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Everything posted by stanko

  1. Ok pr0, let's talk about daggers. For your info, lethel % is based on str, so many ppl fail with those dyes (ofc if they wanna some fast killing, not praying much on lethal). About AS+haste, hmm you will use it when you are a AW (read: high dmg output, low dex=low atk speed=low skill reuse) but if you are a PW (read: low dmg output, but high dex as hell) so with PW you will ofc use AS+cd (About TH, your choice it's balanced class). About mages, yes they are easy frags, but it's not 100% you will win, sh makes you slow and you can only watch how wonderful blue hurricanes are getting you down ( Just example, some good nuker would kill YOU on dagger w/o problems). Hmm archers, until HB you must be an evasion player if you wanna win, HB comes > archers down by every dagger. Against the tank, like against all classes, you must be ALWAYS BEHIND HIM, ALWAYS, but your only chance to kill tank is to be ALWAYS behind him+focus death (Pray that your tank enemy is slow so he won't see target canceled :D) After all, you pray too much on bluff, better pray on lethal more than on bluff, in your tactics if bluff fail, you fail, so... Uh I wrote too much, almost new guide.
  2. Biggest sh1t I ever read... Against all ur tactic is:''spam cp/blows/trick/switch till he gets down!'' Just lol I was expecting some true dagger experience...
  3. I started to read this topic and this post is pure bullsh1t. Daggers enchanted and patk effects can be seen when u hit with /attack, tho with blows are different, for higher blow u need buffs/stuff that increase crit dmg... maybe it was already explained didn't read whole topic :P
  4. Ok it's good that i know in which folder to look at thanks :)
  5. I bet u are not playing in official server...so server where u play is illegal as well :)
  6. I have problem with my hellbound client: Improve buffs from pp/ee/wc/pp have black icon instead of their buff icon... Maybe any solution? what file to delete etc.? (sry if posted in wrong section)
  7. 700 normal and 4k crit? 600 normal 3200 crit? Are u retarded? Till gracia M crit is normal dmg x4,after is x3. I can't get 700x4=4k also 700x3=4k? This forum is full of spamming fools.
  8. hunter song,fury dance? wtf? Here are the buffs: 1. Acumen 2. Shield 3. Magic Barrier 4. BTB 5. WW 6. Emp 7. Wm 8. Clarity 9. PoW 10. Conc Dance 11. Myst dance 12. Siren's dance 13. Adv. Block 14. Bless shield 15. Warding Song 16. Earth Song 17. Vitality song 18. Gr. Shield 19. Noblesse Other put what u want, but if pvp w/o zerk if pve use zerk. (other also would be nice: renewal song and seraphim buff for -reuse...) p.s. if server HB+ put also Chant for defence against critical dmg (forgot the name), BTB+BTS in one, Adv block+bless shield in one,emp and mb in one and so on for more space. GL
  9. Yeah best server, some are IL still, but for few days coming HB (200x and 30x are running in HB client)
  10. Dunno where it was posted but i found it here first time and i was looking for it for while... Btw what to add in script to char make log off or return when it is finished? ITEMCOUNT(Name of quest item[iDxxxxx],>,1) USESKILL return or LOG OUT however it is written in scripts?
  11. Haven't seen it, thx it's usefull as hell.
  12. Gladiator is mage killer,same as tyrant,for other dunno. Destroyer isn't the best for sure cause it's farming char not pvp,why? Slow,low pdef(w/o guts,cause 90% ppl using it are noobs and only think of patk and using frenzy 24/7),low mdef... and so on... It;s an easy frag for every archer/mage and dagger with high evasion.
  13. Pavel ruins - Good spoil of SOP, M. ore, EWC, and also great drop od M. ore
  14. Imo,they will get every stun from magnus unicorn so..
  15. ES imo the best way but only if u know to play it well.
  16. I have list of all augments from all kind/lvl stones..but if u can't find it on this forum your problem :P
  17. Yeah agree with karma,put some outlines! Doesn't look bad... keep workin'
  18. U mean party? rofl how many spammers here only for post count...
  19. No,mage needs to crit opponent few times and kill him. How the hell u think sps will kill someone with aqua guard dance,resist water and elem resist,imo even full buffed with 5k matk sps will hit him 500-600 normal hit,so if u want to kill anybody u should crit him as hell!
  20. Yes bro, but u know that nobody will read ur topic,they will just spam shit... Tbh i didn't try to play lineage 2 with client higher than interlude. On my server soon is hellbound update so i will check... but i'm looking these days to check some gracia servers they are looking very nice for me..
  21. I was like 'wtf' when u said tk best dmg dealer but nvm :P
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