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Everything posted by HazarD.

  1. poo,ti gamato signature exw,to eixa ksexasei.haha
  2. l2mxc login down?
  3. [Hidden post: You need reply to this topic to see it.] (Hidden Notes: 1)
  4. Server going really well till now,700 online,no donate.Try it now staff are like 30-35 years old,tell me 1 bug,the 1 rollback happened cuz of some problems,and was a 10 hours roll back,now everything is ok
  5. Hello there,can please anyone help me,i have never fish before,can you tell me which specific items i need(rod and lure)i need and how excactly i have to fish the Big White Fat Fish?If can answer me as fast as possible would be great,thanks in advance. PS:i need this for sword singer 3rd quest
  6. Server is going really good,i recommend all people join,community is growing every day!reborn of an epic server
  7. server seems really good till now,online average 100
  8. actually we are many more online,dont know why it doesnt appear in the site
  9. ofc it wont have as in the video,the video is 4 years ago but they will give a try.6k damage with a +16 bow,do you know how hard is to make that in this server?...
  10. i see server these days(after 4 years out of l2) are really failed but this one seems good to me,i will wait to join this one
  11. and close the next day
  12. lock this shit or better junk it
  13. Get error when trying to create account...so how is it online without anyone can create an account?
  14. maybe u know when server will be online?
  15. i have to say this was the best server i had ever play(4 years ago),surly wont be as good as it was,but anyway. good luck with the server.(better make 3rd q without quest)
  16. website not working
  17. is this the old c4 TheGame server?...i dont think so.with the same stuff?
  18. you are so fucking retard kids,that why u ruined the server,its not about how good dev anyone is or how good he can built/protect his server,its about your realife personality
  19. arxisa segue-world telika,an ine kante to lock
  20. bad putting your server here,prepare for ddos...
  21. kalos fenetai mporei na ton dokimasw an k protimw interlude. pros to paron arxisa ston Blaze,fenetai arketa kalos
  22. οχι καινούργιους σέρβερς,πρωτιμώ να έχει κάμποσο καιρό ο σέρβερ ανοιχτός,κ οχι τόσο low rate χ50 τουλάχιστον να είναι ο σέρβερ
  23. Θα ρίξω μια ματιά,απο οτι έξαψα λίγο φαίνετε οτι το L2 έχει πέσει πολύ παραπάνω απο οσο νόμιζα,δεν νοιάζωμαι για το client ούτε για το community,απλα πείτε μου έναν ωραίο server x100+ που να μην τρέχει απο παιδιά και να μην έχει custom κατα προτήμηση
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