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Everything posted by Fllyyper

  1. Description: When someone swearing on a server plugin will automatically replace it with a player's mesja default (ie do not curse promise!) Credits: crazy.cipry Installation: 1) put in swearwords.ini file amxmodx / configs 2) file replacements.ini put in amxmodx / configs 3) file swear.sma put in amxmodx / scripting 4) file swear.amxx put in amxmodx / plugins 5) add the swear.amxx in amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/119990285/Plugin_swear_replacement.rar.html
  2. Description We provide primary weapon back to the Rambo when you use a gun. Credits: Maurice Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/76011700/backweapons.amxx.html Instructions Enter backweapons in hlds / cstrike / amxmodx / plugins. After entering the hlds / cstrike / amxmodx / config / plugins and add the following line: backweapons.amxx thats All;)
  3. Description: Grenazile stick to objects / players! Credits: AnaKim Download: http://www.esnips.com/doc/ad8fff5a-8d4f-49c6-b370-b4f3289c3855/Sticky-Nades-AMXX-www.extreamcs.com Installation: 1. It stickynades.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It stickynades.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: stickynades.amxx Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg): amx_sticky_nades 1 to 1 (plugin enabled) 0 (plugin is disabled) Modules required (to remove, the front modules below, they are found in the file amxmodx \ configs \ modules.ini): - Engine - FakeMeta
  4. Description: This plugin makes the best players to shine. One of the T and one from CT. Credits: TabMax Download: http://www.esnips.com/doc/53e157a4-660e-40bb-b6e6-c12ed76093f3/LeaderGlow-AMXX-www.extreamcs.com Installation: 1. It leaderglow_plugin.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It leaderglow_plugin.amx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: Code: leaderglow_plugin.amx
  5. Description: This plugin creates fog on the server. Unlike other plugins that option can be stopped / started. Download:http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=75478 Credits: shine771 Installation: 1. It advanced_fog.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It advanced_fog.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: advanced_fog.amxx Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg): amx_fog_default <1 / 0> - The game begins with fog (Default - 1) amx_fog_amount <1.9> - Density Cetei (Default - 1) Administrative orders (to type in the console, you must be an administrator to flag "f" [the map]): amx_fog <1 / 0 - on / off> <RGB> <Densitatea> - Proneste and set fog.
  6. Description: This plugin allows you to keep more grenazi when they buy or when they take on bottom. Credits: L@ur Download:http://www.esnips.com/doc/526dd480-3f46-48f5-aa3e-2768315bf18e/Grenade-Sack-AMXX-www.extreamcs.com Installation: 1. It grenade_sack.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It grenade_sack.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: grenade_sack.amxx Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg): mp_max_fb 2 - the maximum number grenazi blinding (flashbang) mp_max_fb 2 - the maximum number grenazi explosive (HE) mp_max_sg 2 - the maximum number grenazi smoke (SmokeGrenade) * The minimum grenazilor must be 2! Modules required (to remove, the front modules below, they are found in the file amxmodx \ configs \ modules.ini): - Engine - CStrike
  7. Description: This plugin shows the seconds remaining until the bomb blast sites using sprites. Credits: AnaKim Download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=89932 Installation: 1. It c4_timer_spr.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It c4_timer_spr.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: c4_timer_spr.amxx 4. It clock_digits.spr put in cstrike/sprites/c4_sprites (you can find in the archive sprites.zip) »Cvar sites: c4_sprite_timer 1 / 0 - on / off (default 1) c4_sprite_scale - sprite's size (default 0.6) »Module: Engine Fakemeta Hamsandwich
  8. Description: This plugin forces players to not pass the half map. I miss the admins to give Slay in case of rush. Download: http://www.esnips.com/doc/914ce842-0f92-4003-a03e-8b56e7230146/No_Rush Credits: Kindu Installation: 1. It GHW_No_Rush.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting. 2. It GHW_No_Rush.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins. 3. Go into addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add at end: GHW_No_Rush.amxx 4. It no_rush_maps.ini put in addons / amxmodx / configs / Cvar sites: NR_enabled 1 / 0 - on / off (default 1) NR_fence 1 / 0 - enable / disable "fence" linear. (default 1) NR_twopeople 1 / 0 - enable / disable can shift half when only 2 players remain. (default 1) NR_checktime - of many in how many seconds to check if a player passes the line. (default 2.0) NR_redrawtime - of many in how many seconds are "redrawn" line. (default 15.0) NR_fencealpha - how transparent is the "fence". (default 200) 0 = invisizil 255 = Solid NR_punishment - penalty following passage lines. (default 1) 1 = slay 2 = 'move' the player back. NR_fencecolor - color lines. (default green) = green. * Red * Green * Blue * Yellow * Orange * Pink * Indigo * White * Random
  9. Description: With this plugin can do more jumps, in the air! Download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=10159 Credits:Panciz Installation: 1. It multijump.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It multijump.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: multijump.amxx 4. Other steps needed .... Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg): amx_maxjumps 1 [def] - each player can do jumps amx_mjadminonly 0 [def] - only admins are allowed to be able to do more jumps Modules required (to remove, the front module below, they are found in the file amxmodx \ configs \ modules.ini): - CStrike - Fun - Fakemeta
  10. Description: With this plugin every player who enters the server has infinite bullets from any gun .. and not draw incontinu is reload! Credits: Alican, Shaman Version: 1.0.1 Download: Amx http://rapidshare.com/files/143695105/ne_unlimitedammo.amxx.html Sma http://rapidshare.com/files/143695217/ne_unlimitedammo.sma.html Installation: 1.Fille ne_unlimitedammo.amxx you put in addons \ amxmodx \ plugins 2.Fille ne_unlimitedammo.sma you put in addons \ amxmodx \ scripting 3.enter in addons \ amxmodx \ configs \ plugins.ini and add at end: ne_unlimitedammo.amxx .:Cvars:. ne_uammo_enable 1 (ON/OFF)
  11. Description: you can slap / slay / kick / ban from the chat:)! Download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=14644&highlight=admin+slash Credits:Mangrapes »Installation: 1. It admin_slash.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting. 2. It admin_slash.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins. 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: admin_slash.amxx * / Slap <name/part of name> <power> * / Slay <name/part of name> * / Kick <name/part of name> * / Banip <name/part of name> <time> <reason>
  12. Description: This plugin shows the screen has some Regula your server required. Download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=16393 Credits:AnaKim Installation: 1. It public_rules.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting. 2. Public_rules.sma and you get compilamaici. 3. It public_rules.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins. 4. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: public_rules.amxx 5. To submit messages / rules have to do a text document in folderu C: \ HLDS \ cstrike or where you should put the server. Ok you did in the New text written rules do you defend every player ie - No camping - Not cursing others - Do not come on this server coded - Do not do commercials etc.. All you can add custom, that is what you want. After you have added rules that save your text rules.txt (Remember, in the cstrike folder must be rules.txt) Cvar sites: rules_interval - range from how long to appear regularly rules_admin_only - Take control / rules to use normal user, meaning customers can not use the command / rules rules_hudmessage_time - How long to pain / We 'il be rules when they are shown to the customer by HUD message. rules_join_timeout - after how long to show the rules of a user / client when they join the server Orders: rules_show - Show rules added rules.txt rules_enable - Set to 0 for no messages appear automatically say / rules - Show a user rules (he must write / rules, user, client. anyway.)
  13. Description: With this plugin you can cause an opponent to a knife duel when you only stayed alive, rubbing the blade wall. Credits:Zuza Download: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=87676 Installation: automatic_knife_duel.amxx place it in cstrike \ addons \ amxmodx \ plugins and end in plugins.ini add the line: automatic_knife_duel.amxx Modules needed -fun -fakemeta
  14. Description: Blocks players move from one team to another and the species! Credits:Crawling Download: http://www.filehost.ro/464722/teamlocker_rar/ Installation: 1. It teamlocker.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It teamlocker.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: teamlocker.amxx Orders: amx_lockt amx_unlockt amx_lockct amx_unlockct amx_lockauto amx_unlockauto amx_lockspec amx_unlockspec
  15. Description: This plugin makes a single stab to kill the enemy (regardless of what life is). Download:http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=70284 Name: One Hit Knife Kills Version: 1.3 Credits: Rabid Baboon Installation: 1. It cs_onehitknifekills.amxx put in cstrike / addons / amxmodx / scripting. 2. It cs_onehitknifekills.sma put in cstrike / addons / amxmodx / plugins. 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: cs_onehitknifekills.amxx 4. Give restart the server.
  16. Description: A message in chat when any player on the server say something. (It will appear just his) Credits:Chuck. Download: http://fisierulmeu.ro/65XJ8LH6HQFY/Say-Message-www-rostrike-com-rar.html Installation: 1. It say_message.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It say_message.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: say_message.amxx
  17. Description: With this plugin you can color flash! Credits: AnaKim Sma:http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=3259&d=1121349659 Amx: http://www.amxmodx.org/plcompiler_vb.cgi?file_id=3259 Off Link : http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=15241 Name: Colored Flashbangs Author: v3x Version: 1.0 Installation: 1. It colored_flashbangs.sma we will put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. It colored_flashbangs.amxx we will put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. We go in addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the line colored_flashbangs.amxx Cvar sites: amx_fb_mode 0/1/2 * 0 - off * 1 - color specified by cvar's (see below) * 2 - Random color amx_fb_r - the amount of red (default 255) amx_fb_g - the amount of green (default 25) amx_fb_b - the amount of light blue (default 25)
  18. Description: This plug-in message looks permanent UN top left corner how many and if they are admins online. The message appears in green or red when you are admins are admins online. Credits: Madox Download: http://www.esnips.com/doc/b2e0f13b-8dc1-4452-8a1a-d0ef16a96a14/Admins-Online-AMXX-www.extreamcs.com Installation: 1. It admins_online.sma put in addons / amxmodx / scripting 2. Fille admins_online.amxx put in addons / amxmodx / plugins 3. Come to the file addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini and add the following: admins_online.amxx Cvar's (add to the file amxmodx \ configs \ amxx.cfg): amx_showadmins 1 to 1 (plugin enabled) 0 (plugin is disabled)
  19. This redirect is among the first servers to the Internet, allow customers Steam and NoSteam .. Update made to date, without any error, it works perfectly. [Tested by me]. Go into cstrike folder and search server.cfg ... there change to your preference .. - Hostname (name server redirect) - Amx_rd_server ... (ip public server to which you want to redirect players) Credits:Fllyyper Download:http://fbx.ro/3y129o2drj8fh7mm
  20. Credits:La@ur Download: :( its not alowed .. Description: This program is actually pirated version of Steam's, meaning that you will not be forced to pay for the games below: AstroPop Deluxe Bejeweled 2 Deluxe Bejeweled Deluxe Bookworm Adventure Deluxe BigMoney Deluxe Bookworm Deluxe Chuzzle Deluxe Codename Gordon Condition Zero Counter-Strike Counter-Strike: Source Dark Messiah Day of Defeat Day of Defeat: Source Day of Defeat: Source Beta Deathmatch Classic Defcon Dynomite Deluxe Eets Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe Half-Life Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Hammer Heads Deluxe Heavy Weapon Deluxe Iggle Pop Deluxe Insaniquarium Deluxe Opposing Force Pizza Frenzy Deluxe Poker Superstars II Race - the WTCC Game Rag Doll Kung Fu Red Orchestra: Ostfront Ricochet RoboBlitz Rocket Mania Deluxe Talismania Deluxe Team Fortress Classic Typer Shark Deluxe Zen of Sudoku Zuma Deluxe Installation: Download the program, unzip it and install in C: \ Pacsteam (it's best for several reasons) Installation is quick, let's Next few and after Finish and that was it! To install a game from those listed above have to make a new Steam account, (do not use the original one, one that you paid ... that if you have) Now you regarding your account login, going to the Games menu and there will appear a lot of games. Get Right Clicca who you want to install and I give Install Game! Get Next whenever required by law to wait until the game is 100%
  21. Credits:Fllyyper The simplest would be the startup directory in the Start Menu - Make a shortcut to hlds.exe - Properties on the Shortcut to give hlds.exe - The target added to the end so that the whole line look like: C: \ blah \ blah \ hlds.exe-console-game cstrike + ip + maxplayers 20 (or how many you want) + map de_dust2-nomaster and what you want - Shortcut to hlds.exe was that you put in your Start> Programs> Startup Another option would be by creating a new service in XP - HLDS - Download FireDaemon - You install - Starts - Press the first button to the left (Create a new service definition) - In the Program tab, the Short Name and Display Name write HLDS - Select the box next to that says "Console Application" - The executable select hlds.exe (you know where alpha) - Working Directory to select the folder in which there hlds.exe - Parameters to write-console-game cstrike + ip maxplayers ip.ul.tau.extern + 20 + map de_dust2-nomaster and what you want - Then in the Settings tab, the Show Window select "Hidden" - To select Automatic Start-up Mode - To select Restart the Upon Program Exit Program - Select casutza "Graceful Shutdown" - Press the Install button down Now every time I start the computer, hlds site will start automatically but you will not see this, you do not panic .. server actually started (that's if you did what I said above). How do you find it:>?
  22. Credits: Fllyyper To begin using the original config. (You can find in CS folder / cstrike / config.cfg) Bind'urile - Using an order of CS on a certain key. Alias'urile - Running multiple commands just by pressing a key. Bind'urile bind "tasta" "comanda" Example # 1: bind "DELETE" "+attack" The bind above, I put that when you press the DELETE key to shoot a gun. Example # 2: bind "F1" "colt;vesthelm;buyammo1" The bind above, we have the F1 key to buy the colt, vest, and ammunition for the gun. Note: If you want to buy more items, put between them signal. Example # 3: bind "g" "Flash, Flash, hegren; sgren" We moderation 2 flash'uri, a grenade and a smoke. Example # 4: bind "d2" "admin/amx_map dust2" When we key in the console D2 will automatically change map. Instead of admin / amx_map, we can make any order! Alias'urile Alias'urile are useful when you want to execute commands at the same time 2. Example # 1: alias jump "+jump;+duck" bind "SPACE" "jump" Now, when you press SPACE key, jump and go on your knees. Script'uri More alias'uri and bind'uri together to form a script. Sample Script # 1: Bunny Hop: alias +_bhop "alias _special bhop_;bhop_" alias -_bhop "alias _special" alias bhop_ "-+;wait;special" alias -+ "bhop+" alias bhop+ "+jump;alias -+ bhop-" alias bhop- "-jump;alias -+ bhop+" bind "space" "+_bhop" All AKAs / Scripts / Binds be put in config.cfg
  23. Description: HLTV is a program that allows you to make a direct connection to a server, Half-Life (this includes how CS) and with whom you or to record demos with match times will allow you to do you live on the Internet that match . HLTV demos you to view a game that took place and what was recorded. You can see from any point of view while playing a demo, making it useful for catching those encoded or learning new tactics. Credits:La@ur Connecting to a HLTV: 1. Search for a game HLTV To find a game using HLTV, start Steam Steam menu and select Servers. Window that appears after you click daceti Spectator (if you do not have Steam, the CS menu click on Find Servers> Spectator). There was a will see a huge list of servers and you can choose what server you will find using the Change filters. After the updated list, double-click a server where you will connect and you go as a spectator. 2. If you already have IP address If you already have HLTV's IP address from which you want to connect, you can add to favorites or you can manually accessed by typing the following command in the console game: connect x.x.x.x:PORT x.x.x.x - is IP PORT - is usually 27,020, but may change How do you on the Internet: First HLTV.exe start button and a console. This we find in the main folder where you installed the server / game, near HL.exe and other files. You can give your server name by running: name "eXtream HLTV" extremely HLTV - put any name you want The next step is to connect HLTV's a CS server. Enter the HLTV console command: connect x.x.x.x:PORT x.x.x.x - is IP PORT - is usually 27,015, but may change After you connect to the server, you can type the command status and will receive information on that server. * So remember, HLTV sites usually use port 27020 and CS servers usually use port 27015! Camera angle: Considering that you are already connected to a CS server using HLTV, you can watch the game from several angles. Press key 'Jump' (usually used for jumping - Space) or change the key back through the 'Duck' (usually used for sitting - Ctrl) Registration of the game which takes place: HLTV console type the command: record name-demo The demo you can stop using the command: stoprecording Demo files are saved in the \ cstrike. All demo files have names after the format below (name, AALLZZ, map): <name> - <date> - <map>. dem View demos recorded: Demo file must exist in the folder cstrike \ the game. If it's ok, go in the game and type: playdemo nume-demo or viewdemo name-demo Connect IP: Port - connect HLTV in a game (initial port 27015) disconnect - disconnects from the server's HLTV, but not close and HLTV.exe application. All clients connected to it stay connected. Stop following - will disconnect from the server, disconnects and customers and stop the HLTV demo recording. Text word stands for a possible farewell message to be displayed in defeat. quit - close the HLTV.exe retry - Retry last connection called autoretry 0 | 1 - 0 (not Retrying connection), 1 (if the connection is interrupted, automatically redials HLTV server CS) text name - set name table score HLTV hostname text - set HLTV name's serverpassword text - set the password game grant the following - set password for RCON and commentator proxypassword text - set the password for other sites HLTV spectatorpassword text - set password for spectator clients - displays the names of persons connected to HLTV Proxies - displays other sites connected HLTV players - displays the names of people who play right now ID kick - kick a spectator on HLTV IP Bann - restrict an IP address clearbanns - removes all IPs restricted say text - send a message in the game where you can chat with players text msg [<durata> <pozita x> <pozitia y> <culoare hex rgba>] - sends a great message (HUD) to all viewers localmsg text [<durata> <pozita x> <pozitia y> <culoare hex rgba>] - like the msg, just visible only to clients on HLTV servercmd row - forward command in the console game clientcmd group string - forward command to all customers in specified group (groups: 1 = spectators, 2 = HLTV's, 3 = all) n loopcmd id string - loopcmd will run 'string every' n 'seconds. 'id' is a number between 1 and 64 to identify the loopcmd. "nothing loopcmd id" will disable a control loop again. 'loopcmd' without any parameter will list any command from the list signoncommands string - console commands to be executed by local spectators after the connection was established. Orders can be separated semicoloane. maxclients n - set the number of spectators on HLTV (originally 128) delay n - slows the game play for n seconds. Initial value is 30 seconds to avoid codes. If the delay is set at a value below 10 seconds (eg 0), the function will disable direct authority. rate n - count the game speed to send data to HLTV Updater n - game updates per second sent from server to HTLV maxrate n - sets the speed of sending data to spectators maxloss f - set acceptable rate of loss of data, the initial value is 0.05 (5%). If the loss is greater, new audience trying to connect will be rejected. maxqueries n - the maximum state of questions per second required rasfoitoarele server [here not sure what he means] dispatchmode 0 | 1 | 2 to 1 (will redirect to other players that connect HLTV's working to balance each other), 2 (any spectator will be redirected), 0 (redirection is off) publicgame 0 | 1 to 1 (server IP address will be visible to spectators and players will be allowed entrance) offlinetext string - those that connect to HLTV will receive a rejection message if it does not deliver yet chatmode <0 | 1 | 2> - 0 (spectators can not talk), 1 (only connected to the same HLTV spectators can talk to each other), 2 (all spectators can talk to each other) bannerfile file - set a TGA file (rgba) logo will be displayed as the spectators ping IP: Port - HLTV ping to a server on the specified port (port originally 27015) nomaster 0 | 1 - If enabled, HLTV sites will not register as WON servers forcemaster 0 | 1 - if activated, will record HLTV sites WON servers heartbeat - sends a packet data manually WON servers region n - sets the region in which there's HLTV rcon string - send a command to other servers rconaddress IP: Port - sets the address where it will be sent to the rcon command string rconpassword string - set password for your control HLTV cheeringthreshold f - here I understood what he was saying ... (originally 0.25) blockvoice 0 | 1 - If enabled, any voice will be blocked cmdlist - displays all available commands (ie those which are explained here:)) logfile 0 | 1 - stop | start logging in a file with a. log status - displays information about the state's HLTV modules - shows all versions and modules HLTV's filename exec - execute a configuration file (extension. cfg) string echo - displays a text to HLTV console developer 0 | 1 - display additional messages in the 'developer' record filename - records all the games in demo files after syntax: "filename-<date> - <harta>. DEM" stoprecording - stops recording a demo playdemo filename - starts broadcasting a demo file to connect to the HLTV * N = is a number * String = is a string
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