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About HarapALB

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. It`s a good post for newbies , ty :D
  2. yes in deed useful if u know what to do with him :D
  3. Useing L2net is not safe , it `s just like wneh u`re enchanting , but more faster
  4. U must use l2net to use this script
  5. I play on L2Inc and this script is working for S grade , still , for A grade or lower it might have a problem or do i , when i try to enchant something it show me that .... tallum armor is enchanted to 10 , i got cristals , and he don`t start another armor it shows to me that he is enchanting to 11 ..... and all items are succeseful enchanted .... does anyone have any idea????
  6. nice bug :D to bad is not working on gracia II :(
  7. T-rex are near Sailren RB , u will find there many t-rex
  8. It is a little bit difficult to farm :(
  9. This server is cool , i will join him soon , :D gg to GMs
  10. i don`t like dagger , i give more dmg with icarus :(
  11. I had the same problem on a high rate server :(
  12. I`m useing Varka for booting and it`s great :D
  13. i have a little bit lag when i`m useing it :(
  14. TY a lot, now i don`t have to deal with this errors again ty
  15. TY a lot , i was looking for something like this for a long time :D ty
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