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Everything posted by IamYourDeath

  1. outlaw u are kinda right,server is down for many hours.but i hope Crow has a really good excuse...
  2. i think b grade shop in Hi5 is kinda low,a or s grade would be much better.anyway gl with ur server
  3. server is opening today!go go go
  4. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=232567.new#new 2nd topic for same server+wrong section...request lock.
  5. true,but admin wont make any beta...he maybe knows better!keep advertising server ppl!!!
  6. is just me or server failed even be4 start?with this forum story?
  7. L2j ofc... we need a site....also decrease buff slots and maybe it would be good.
  8. but what?doesnt worth to waste time?
  9. how many on?customs are uber and makes unbalance?any lags?
  10. there is no info about beta...but i really hope dont make beta.cuz ppl dont join cuz its beta and we will get dissapointed and they dont join on live also...i've seen many servers to fail with beta and more to succeed w/o beta...
  11. old style pvp?cool story bro... cuz in every old style server there were custom items +tattoos +30% chance for LS...+lame buff system...
  12. Good Morning there! any infos?dont tell me that i spam or so,cuz 1st i am not and 2nd i thing after so many hours we should have some info.
  13. Justice any news about the opening?it will be tonight or at morning?
  14. best option is to open the server once is ready,w/e the time is,so every1 will have same chance to join.and ppl who cant will join later,i dont see any prob.
  15. they said tonight,go far away from ur pc for some hours,nolifer!
  16. GM team is looking for better DDOS protection,they found a server but it will be ready on Monday so they are looking for alternatives...
  17. GM team didnt announce it yet,but it will be in this weekend as far as i know!
  18. wtf is this computer??home made or what?? u are trying to tell us that server is dedicated cuz i dont really believe it...4gb ddr2 ram?hahahahahahahahaha u must be fucking kidding me!2MB L3?hahahaha not even intel i3 has so low...man plz close server...even with 10 ppl on it will lag!
  19. that's clever!we will be able to talk live :D btw server's development is done?i mean everything is ready?also server already buyed?
  20. "Enchants: Definitely no star wars, max weapons enchant is +12, armor +8, enchant chance is 50%, 35% from 9-12" check the 1st page again :P
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