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Everything posted by georgeion

  1. close this topic so none of these idiots admins can spamm,if we need to talk make a common conv in skype or sth.
  2. Full items,augment skills(cele,might etc.),ex-multiple times hero,Noblesse bots and more geared characters for sell PM me here
  3. yes and with this name you are not older...right?
  4. Remove your corrupted GM who used //res at siege and "donated" his whole clan and maybe someone take you serious. :y u no?:
  5. i know about the warning,but these shares are AWSOME!can we have new links?
  6. is it possible to adapt NPC crest in script?
  7. Lineage II Demonism Interlude is a project that we are working for one year now, with respect to the history of this game,with dreams and respect to the players. As kids we were also playing in private servers but always something was going wrong to ruin our fun time.Now we decided to build a server from our own money and try to reach a level that only a few loyal servers have already reached. As men with an honor we promise to every single player that his gaming time is not going to be ruined by anyone,even a GM. We have designed a server that is going to have updates every month,we are going to have polls about any custom item that we are going to put on. XP, SP: x3000 Adena: x5000 Normal: 75 % Blassed: 90 % Safe: +3 Max Weapon: +25 Max Armor: +20 L2Demonism is an Interlude PvP server who supports custom features but in a way so they only make the game better. Server already has all(or most)of the custom features in the patch. In the next months we are going to have updates and with polls we are going to decide for every custom feature. http://l2demonism.com/World%20Of%20L2Demonism.html Server will be in a test mode for 14 days until we are ready for the Grand Opening. For the beta mode ONLY server is going to run home hosted.In the 14th day server will be off for a while,wiping and moving to a server machine(we will announce all features). Thank you for your time reading this and have a nice game!
  8. i didnt asked your opinion i wrote sth ONLY for L2 players.thanks.
  9. augmentation skills stuck?any bugs on?if someone tryied please post.
  10. Hello all,i know that i ask for too much but does anyone know a pvp server from x500 interlude and over that admins does work for fixes in bugs?leave me a message here :)
  11. Ξερω οτι ζηταω πολλα αλλα ξερει κανεις ενα σερβερ απο x500 interlude και πανω χαρακτηριζομενο ως pvp που να ειναι σοβαρος?δηλαδη με admins να ασχολουντε με fixes?sandora lastwar και λοιπα noob servers να λειπουν παρακαλω,αν ξερετε κανεναν αφηστε ενα post παρακαλω.
  12. official stats εννοωντας skills κτλπ,pvp server με οσο το δυνατον πιο κοντα στον official files. δεν ζητησα διαφημιση server,ευχαριστω,εδω προσπαθω για ενα Poll να δω τι ψαχνουν οι πιο πολλοι. Εδωσα και παραδειγματα,διαβαστε παλι παρακαλω.
  13. Μιλαμε για C6 με οσο πιο κοντα στον official stats γινετε,το ερωτημα ειναι το εξης, πολλα epics και style L2 Pride η κατι πιο απλο ευκολο farm και πολυ pvp?Θελω επισης να μου πειτε τι πλεονεκτηματα και μειονεκτηματα βλεπετε.
  14. anyone can explain more?
  15. εχω το τελευταιο rev της frozen και μου βγαζει προβλημα στο sql,μπορεις να ριξεις μια ματια? (C6 Client) L2 Pluss', 1, 'NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf',' at line 1 [Err] (90000, 21654, 'PVP PK Ranking', 0, 'L2 Pluss', 1, 'NPC.a_casino_FDarkElf', 8.00, 23.00, 71, 'Female', 'L2Npc', 40, 3862, 1593, 21.00, 3.00, 40, 43, 35, 22, 24, 16, 0, 0, 1324, 471, 782, 383, 279, 0, 343, 0, 0, 0, 28, 132, '', 0, 0, 0, 'LAST_HIT'); [Msg] Finished - Unsuccessfully
  16. οπως λεει και ο τιτλος πως αλλαζω pack χωρις να χασω οτι εχει γινει ingame?
  17. εμενα δεν δουλεψε...δεν ξερω τι παιζει...σε l2frozen το δοκιμασα...
  18. yes its mine,ill try the fix and then if i cant ill pm you EDIT: and what code i put?
  19. well i need a guide too!i think its gr8 share
  20. i made this site,for a new server, http://l2fox.freeiz.com but it hasnt any htmls or sth to change news etc. can anyone give a hand?
  21. πολυ καλο θα ριξω μια ματια παρακαλω μην γινει locked γιατι δεν ξερουμε αν ληθηκε το θεμα
  22. προσπαθω να αλλαξω stats σε μια armor αλλα θελω να το κανω και σε weapons tattoos κτλπ.Οκ αλλαζω το pdef αλλα ιδου η απορια,πως το μετραμε?εννοειται πως δεν βαζω 400 και δινει 400!αρα πως το μετραμε?αλγοριθμικα? δλδ πχ 400 Pdef = 900 true pdef στα stats?
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