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Everything posted by Ma3x*

  1. Perasaaaaaaaaaaaa :DD http://www.pressfiles.net/absolut/taxfree/ABSOLUT_VODKA_1liter_mrk_hi.jpg[/img]
  2. Spam? Sto title tou topic leei oti einai gracias part 2..
  3. Gia na ani3eis port dn xreiazetai na plhroseis ekeino m tous filou s dn to ktlv pl kl.
  4. Ma3x*


    Pou 8a pate to fetino kalokari? Egw 8a paw gia 1-2 kai mhnes nikhth (xalkidikh) meta 8a paw me istioforo ta3idaki kai meta spiti :S Eseis??
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=64752.0 locked or moved to [Request] Dev Help [L2J]
  6. Einai diafora tools pou se boh8ane me ton server s opos GM Watcher pou blepeis ti kanoune h gm ston server s k.a polla.
  7. Bale pic apo to pack s gia na 3eroume ti katebazoume.
  8. egw pistebo gia na s kanei kapiso pl kalo server opos les 8elei na dwseis pl xrhma gt autos prospa8ise mono s ...
  9. mexri ta posa lvl na katso ekei? Kai meta pou na paw :D
  10. Stop spam.. On-Topic apo oti 3erw dn exei 9h buff wraios Gj keep it up..
  11. Einai pl kalo TY:D Auto nomizw prepei na mpei sto guide section kai oxi l2j dev ..
  12. Paidia help again plz.. Ekana new paixti paladin 17 lvl allin to zygor guide dn me boh8aei kamia alli idea?
  13. Wraio killer 8a to balw sto share m me ola ta tools.. ama to brikes opos les bale credit.
  14. Wraios killer pou to anebases kai sto greek section..
  15. Ani3te tin Navicat sas.. Balte sto table skill_trees auto to code(0,150,2,'Weight Limit',0,1); 0 - Class ID (O Human Fighter exei id class= 0) 150 - Skill ID (To skill Weight Limit exei ID = 150) 2 - lvl tou skill 'Weight Limit' - onoma apo to skill 0 - balte ari8mo gia sp pou 8a xreiazonte gia na ma8h to skill 1 - balte to lvl tou player pou 8a xreiazetai gia na parei to skill... Aplo kai grhgoro...;)
  16. Details: In this tutorial you will learn how make butterfly from rain drops. You can make not only butterfly, but also you can make this effect from any other shape. 1.Step. Create new layer: size: 500 * 500 Pixels, resolution: 72. 2.Step. Create background from clouds, using: Filter > Render > Cloud. 3.Step. Now create new correcting layer: Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Hue/Saturation. Select parameters: Hue - 0, Saturation - 50, Lightness - 0: Select: Colorize Result: You will get red clouds: Result: 5.Step. Now Make active layer: Hue/Saturation (blue). Take Gradient tool and use Linear Gradient. You must use colours from black to white. Now use this Gradient tool: direction: from left to right. Result: You will get colorized background: half red, half blue: 6.Step. Now activate brush tool, use 9 pixels size. In brushes palette (F5) select such options: Shape Dynamics: Size Jitter - 100% Scattering: Scatter - 500 ? Count - 2 8.Step. Now go to Paths. Activate butterfly path. On butterfly path click right mouse button and select Stroke Path. In Stroke Path use brushes. 9.Step. Now go to layers palette. Activate layer with butterfly. Open Blending Options of this layer. We establish such options of a layer: Blending Options: Fill Opacity - 0% Inner Shadow: Colour - 333333, Opacity - 50%, Contour - Ring Inner Glow: Opacity - 100%, colour - FFFFFF, Contour - Ring. 10.Step. For preservation of this style of a layer we pass in palette Styles, we press black triangle and select option New style. Add name of style: Water effect. Final: If you do all step by step you will get something like this:
  17. Keita gia na mn fenontai ta vesper tote dn exei anim-syste opos eipes.. Bres apo ena share kai katebaseta... Eisai se swsto section An dn ta breis pesmas na se boh8isoume.
  18. Gt milate agglika se elliniko section kai topic :P OnTopic ta update na ta bazw me modify me reply?
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