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  1. Nightw0lf's post in limit attack speed and casting speed code for acis 382 was marked as the answer   
    line 209 for casting speed
    public int getMAtkSpd() { return (int) calcStat(Stats.MAGIC_ATTACK_SPEED, 333.0 * ((_activeChar.isChampion()) ? Config.CHAMPION_SPD_ATK : 1), null, null); } change it to
    public int getMAtkSpd() { int speed = (int) calcStat(Stats.MAGIC_ATTACK_SPEED, 333.0 * ((_activeChar.isChampion()) ? Config.CHAMPION_SPD_ATK : 1), null, null); if (speed > 2000)// if speed is higher than 2000 speed = 2000;// set speed 2000 return speed; }  
    on line 237 for attack speed
    public int getPAtkSpd() { return (int) calcStat(Stats.POWER_ATTACK_SPEED, _activeChar.getTemplate().getBasePAtkSpd() * ((_activeChar.isChampion()) ? Config.CHAMPION_SPD_ATK : 1), null, null); } change it to
    public int getPAtkSpd() { int speed = calcStat(Stats.POWER_ATTACK_SPEED, _activeChar.getTemplate().getBasePAtkSpd() * ((_activeChar.isChampion()) ? Config.CHAMPION_SPD_ATK : 1), null, null); if (speed > 1500)// if speed is higher than 1500 speed = 1500;// set speed 1500 return speed; }  
    if you want to do it for each class you have to add "if/else if/else" the final else i gave you in the examples if you dont want to handle all classes
    if (getActiveChar().getClassId().equals(ClassId.PHANTOM_RANGER) speed = 1560; // for some class else if (getActiveChar().getClassId().equals(ClassId.SILVER_RANGER) speed = 1600; //for some other class else if (speed > 1500)// final else if for all other classes speed = 1500; this last example is made from the code you shared i am not sure that still fits on acis or not.
    good luck
  2. Nightw0lf's post in AuctionManager was marked as the answer   
    /** * Adding adena by database * @param sellerObjectId * @param adena */ public void addAdenaToSeller(int sellerObjectId, long adena) { int objId = -1; try (Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT object_id FROM items WHERE item_id=57 AND owner_id=" + sellerObjectId + " AND loc='INVENTORY'"); ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery()) { if (rset.next()) objId = rset.getInt("object_id"); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Error while selecting adena:", e); } if (objId == -1) { ItemInstance item = ItemFunctions.createItem(57); item.setCount(adena); item.setOwnerId(sellerObjectId); item.setLocation(ItemLocation.INVENTORY); ItemsDAO.getInstance().save(item); } else { try (Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE items SET count=count+" + adena + " WHERE object_id=" + objId)) { statement.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.error("Error while selecting adena:", e); } ItemsDAO.getInstance().getCache().remove(objId); } }  
    on this part change the id 57 (adena) (its not only 1 change use ctrl+f to find all)
    in your id and see if it works
  3. Nightw0lf's post in AutoVoteReward for l2jfrozen 1132 was marked as the answer   
    try that
  4. Nightw0lf's post in Database host was marked as the answer   
    mysql -u root -p *******
    after login
    use l2jdatabase; and
    delete * from characters;  
  5. Nightw0lf's post in PHP password create for H5 server was marked as the answer   
    silly me H5 has whirlpool solved
    $enc_password = base64_encode(hash('whirlpool', $password, TRUE));
  6. Nightw0lf's post in L2j H5 server help was marked as the answer   
    update the jdk set eclipse to point at jdk 1.8 or 1.7 whatever the pack needs its at least more than 1.6
    "since it requires a 1.6 compliant JVM " google this if you have more trouble
  7. Nightw0lf's post in HELP L2.INI was marked as the answer   
    αν αλαξεις το l2.ini και συνεχισει να μπαινει σε αλλο σερβερ τοτε η IP  εχει γινει bind μεσα στο client (αλλαξε system) η καποιο patch σου αλλαξε τα host στο PC σου
  8. Nightw0lf's post in Server No-Ip was marked as the answer   
    an kai exei pola guides...
    katevazeis to no-ip
    kaneis register ena name myserver.no-ip.org paradeigma
    kai auto to name to vazeis sto no-ip
    trexeis to client ston server (logika ston ipologisti sou)
    kai kanoun oloi connect sto no-ip kai otan alazei i IP sou tote ananewnei automata
  9. Nightw0lf's post in [Lf] Gm Shop Custom Npc was marked as the answer   
  10. Nightw0lf's post in Kalhspera ( Exw Thema Me Ta Ports ) was marked as the answer   
    ean den mporeis steile mou minima tha se voithisw logo oti avrio einai argia
  11. Nightw0lf's post in Html Is Too Long !this Will Crash The Client! was marked as the answer   
    nai apo tin vasi dedomenwn apo to trapezi droplist vriskeis to id kai to alazeis i to diagrafeis i vazeis ena kainourio tha sou proteina na pas sto forum l2jhellas.info na kaneis erwtiseis genikotera gia to pack tha pareis pio sigekrimenes apantiseis
  12. Nightw0lf's post in Character Auto Attacks Npc was marked as the answer   
    delete this player.getAI().setIntention(CtrlIntention.AI_INTENTION_ATTACK, this);
    change the whole action from some other npc should be the best choice
  13. Nightw0lf's post in 1045 Help was marked as the answer   
    opos eipa exeis epileksei tin SINDESH i opoia legete l2jdb
    anoikse tin kai kane deksi klick new database kai onomase tin l2jdb
    kapios mou esvise to proigoumeno post tha ithela na kserw giati...
  14. Nightw0lf's post in Buffer was marked as the answer   
    http://l2jhellas.info/index.php?action=search2 here is your solution type "expect args got" and press search
  15. Nightw0lf's post in [Help] Error In Enchating & In Siege Start was marked as the answer   
    solved via teamviewer if (!=null) ^^
  16. Nightw0lf's post in Exw Provlima Help Pls was marked as the answer   
    vale swsta ta user/pass/ip/database tis vasis dedomenwn o server den mporei na kanei connect stin mysql
    user = root
    pass = root
    ip = i localhost (pou einai to idio)
    kai vasi
    einai kapws etsi
    ip =
  17. Nightw0lf's post in Raid Boss Level Change was marked as the answer   
    bigmac i have seen it work..
    and since its working with the simple buffs (no effect)
    why it shouldnt with effects ^_^ there must be a way im optimist
    solved via pm.
  18. Nightw0lf's post in L2Off Noblesse Manager Interlude was marked as the answer   
    ok i had forgot 1 htm to make the unicode and seems all htms after this in the AI was like unchached... now its fixed.
    thank you for the help guys :D
    it can be locked!
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