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Everything posted by Fllyyper

  1. Description: Blocks players move from one team to another and the species! Credits:Fllyyper Download: http://www.filehost.ro/464722/teamlocker_rar/ Installation: 1. It teamlocker.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It teamlocker.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: teamlocker.amxx Commands: amx_lockt amx_unlockt amx_lockct amx_unlockct amx_lockauto amx_unlockauto amx_lockspec amx_unlockspec
  2. Description: This plugin makes a single stab to kill the enemy (regardless of what life is). Download: http://www.esnips.com/doc/3e4d7feb-6460-4ee2-af25-f3369bf23425/One-Hit-Knife-Kills Name: One Hit Knife Kills Version: 1.3 Credits: Rabid Baboon Installation: 1. It cs_onehitknifekills.amxx put in cstrike / addons / amxmodx / scripting. 2. It cs_onehitknifekills.sma put in cstrike / addons / amxmodx / plugins. 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: cs_onehitknifekills.amxx 4. Give restart to server.
  3. As you know HUD's are very used. They are very simple to do. To not have problems with them take amxx studio and choose the top Generators -> Hud messaje position generator and choose there color, etc. after that click OK. Let me explain how a HUD. set_hudmessage ( red=200, green=100, blue=0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2, channel=4 ) show_hudmessage(id, "") set_hudmessage (red = 200, green = 100, blue = 0, Float: x =- 1.0, Float: y = 0.35, effects = 0, Float: fxtime = 6.0, Float: holdtime = 12.0, Float: fadeintime = 0.1, Float : fadeouttime = 0.2, channel = 4) - is setting, ie position, color and time display. show_hudmessage (id, "") - your message will be displayed here. You can make more of these for more HUD's. set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.33, 0.27, 0, 6.0, 12.0) where color is red ester. 255 0 0 - is red the max is white that is 255 255 255. set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, 0.33, 0.27, 0, 6.0, 12.0) - Where red is like x, y position of. - Is HUD's effects: 0 = Fade In / Fade Out 1 = flickery credits 2 = write out (training room) ex. set_hudmessage ( 200, 100, 0, Float:x=-1.0, Float:y=0.35, effects=0, Float:fxtime=6.0, Float:holdtime=12.0, Float:fadeintime=0.1, Float:fadeouttime=0.2, channel=4 ) - Float: fxtime = 6.0, Float: holdtime = 12.0, Float: fadeintime = 0.1, Float: fadeouttime = 0.2, channel = 4 is the settings that are displaying the effect. More details in here:http://www.amxmodx.org/funcwiki.php?go=func&id=28 Notes: show_hudmessage (id, "") If you use the id when it will not display at all players put 0 instead of id:) ex. # include <amxmodx> # include <amxmisc> # define PLUGIN "Message" # define VERSION "1.0" # define AUTHOR "Fllyyper" public plugin_init () ( register_plugin (PLUGIN, VERSION, AUTHOR) set_task (30.0, "Message", 0 ,_,_,_, 0) ) public Message () ( set_hudmessage (255, 0, 0, 0.33, 0.27, 0, 6.0, 12.0) show_hudmessage (0, "Show message") ) After 30 seconds will be shown a HUD message. Have Fun: P
  4. The tutorial is tested on Ubuntu 7.04. Why do I need? - To play CS on Linux we need Wine: sudo apt-get install wine - Font tahoma.ttf - http://www.4shared.com/file/207816653/2b1f9b54/fonts_tahoma.html - STEAM OK, I got the font, I STEAM, I installed Wine, now what? 1. Installed font tahoma.ttf 2. Once you have Steam, put the executable on the desktop and renamed it steam.exe 3. Opening Terminal and give the following commands: cd Desktop wine steam.exe 4. We follow the installation steps 5. When complete the installation, download the game, you run and voila -- ATTENTION: To play CS on Linux you must have installed the driver for your video!
  5. Description: This is a plugin that: When the bomb explodes, killed prinHeadShot, Last Kill, kill by Grenada, murder by knife, a small show the replay! Credits:Wolfie Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?izdyyzhxnez Installation: 1. It advanced_slowmo.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It advanced_slowmo.sma put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: advanced_slowmo.amxx Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg): adv_slowmo "abcdef" Where: * A - bomb explosion in Slow Motion * B - Final killed in Slow Motion * C - Killed by Grenade in Slow Motion * D - killed with knife in Slow Motion * E - Murdered by Headshot in Slow Motion * F - Special Effects (Slow Motion) - These cvaruri can be changed and during the game by Admin. Demo: For example you only ever amx_slowmo.amxx In effect the old will be just like amxx.cfg: adv_slowmo "ef" Modules required (to remove, the front module below, they are found in the file amxmodx \ configs \ modules.ini): - Engine
  6. # Description: Addons for clanwar (games) with advanced order management. # Changelog: The latest version of Invision War System.Au series was removed all bugs and changed some options. # Credits: MajeStik # Release Date: 01.01.2010 (Beta) 03.01.2010 (Final) # Version: 7.0 # Compatible: Windows & Linux # Language: Romanian (98%), English (50% - plugins and have been translated lang file) # Filesize: 36.4 MB # Total plugins: 28 # Meta List: 5 # Configuration: 5 (server.cfg, meci.cfg, warmup.cfg, lame.cfg, alegeri.cfg) # Tutorial Service: 1 (file. Txt) Link: http://www.filefront.com/15275845/Invision%20War%20System%207.0.rar Containing: Plugins Invision War System * Invision_war_system.amxx - the plugin * Invision_war.amxx - plugin for the second * Invision_vote.amxx - Start survey ready / not ready * Invision_password_remover.amxx - Get password automatically when no one is on the server * Invision_ip.amxx - Show IP addresses in the console gamers (amx_showip) * Invision_knife.amxx - Allows restraining arms rounds of blades * Invision_admins.amxx - Show admins match * Invision_teamtags.amxx - Add tags depending on the team (amx_addtags / amx_removetags) Other plugins * Amx_ss.amxx - take photos players (amx_ss) * Tfts_transfer.amxx - Transfer players from one team to another (amx_t / amx_ct name) Invision War Accounts * OWNER [ abcdefghijklmnopqrstu ] * Administrator [ abcdefijkmnopqrstu ] * Moderator [ abcefijkmnopqrstu ] Changes from version 6.0 A previous version solved the problem tagurilor.In players and they could change their name tags from appearing. In this version (7.0) during the match the name change is impossible. Was realized and a version in English at a rate of 30%. Why only 30%? Since we changed only messages from plugins, those displayed in the chat. Some messages changed. You can make your own settings to match settings runde.In previous version were included in the plugin invision_war_system.amxx. This version will offer the opportunity to make your own settings giving you the following configurations: meci.cfg, warmup.cfg, alegeri.cfg, ask them to cstrike lame.cfg.Acestea where and server.cfg All bugs and errors were resolved. _____________________________________________________________________________ How to play a game - 5 vs. 5 for example (without HLTV) First we set the gameplay that is 5 vs. 5.Tastam order! Meci5 and expect all players to enter the server.Dupa so if you're playing round blades or choices, use the commands! Blades that! Alegeri.Dupa choice of teams, type the command ! teamtags to set tags echipelor.Aceasta help command for easier reading score in order! score.Dupa this text! ready and the game ended the first half inceput.Pentru type! stop.Va be displayed score and a message will says to change echipele.Dupa change teams, type again! ready and the 2nd inning to end the match can incepe.Pentru reapply order! stop. I have given an example of a game you can use complex.Voi many commands you want. _____________________________________________________________________________ Available commands - Orders can be given and admin_ and amx_ Commands in chat: (access to commands are those ADMIN_KICK.La order! Those with money have access amx_ban) ! ready - Upload settings to match and start the first inning ! stop - Stop the first inning. ! ready - Start of 2nd half ! stop - Stop the game ! cancel - Cancel a match ! restart - Restart half (first or 2nd a.Dupa order! score rolling restart began initiala.Daca returns to the 2nd half and the score is 10.2 and 8.7 first inning was over, after ordering! restart the score back to 8-7) ! RR - Restart warmup rounds (heating) ! warmup - Start rounds of heating ! score - View scores (scores can be displayed only during the match) ! demo <name> - Records demo jucator.Pentru stop a demo, that player must stop giving console. ! blades - Start round blades ! <name> kick - kick a player ! <timp> <name> ban - ban a player Yes ! map name> harta> - Change map ! admin - admin Show ! pause - pause Server ! nopause - Take pause Server ! votelame - Start voting round blades ! reportafk <name> - Report player as AFK ! teamtags - Add tags according to team ! meci1 - Upload settings to match 1 vs 1 ! meci2 - Upload settings to match 2 vs 2 ! meci3 - Upload Settings to Match 3 vs. 3 ! meci5 - Upload settings to match 5 vs 5 ! meci1hltv - Upload settings to match 1 vs 1 + HLTV ! meci2hltv - Upload settings to match 2 vs 2 + HLTV ! meci3hltv - Upload Settings to Match 3 vs. 3 + HLTV ! meci5hltv - Upload settings to match 5 vs. 5 + HLTV Images
  7. links don't work .. repair links . or upload on another place
  8. Description: This plugin makes the weapons thrown to the ground to shine in a certain color, set by a cvar. Credits:TheRadiance Download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=611818 Name: Weapon Glow Version: 1.1b Author: Radiance Installation: 1. It wp_glow.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 2. It wp_glow.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 3. Go into addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following line: wp_glow.amxx Cvar's (We enter amxmodx / configs / amxx.cfg, where we can add one of these cvar's): 1. amx_wpglow_mode 0 -> plugin is disabled. 2. amx_wpglow_mode 1 -> If a CT drop the gun, it will become blue, and the terror will become red. 3) amx_wpglow_color green -> last color available. The weapons will glow green. Modules required (go to addons / amxmodx / configs / modules.ini and delete, the front module below): - Fakemeta Images:
  9. »Description: When a player connects / disconnects from the server name appears in chat connected / disconnected with green Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jztfyzmonz2 »Version: 1.1 »Credits:No *mErCy* »Installation: 1. Info_connect.amxx file put in folder addons / amxmodx / plugins. 2. Info_connect.sma file put in folder addons / amxmodx / scripting. 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following line: info_connect.amxx
  10. Description: Admin can see any player, even when the opposing team is "dead" even if the server is set as the player "dead" only to see his teammates. Credits:roby# eoLithic Download:http://www.girlshare.ro/774574.9 Installation: 1. It admin_freelook.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It admin_freelook.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the line: admin_freelook.amxx Have Fun :)
  11. Download:http://www.filefront.com/14749281/eXtAsY%20Models.rar Installation: Unpack to C: \ Program Files \ Steam \ steamapps \ <STEAMACCOUNT> \ counter-strike \ Credits:dANNNdY Property: * T are all Red. * CT are all blue. * This allows you to immediately realize who is T / CT. * With these models you will not eat bullets pulling teammates crazy. * In case FriendlyFire is set to 1, you will realize that you are avoiding to kill opponents teammates! .. Sry i don't have photo [i will come with screenshots]
  12. I made a new Redirect 200 Version 3.0 Why I called you? because once you start the 200 redirect The first to the Internet! It sees and the Steam and NONSTEAM Plans in November he and many others With only 128 of ram can redirect light 10 minimum! Download: http://dl.fisier.ro/files/1jgfp5737frd5po/redirect.rar.html Credits: Valdes Version: 3.0 Download : Information: To open an all redirectele double-click on START ALL If your computer does not cause a 200 redirect to let as many are online one who runs your programs in the PC runs normally, nothing happens at maximum speed! To turn off all redirectele a double-click on END ALL IMPORTANT: Redirect Unzipp IN partition D! as you go otherwise! For example D: / redirect NOT change its name in the redirect! - Otherwise it will not go News Added! : * Plans us Redirect (Approximately 90 plans) * Buttons Start (START 50, START 100 START 150) - represents the number of redirect that you want to ignite! * There are bugs, and is seen among the first to INTERNET * If you want to be redirected to your server players Edit: amxx.cfg - server.cfg * 50 Servers START button - starts the first 50 servers * 100 Servers START button - starts the first 100 servers * START button 150 Servers - starts first 150 servers * Button START ALL Servers - Start all servers Recommendations: * * 128 Ram - 1.6 GHz = 15 to 20 Redirect * * 256 Ram - 1.8 GHz = 25 to 40 Redirect * * 512 Ram - 2.0 GHz = 30 to 50 Redirect * * 1 GB RAM - 2.6 GHz = 35 to 55 Redirect * * 2 GB RAM - 1.8 GHz - 2.8 GHz = 80 to 120 Redirect * * 3 GB RAM - 2.0 GHz - 3.0 GHz = 100 to 140 Redirect * * 4 GB RAM - 2.0 GHz - 3.2 GHz = 150 to 200 Redirect Between 4 GB - 16 GB and you can keep over 200 Redirect If you ever copy this Redirect200 on another site please let your author that's my job! For further information and suggestions YM: joinet_games You recommend that you use it! IN Unzipp partition D: ... to appear like: D: / redirect - otherwise it goes!
  13. Download: This is Version 1.6 normal transformed me! I hope you will like Credits:DjPaulika Download from: NETDRIVE -http://www.netdrive.ws/269149.html DUMP -http://www.dump.ro/fisiere/counter-strike-sovietic-rar/168944/65y5Ylq2Uu8k9ucX FILEBOX -http://www.filebox.ro/download.php?key=tq3iqrfydp7fmss3 Modification: - I updated the information appearing in console - I modified radar - I modified the menu a little H in Romanian - I modified models - I modified blood muuuult realistic - I solved the problem with your CD-Key - I changed all skins - I changed the main menu, new background music from the new menu Info: - Many textures map (WAD's) were modified - The models were modified at a rate of 98% - Sounds were exchanged at a rate of 95% - I created a new menu command that includes commands for managing a dedicated server or locally, a few settings for the game - I patchuit more ... - Does not require cd key, but just in case that is put CD Key is YYYY YYYY every box Author: Djpaulika Game Information: Platform: PC Genre: First Person Shooter (FPS) Release Date: December 26, 2009 Size: Install exe-360 MegaByte / Installed - 300-Megabyte (very little) Compatibility: All Non-Steam servers created by Protocol 47 or 47 & 48 (most). Format:. Exe (Installer) -> includes and function "Uninstall" Minimum system requirements: I. Minimum system requirements Processor: Intel Pentium 3 @ 1Ghz / AMD Athlon 1700 + or Intel Memory: 256MB DDR RAM @ 266 Mhz Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX400 64MB / ATI 8500 (R200) 64MB Hard Disk: 1.2GB Featured II.Cerinte system Processor: Intel Pentium 4@1.86 Ghz / AMD Athlon 2400 + Memory: 384MB DDR RAM @ 400 Mhz Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce Fx5600 256MB / ATI Radeon 9550 256mb Hard Disk: 2GB III.Cerinte system for smooth gameplay without fluctuaje frames per second (fps) Processor: Intel Pentium 4@2.8Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 3000 + for Windows XP, Intel Pentium 4@3.2Ghz / AMD Athlon 64 3500 + for Windows Vista Memory: 512MB DDR @ 400 MHz RAM for Windows XP, 768MB DDR2 RAM @ 533 Mhz for Windows Vista Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT 256MB / ATI Radeon X1600 256MB Hard Disk Space: 2GB Other: 1.Nu are issues like "Send Error", "CD Key", "compatibility" 2.O absolutely wonderful to have a game due to be suneteleor skins and weapons or walls 3.Daca and if problems arise contact djpaulika27@yahoo.com [not da add nothing] 4.Acest game is not pirated! It's just simply changed versinue of my large scale. Image: http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/3336/cstrike2009122718094644.png[/img] http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/4917/cstrike2009122718103741.png[/img]
  14. Download:http://www.djeyl.net/webstats/dlcount.php?id=dJeyL&url=/files/chickenmod- Credits:AnaKim About:-This addon will allow the administrator to turn players into chickens. A can do a single player or a team full -You can change the gravity of hens, speed and life page -You can set the color of the hens (red or blue) depending on the team so that other players know if they can shoot or not in them. -Gain can attack other players. -Gain injured one to leave feathers behind. -Gain can be planted the bomb and leave Grenada HE walk like an egg -Bombs and grenades hens have a particular model. What would be a site: -Metamod -AdminMod Installation: Unpack the archive you downloaded it above in the folder "cstrike" and this will create some files in these folders: -dll -sounds/misc -models After you do that go to cstrike / addons / metamod / metamod.ini and add these lines: WINDOWS: win32 dlls/chicken_mm.dll LINUX : linux dlls/chicken_mm_i386.so Now go to plugin.ini [cstrike / addons / adminmod / config / plugin.ini] and add these lines: WINDOWS: dlls/plugin_chicken.amx LINUX : dlls/plugin_chicken_l.amx Usage: Console Server: c_chicken <id> Examples: c_chicken @ CT (CT all this to turn into a hen) c_chicken (this will make all players hens) -Cvar sites: c_glow <0> set if the chickens to be colored or not; defaultt = 1 c_gravity <numar> setting hens gravity, default = 50 c_health <numar> Initial life setting hens, default = 250 c_maxspeed <numar> speed setting hens, 0 is the speed, default = 240 c_bomb <0> set if the chickens can be planted bomb c_egg <0> set if the chickens can give the HE grenade c_alive you the number of hens alive c_chickens you the number of players "gainizati" -ORDERS Console GAME: access admin = 8192 admin_chicken <tinta>: gainizeaza a player admin_unchicken <tinta>: degainizeaza a player admin_chickenteam <#>: gainizeaza team (1 = Terrorist, 2 = Counter-Terrorist) admin_unchickenteam <#>: degainizeaza team (1 = Terrorist, 2 = Counter-Terrorist) admin_unchickenall: degainizeaza all players admin_chicken_glow <0>: set if the chickens are stains or admin_chicken_hprotect <0>: setting hens life protection admin_chicken_egg <0>: set of hens ability to give up some grenades as eggs admin_chicken_bomb <0>: set of hens ability to plant bomb admin_chicken_health <#>: setting hens life admin_chicken_gravity <#>: setting severity hens admin_chicken_maxspeed <#>: setting hens speed (0 = maximum) Have FUN ! :)
  15. Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Installation Tutorial (For servers Counter-Strike 1.6) Description: Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne is one way for 10 levels, based on a system of skill Freeform, which lets you choose a race with power sati. Besides this and more is shopmenu and shopmenu2 that allows you to buy power Download: http://war3ft.com/downloads/amxx/war3ft_v3.0rc13.zip Name: Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne Version: 3.0 Credits: Geesu & Avanderik Official Link: War3ft.Com Installation: 1.Descarcati file War3ft.Rar 2.Copiati It war3ft.amxx in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3.Copiati file war3ft.sma in addons / amxmodx / scripting 4.Copiat file war3ft.folder in addons / amxmodx / configs 5.Copiati file war3ft.txt in addons / amxmodx / data / lang 6.Va go in addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and type: war3ft.amxx Done !
  16. Description: I created a server protocols Biohazard on 47 and 48 and added to the VAC2 and see the avatars of the steam, to see SteamID on consoles and VALVE Credits:JoiNET Version:1.0 Download: http://www.filebox.ro/download.php?key=azufdsbd0gwze6ns * AMX Mod X 1.81 * Cbooster * Dproto * Metamod Password to unzip is: cs.joinet.ro Plugins Used (plugins.ini) showndead_bug_fix.amxx, fixes a small error in CS trivia, you're dead do not get bored you can play trivia typing in chat / trivia consistency.amxx; to download wads name_management.amxx, kick them to name those ~!@#`%^&!*()|][{}/=+ etc. swear_replacement.amxx, censor certain words from the server admin_freelook.amxx, allows administrators, while dead, to see both teams T / CT restart_game.amxx; commands. restart 688268.amxx, admins have the name of green ; cfg_top10_v3.amxx; http://forum.cfg.ro/showthread.php?t=2163 ; cfg_rank.amxx; http://forum.cfg.ro/showthread.php?t=2472 admin_slash.amxx, orders gag / slay / kick / ban from the chat admin_fix.amxx - adminele sets the protocol it showip.amxx - see IP addresses are players (not included command amx_ipban) -- anti_lag.amxx - sets the player's rates linux_func_rotating_fix_engine.amxx - engineurile fixed on Linux linux_func_rotating_fix_fakemeta.amxx - fakemata for not having fixed bugs gamenamechanger.amxx - change the name of the game of Counter-Strike in a desired name hpk2.amxx - Plugin kicked out players with great PING private_chat.amxx - private chat amx_diverse.amxx - various commands in chat and console players / admins ultimate_who.amxx - When you type admin_Who, amx_who you admins appear in a motd ghostchat.amxx - the dead can speak to the living biohazard.amxx - source zombie The version on Linux and my first server I did the 0:) Below and the version of Windows: P Reviews?!: D Contains: * Sounds * Models * Waduri * Plans * GFX
  17. [move]Cs 1.6 Shares:[/move] [Addon]Wide Addons - Biohazard Zombie Mod [share]Counter-Strike Carbon v1.1 [Plugin]No Rush [Plugin]Leader Glow [Plugin]Bullet Damage [Plugin]Swear-replacement [Plugin] BackWeapons [Plugin] Sticky Nades [Plugin]Fog [Plugin]Grenade Sack [Plugin]C4Timer Sprite [Plugin]Multi Jump [Plugin]New Unlimited ammo [Plugin]Admin Slash [Plugin]Public Rules [Plugin]Automatic Knife Duel [Plugin]TeamLocker [Plugin]One Hit Knife Kills [Plugin]Say Message [Plugin]Colored flashes [Plugin]Admins Online [share]Redirect protocol 47+48 [steam & NoSteam][1.6][Win] [Tutorial] Start Cs Server with Windows [Tutorial]How to create your own configuration [Tutorial] How to change the color of chat [Cs1.6] [info]HLTV Everything you need to know about it [Tutorial] how to defend only "You server it's out of date" [Win+Linux] [Tutorial]Left menu edit cs 1.6 [Tutorial] How To get target at your Awp [Tutorial]How to Lose SVC_BAD [Windows & Linux] [Tutorial] Menu transparent CS 1.6 [Tutorial]: How to install BoosterLite + [Tutorial]How many Internet servers (Client NonSteam) [share]HLSW(shows status of any server) [Tutorial] Add admin models Cs 1.6 [win] [Tutorial] How do you abstain from abuse admins [Tutorial] Anti-Crack WebMode (Any existing version) [Tutorial] FPS HIGH cs 1.6 [Tutorial] Increase speed to download resources [Tutorial] entrance music server [motd.txt] 1.6 [server 1.6 Full] Protocol 47 & 48 [AmxModX] [Win] [Addons]Fun Knife-Arena + CSDM Cs 1.6 [Addons]Respawn Win Cs 1.6 [Addons] ZM [AmxModx] Cs 1.6 [Addons]Public AMXX v1.8.1 Cs 1.6 [win] [share]Timer16 cs 1.6 Plugin [Plugin] CSDM Teambalance Cs 1.6 [Addons]Hide-N-SeeK [share] Protection AntiCSDOS] [linux] Cs 1.6 [share] Maps Pack Cs 1.6 [share] Cs 1.6 Models+Plugin [ Hats ] [share]Cs1.6 plugin Amxx client_ratefull [share]AMX Super Cs1.6 plugin Amxx [share]Server Cs 1.6[Full] 47+48 No lag! [share]CS 1.6 Transformed to CS Source [Plugin] AFK Kicker Cs 1.6 [share] Ultimate Gore[Plugin] Cs 1.6 [Plugin] Multi Sv_downloadurl Cs 1.6 [Plugin] Ping Faker Cs 1.6 [share]Cs 1.6 Background Editor [Addons] DEATHRUN cs 1.6 [Addons]Addons for Linux cs 1.6 [share]Counter Strike 2010 Gothic Edition v. 3.1 [share]Counter Strike 1.6 v7 standard [Addons]Zombie Infection v1.2 [share]Server Zombie 47+48+Vac2 [ LINUX ] [Mod] War3FT M0D(Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne) [Mod]ChickenMod [ AdminMod ] Cs 1.6 Windows+Linux [share]Counter Strike Sovietic 1.6 normal transformed [Tutorial] How to have small target! [share]Redirect Server200 V3.0 [ Steam & NonSteam ] [47+48][win] [share]eXtAsY Models [share]HLTV Models [Plugin]Admin FreeLock [Plugin]Info Connect [Plugin]Weapon Glow [share][Addons]Invision War System 7.0 Linux & Windows [EN & RO] [share]Plugin Advanced Slow Motion [Tutorial] How to play CS on Linux [Tutorial]About HUD's [AMXX] [Plugin]One Hit Knife Kills [Plugin]TeamLocker
  18. Description: how a Biohazard Zombie addons. Contains: Amxmodx 1.8.1, 1.7.0 Booster, Dproto 3.5 Download: http://www.girlshare.ro/760670.9 Version: 1.0 Credits: Il3gal Plugins: ; Base admin.amxx; plugin for the admin admincmd.amxx, the admin commands (kick, ban, slay, etc ...) multe_pluginuri.amxx, Plugins for the finger , Administrative amx_who.amxx; View online admins and their levels (amx_who / admin_who) comenzi.amxx; A range of commands for admin ; Anti Coded anti_codati.amxx; imbimate Various plugins for help finding encode ; Statistics statsx.amxx; plugin statistics (top, rank) statsx2.amxx, Showing the best player of the round miscstats.amxx; events counter-strike prepare.amxx, Sounds from the beginning of the round, headhsot. timeleft.amxx; View time left on the server (timeleft, thetime) ; Messages mesaje.amxx; Show messages in chat (colored) and HUD (see picture) ; Miscellaneous diverse.amxx; Various plugins finger on me ; incalzire.amxx; Round Heating in blades (to let you go to the polls at the beginning of round) stuck.amxx; If you stay stuck in something you unlock amx_parachute.amxx, pressing 'e' you left lasermine.amxx; lasers on a server multijump.amxx, press space several times and jump bullet_damage.amxx, how much dmg i do enemy join_ip.amxx; Show when someone connects to the server cfg_gef.amxx; Effects super to Grenada cfg_criticalstrike.amxx; effects as you take great life ; Biohazard plugins biohazard.amxx, plugin based bio_smokeflare.amxx, transforms into the lamp's smoke bio_painsounds2.amxx, Sounds cool server Administrative Orders: amx_who - check the server admins and their levels admin_who - check the server admins and their levels amx_pass - put a password to the server amx_unpass - Scotland password on the server amx_t - move a player to terror amx_ct - move a player from CT amx_spec - move a player to spectators amx_ss - 3 photos of a player do amx_demo - doing demo to someone amx_stopdemo - Stop demo amx_destroy - cs destroy someone's amx_showip - see IPs players (not the administrator) amx_quit - applying this command on a player, it leaves the CS II amx_llama - Llama giving someone amx_unllama - Scotland llama someone amx_restart - you restart the round amx_restartround - you restart the round amx_shutdown - stop serveru amx_autokick (0 / 1) - automatically kick AFK (1 - on, 0 - off) amx_buytime - change your buytime amx_c4timer - change time bomb amx_fadetoblack (0 / 1) - screen is black when player die (1 - on, 0 off) amx_forcechasecam - <1 = 0 = Spec Anyone Only Team 2 = Spec His Own Dead Body amx_forcecamera - <0 = free 1 = Only First Person Spec amx_footsteps - Stairs Listen <1/ON or 0/OFF amx_freezetime - freezetime set your server amx_friendlyfire - set your friendlyfire (1 - on, 0 - off) amx_hostagepenalty - The number of hostages killed to get kicked amx_autoteambalance - balance teams amx_limitteams - how many players to enter a team (eg amx_limitteams <5>) amx_maxrounds - maximum of rounds on a server (eg amx_maxrounds 4 - 4 rounds are on the server) amx_roundtime - roundtime set your server amx_timelimit - timelimit set's (timelimit = time to change the map) amx_tkpunish - Tero will receive slay for a round (1 - on, 0 - off) amx_startmoney - money that will be set on the server amx_alltalk - Allows each player to hear Mic Chat <1/ON or 0/OFF amx_gravity - set gravity on a server amx_allow_spectators - It lets viewers <1/ON or 0/OFF> amx_decalfrequency - time required between each spray Decal <secunde> Public Orders: bind v + setlaser - you can put lasers amx_who - Check the server admins and their levels admin_who - Check the server admins and their levels amx_showip - see IPs players (not the administrator) / Maps - maps showing the last 5 played on server / Reset - reset score / Resetscore - reset score Modules : ; Module disabled , mysql , sqlite ; nvault ; regex ; Modules Activate fun engine cstrike CSX fakemeta hamsandwich sockets geoip Grade Admin ( AMX_WHO ) ;"Owner", ;"God", ;"Super Moderator", ;"Moderator", ;"Administrator", ;"Slot" ;"abcdefghijklmnopqrstu", ;"abcdefghijkmnopqrst", ;"bcdefghijkmnop", ;"bcdefghijk", ;"bcdefghij", ;"b"
  19. http://rapidshare.com/files/15859641/csc30.exe Try this man :)
  20. Description: Show how you take in life when you shoot his enemy. The downside is that some players will shoot through the wall on purpose to see if there is any enemy in that place ... resembles less the wall:) Credits:Kindu http://www.esnips.com/doc/1aba0832-13a4-49f8-ae92-aa458126a24d/Bullet-Damage-AMXX-www.extreamcs.com Installation: 1. It bullet_damage.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It bullet_damage.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: bullet_damage.amxx Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg): bullet_damage 1 to 1 [plugin is enabled], 0 [plugin is disabled]
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