xD :P
  13. Hey everyone ! Can anyone tell me how to change the text bellow the Server names after we login with our ID and PWD and accept the terms... The text bellow the server NAMES... if its possible help me :) thx :*
  14. I can't understand u bro... can u explain me better or with Screen where to find the correct sqlPath. Thx
  15. And what I must do if this are very mixed files... I really like to test this pack .
  16. help me please I really like to test this newest pack !:P
  17. Yeah nice share m8, but I can install DB, why... it says Cannot find sql patch and my sql is defaul: c:\program files\mysql\mysql server 5.0\bin and it says it again, WTF ?!
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