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Everything posted by Ma3x*

  1. Keita yparxoune pl tropoi na kaneis enan char admin 1 pas navicat kai grafeis acc lvl 1 h 200 h oti allo exei 2 pas sto General # If this option is set to true every newly created character will have access level 200. # This means that every character created will have Administrator Privileges # Retail: false afto true EverybodyHasAdminRights = False + afto h apo to login C:\l2j\login startSQLAccountManager Otan les dn piani ti ennwhs?
  2. In this photoshop tutorial we will create an amazing looking electric swirl effect. Step 1: Let's start. Step 2: Press "d" then "x" to reset your colour pallet. The Press Ctrl+Backspace to fill the document with your background colour black. Step 3: Go to Filter> Render> Lens Flare and Use the default settings. Place the centre of the flare in the top left hand corner. Step 4: Go to Filter> Sketch> Chrome and apply these settings: Step 5: Set the layer to lighten. Then duplicate the layer (Ctrl+j) 6 times. Step 6: Go to Filter> Distort> Wave. Use the default settings and click "Randomize" a couple of times. Do the same for the next 3 layers. Step 7: On the seccond last layer go to Filter> Distort> Twirl and apply these settings:. Step 8: On the last layer go to Filter> Distort> Twirl and use the setting Angle: -150. Then merge all the layers together (Ctrl+Shift+E). Now go to Images> Adjustment> Hue/Saturation (shortcut of Hur/Saturation press Ctrl+U) and apply these setting: Step 9: Then Go Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur and set Radius: 3.0. Step 10: In the final step Go Edit> Fade Gaussian Blur (Shift+Ctrl+f) and apply these settings: Credit:K4rMaArr0ws
  3. In this short tutorial, I will show you how to restore color to a bland image using Layer Effects in Photoshop. The basic idea of this tutorial is to show you how to make elegant scenes out of dull images and show you how to enhance color using layer styles. You will be transforming this image: Into: Before we begin, you can use the image in the first step, however, if u want the original larger image you can download it here. Step 1: Open the image: Step 2: Getting the proper lighting and exposing blackened areas: Copy the layer. Go to the Layer menu, click on Add Layer Mask, you get two options, choose Reveal All. A layer mask will get created. After you have done this, change the layer effect to Linear Dodge. This will over brighten the image. However, it will brighten the left area of the original image completely, this part was very dark in the original image, we can salvage this. Continued on next page.. Step 3: To get rid of the extra brightness, we will use the layer mask and the eraser, why use the layer mask? this way, if you make a mistake, you can just delete the layer mask and create a new one without damaging any content on the layer itself. Choose a very large brush size with Hardness at 40% and set the eraser opacity to 50%. Look at the images below and follow removing the white spots, step by step: Step 4: Create a new layer. Take the color [#99CCCC] and spread it over the layer using the paint bucket tool. Change the layer effect to Saturation. This will brighten up all the colors. I hope this tutorial was easy to understand. Feel free to leave me questions if there are any. Credit: http://www.surfnlearn.com/read_tutorial/4008/1/
  4. In this second digital painting tutorial i will teach you how to create a fire effect that I stumbled across whilst making an image. It’s fairly simple and requires only basic knowledge of blending modes. This will work on any version of photoshop from 6 up. Obviously CS4 is reccomended and if you havnt tried it out you shoutld! Step 1 First of all ensure your back ground is set to black, it is important as the end result does vary quite considerably depending on the choice of colour used. You will need to brush out a fiery shape with a white brush set to 100% opacity and 100% thickness. Having some debris flying around randomly does help add to the effect as sparks. Try differant brush setting to get interesting effects. Also having some premade brushes will help you. Search deviantart or the freebie page on simplypsd.com. But to give you a rough example, check the image below. Step 2 The next step is still simple, duplicate you initial brushed fire shape layer, and set a new layer to “overlay”. Then hit Ctrl+U and check “colourize” using the following settings: Hue = 35 Saturation = 25 (default) Lightness = -50 This should give you a similar effect to the image below. Step 3 Another simple step is to just duplicate your overlay layer and set it to colour burn as you can see in the image below. Step 4 In this step we will be going over what we’ve done before. So follow steps 2 and steps 3 through one more time, duplicating your layer, overlay, hue, duplicate, burn, new group, merge down etc. Just follow 2 and 3 again with this new layer and all is well. Hopefully you should achieve this messy object, which is all you want really as seen in the image below. The following step will show you the finished product! Now you could leave it there, if you want to ( merge all layers, except black layer, and set to hard light), however I continued. Since the effect can be enhanced. Create a layer set ( group ) using the folder icon at the bottom of the layers box. In the correct order, put the three layers you have into the set. Select the set, and hit “ctrl+e” thus making one new layer. Step 5 Set your final layer to “hardlight” and that’s pretty much it, the mess vanishes, and you have yourself a nifty explosion. It works well for space effects, impact scenes etc (image below). To give an example of how you may use it, check the image below. Credit:moih60
  5. This Tip will teach you how to create some pretty darn cool-lookin' metallic text in Paint Shop Pro. 1. Begin by creating a new medium sized document to work with. Select the font you wish to use for your metal text... a wider font would probably be the best choice. You should use the following settings for the text tool: * large — such as around 72 * Antialias turned on * Floating turned off 2. Now choose Selections »Promote to Layer and then turn the visibility off on the bottom layer (see below example). Save the selection by going to Selections »Save to Alpha Channel. 3. Next, set the foreground color to white and then choose Image »Other »Hot Wax Coating — repeat this step about 5 times for the best effect. This will be the first step toward making our text look like metal. 4. Now, make 2 new layers above the one which contains the metal text — name one Blue and the other Green. Select the Blue layer and go to Image »Effects »Cutout. In the resulting box, make sure that you have the following settings selected: Fill interior with color should be checked, Shadow color should be set to Blue, Opacity should be at 90, Blur at 20, and for Offset the settings should be 3 for both Vertical and Horizontal. 5. Now select the Green layer. Repeat the steps as you did for the Blue layer, only this time set the Shadow color to Green and the Vertical/Horizontal Offset to -3. 6. Almost done. Turn the Opacity on the Blue and Green layer down to somewhere between 50-70% depending on how you like it best. Add a drop shadow by making a new layer under the metal text's layer and then going to Image »Effects »Drop Shadow. Set it to 3 or 4 and you're done! Credit:http://www.absolutecross.com/tutorials/psp/metal-text/
  6. 1. Start by creating a new blank image or open the image you wish to add the burnt-in text to. If you'd like to just do a simple version of the technique without an image to apply it to, just fill the background layer with whatever solid color you like (preferably not an extremely dark color though). 2. Select the Type Tool and choose the the Type Mask Tool from the Options bar at the top of your screen (or click and hold on the Type icon and drag to the right). Next click inside the image and type your text. Click the check mark in the Options bar to finalize the text layer (or click OK if you're using an older version of Photoshop). You should now see a selection of your text. Move it to the location on the image where you want it to be burned into the surface. 3. Click on the New Layer icon on the Layers Palette to add a new layer, and make sure that the new layer is the currently selected layer. Choose the color you want to use for the burnt-in text (the example uses black). Choose Edit » Fill to fill the selection with your foreground color (ALT+Delete). Without deselecting the text, click on the layer that contains your main image (i.e. the background layer). Using the keyboard's arrow keys, move the text's selection one (1) pixel down and one (1) pixel to the right. 4. Choose Image » Adjustments » Brightness/Contrast, and move the Brightness Slider to about 75% (you may want to choose a higher or lower setting depending on how dark the surface of the image you're burning into is). Click OK. 5. Again, using the arrow keys, move the selection two (2) pixels up and two (2) pixels to the left. Choose Image » Adjustments » Brightness/Contrast, and move the Brightness Slider to -75% (negative 75). Again, you may want to choose a higher or lower setting depending on the situation. Click OK. 6. Press CTRL+D to deselect and see your finished work. Tip: For different types of "edges" on your burnt-in text, try playing with feathering the selection or moving it a greater number of pixels. You can make it appear to be set deeper into the surface. Credit:AbsoluteCross
  7. 1. Create a new RGB image to work with. The example is 325x125, Resolution 72, and has a black background. 2. Choose a Bright Green color as your foreground and Black for your background color. 3. Choose Edit » Fill » Background Color to fill the background layer with black. 4. Select the Type Tool and choose the the Type Mask Tool from the Options bar at the top of your screen (in earlier versions, drag to the right on the Type Tool icon). Next click inside the document and type any text you want (choose any font or size you like). Click the Check mark in the Options bar to finalize the text layer (OK in older versions). 5. Choose Edit » Fill » Forground Color (the green). 6 Go to Select » Feather 2 pixels 7. Choose Filter » Blur » Radial Blur (100, Zoom, Best) 8. Without deselecting, repeat step # 7. (Press CTRL+F) Now, Select » Inverse and repeat step # 7 again... Filter » Blur » Radial Blur (100, Zoom, Best) Credit:AbsoluteCross
  8. This tutorial will show you how to create glow/explode text effect, this text effect looks awesome on wallpapers. Step 1: Create a new document 300 x 200 pixels. Select the text tool and type your text in black color. I use 'Cooper Std' font and font size 80 pt. This is how it should look about now.. Step 2: Now go to Layer>Flatten Image. Step 3: Go to Image>Adjustment>Invert. After this your text looks like below: Step 4: Now apply Gaussian Blur. So go to Filters>Blur>Gaussian Blur and apply these settings: Step 5: In step 5 go to Filters> Stylize> Solarize and your text looks like: Step 6: Now add some contrast, so go to Image> Adjustment> Auto-Contrast. Then Filter> Stylize> Wind apply this from left and again go Filter> Stylize> Wind apply this from right. Step 7: In the final setup you can change colors in Image> Adjustment> Hue/Saturation and set Colorize and set your colors. I use these settings: Here's is the Final Result!: To diko m..
  9. Animation Girl morphing into a devil = http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Girl-morphing-into-a-devil-animation/41392 Animated Earth = http://www.tutorialized.com/tutorial/Animated-Earth/42829 QQ Animated Emote= http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/QQ-Animated-Emote/42874 Photoshop Sword Lighting Rays Animation= http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Photoshop-Sword-Lighting-Rays-Animation/42658 Photoshop Animating in PhotoShop CS3= http://www.tutorialized.com/view/tutorial/Animating-in-PhotoShop-CS3/38165
  10. kane ena update to client s mhpws leipoune arxei kai des sto system to l2.ini na exei tin swsth ip opos kai o server s..
  11. lololol... Ti kotsana htane afth??
  12. paidia exw sta8erh ip kai 8ellw na thn alla3w pws mporo na to kanw afto??
  13. In this tutorial is written how to create a very cool looking alien using Adobe Photoshop. Grab a picture of someone and get ready to alienize it! Go to File > New (Ctrl+N) to create a new file. Make sure that you have your background settings to Transparent. Now search for a portrait on your PC to use and add it to your newly created file. For this tutorial I used a picture of Tom Cruise to alienize (Source file ). Ofcourse you can use a picture of your friend, a family member or even yourself. Grab the Eraser Tool (E) and erase the eyes. Now use the Clone Stamp Tool (S) to clone parts of the cheeks over the nose. It'll look like the nose is erased. Use the Healing Stamp Tool to fix any not natural looking parts on the place where the nose first was. Repeat the previous step, but now create some veins on the head (See left image below). Adjust the levels of the image by opening the Levels panel (Ctrl+L). Change the levels of the image untill you have a nice, realistic looking face. And there you have it, your own created alien. This is my final result. Be creative and feel free to post your final result in the comments. Some people in the comments reported that this tutorial is a copy of one that is posted on worth1000. I checked out the tutorial and I have to admit: It does look-a-like, but it's not a copy. Furthermore, the tutorial on Worth1000 is way much harder and more for professional than this one. Credit:--- Go to Filter > Liquify Tool (Shift+Ctrl+X) and a new window will show. Use the Forward Warp Tool (W) in this window to strech out the empty place where the eyes first were. I used a brush with a size of approxamitely 30 pixels. Strech it untill it has the shape of an alien eye. Press OK to accept the changes. I used some alien eyes that I created before (Source file ) and pasted them in the layer behind the face. Scale the eye using Transform (Ctrl+T) untill it's at a right size. Use the Burn Tool (O) to make the areas around the eyes a little bit darked so it will look more realistic. Open up the liquify tool by going to Filter > Liquify Tool (Shift+Ctrl+X). Again, use the Forward Warp Tool (W) and strech out the ears. This time I used a brush with a size of 90. Press OK to save the changes and if you want, use the Burn Tool (O) to darken parts of the ears. Get ready to change some colours using Color Balance (Ctrl+B). Play around with the Color Balance and Tone Balance untill you think you have something alien-like. I used these settings: Shadows: 0,20,0 Midtones: 0,20,0 Highlights: 0,40,0 Grunge your face. You can use several options for this, for example you could use a grunge brush. Here I used a pattern that I had on my PC (Source file ). On a new layer, cover the face with the whole grunge pattern using Transform (Ctrl+T) or copy-pasting the pattern next to eachother (See left image below). Set the Blending Mode of the grunge layer to Color Burn and the Opacity around 25%. Use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (M) and select the forehead of the face (See left image below). Duplicate layer part (Ctrl+J) and grab the Free Transform Tool (Ctrl+T). Strech the forehead by selecting the middle square and drag it upward. Merge layers (Ctrl+E) (See middle image below). Draw facial lines on a new layer using the Brush Tool (B). These lines can be used for detail. Select the lines on the layer and go to Blending Options. In this new window, go to Bevel and Emboss. Use the standard settings but change: Style: Pillow Emboss. I used these values: Depth: 51% Size: 1px Soften: 1px When satisfied, press OK to save the settings. Grab your Burn Tool (O) and burn the lines so that it'll look more realistic (See right image below). Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N). Draw some veins around the eyes using the Brush Tools (B). I used a brush size of 2 pixels (See left image below). Select the content of the veins layer by Ctrl+Click on the image of the layer. Now you should have the veins selected. Select the layer of the face by clicking on it. Now duplicate the selection of the veins (Ctrl+J). You should get a new layer on top of the layer of the face. Delete the layer with the veins that you drew. Now go back to the layer with the outer lines of the veins. Give them color by opening the Color Balance (Ctrl+B). Play around untill you're satisfied with the colors. Give the layer Soft light or Hard Light to give it more effect. Merge all layers back together (Ctrl+E). Open up Color Balance (Ctrl+B) again and play with the full colors of the image (See right image below). Credit:www.marcofolio.net
  14. 3ana des tis ip apo to config kai sto telos na leei MinProtocolRevision = 1 MaxProtocolRevision = 999
  15. Basically, in this tutorial I’m going to be showing you how to add texture to the skin like the one in the below image. Firstly, start by finding a stock photo that you can add the texture to. For example, you can use this one or you can of course, go to Google Images and look up some picture you are interesting in. Also you need to find some appropriate stone texture. You can do it in the same way or feel free to use mine. Ok, now open up both of your photos in Photoshop, you can either keep it at it’s current size of resize it down a little bit if you want. After that bring the texture picture to the canvas with the man’s face: Flip this texture vertical with Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical and set opacity up to 50% for this layer: Ok, then mess with the layer mode & opacity/fill. I tried Multiply with opacity of 80%. After that apply Edit > Transform > Warp to transform the texture as on picture below: This texture will cover the face and we need one more for the neck covering. Copy the stone texture one more time to our canvas and then change layer mode to the Multiply for the new layer, also set opacity to 80% up. After that resize it a little bit and transform is as below using Edit > Transform > Warp like on picture below: Now it’s time to compose two different texture layers in one and cut away the textures out the skin area. Hide the upper layer (click on the eye, which indicates layer visibility) and go to lower layer with the texture. Select the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush about 20 px and process the edges to get the picture like mine: Go back to the hidden layer and make it visible again. Now process its edges in the same way. Merge two of these layers and change layer mode to Multiply again. Then you might want to make more sharpen this layer. Get out the Sharpen Tool and a soft round brush about 400 px and make a little sharpen work: Now I would like to clear eyes area from the texture. To do this use the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush about 10 px: Time to make the texture three-dimensional. For this effect use Dodge Tool (Range: Highlights, Exposure: 35%) and Burn Tool (Range: Shadows, Exposure: 40%) to make some parts of the face more brightness and bring some shadows to the dark parts. Try to do it more realistic. Now I would like to bring man’s clothes some sharpness. Use the Sharpen Tool (Size: 90px, Mode: Normal, Strength: 50%) to get the picture similar to this: Looks good! Isn’t it? But we are not finished yet! Now time to add some color to the skin. Use Select > Load Selection to create selection as on picture below, after that create a new layer and fill the selected area with color of #331e01: Remove the selection with Ctrl+D and change the layer mode for this layer to Color: After creating a new color for the man’s skin I think we should add some cold hue to his face. For this effect select the Rectangular Marquee Tool (Feather: 100 px) and make selection as on picture below: Then use Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation with similar settings to these: Remove selection with Ctrl+D. Now we have an effect like this one: Looks great! To finish off the tutorial select the Eraser Tool and a soft round brush with size of 100 px and make clear the lower part of the face and neck, but a little bit! That is it for now! Read this tutorial, make it and enjoy your own cool pictures! Also thanks for visiting PhotoshopStar. Credit:Effect
  16. Ty stack wraio share apla dior8ose afta pou s lene ta paidia kai meta einai gg..
  17. wraio share ama mporis 3ana bale to link again..
  18. dn ktlv xristo ti pack akribos 8es??
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