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Everything posted by IamYourDeath

  1. enchant NPC is a good idea,just make it hard to enchant it after +10-12!for example to make +3 item it should be free,for +4 10items(just an example) for +5 15items for +6 20items...etc...but after +10-12 u will need much more items...if +10 needs 50items for +11 u will need 100,for +12 150 for +13 300 for +14 400 for +15 600 for +16 1000 :D or something like this!
  2. omfg...botters appeared even be4 opening of the server...1 of the many reason why L2 died...cuz is full of kids who dont want to play L2 but they are cuz they dont have anything to do in their lifes...
  3. very mice features!gl with ur server! btw how many are online right now?
  4. http://www.l2optima.com/ google is ur friend mate...
  5. http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=236279.new#new posted in wrong section...
  6. so true! be4 oly time most ppl are afk in giran and some farming or pk new ppl.at oly times whole server play olympiad games!
  7. nice features,epic fail site...buy a domain dude...if u dont have money to buy a site then i guess that u dont have dedicate machine...gl with ur home hosted server!
  8. 1st i would like to ask u how u know everything about Sublimity? also as far as i can see this is ur personal opinion about things...u dont like Gracia interface or w/e is ur prob...no1 force u to play.About who make/made whole work no1 really cares...do u think that 100000 admins that existed or exist in L2 knew how to fix bugs,script and code?more than 80% paid or had friends...so i dont see any prob till now...If there is delay,yes its gonna be a big prob and if delay is gonna be really big then they will lose many ppl...(i dont really believe it cuz ppl are desperate with the existed server...anyway!this is ur opinion,this is mine.end of story.ppl will decide when server opens if server is good or not...till then all we can do is w8...
  9. lol?this is the most epic cry reply i've ever seen in my life :DDD is there any point except qqing?why it should be all these randoms?server seems to be really good and gm team have worked hard to make this server!did u open recently ur own pr0 server to give us the link?i guess not...
  10. how do u know?do u work with gm team or what?i think that u are just guessing!
  11. true but they are still very strong class in C6 oly,and mages(necro,sph,sps,sorc) got no chance vs them...
  12. u are allowed to bump once per day...but not today that ur posted ur server... ontopic: free site,home made server.gl u will need a lot!
  13. "* Custons * Armor - Titanium * Weapon - Epic - Abyss * Accessories - Tattos Mage / Fighter" ouch...i smell unbalance fights!anyway GL
  14. For me: 1. Rates :x25 2. Custom's ? ( like armor's , weapon's ) - NO 3. NPC Buffer - YES (including 3rd buffs-we dont need 1k online ppl with half of them being bots...or useless dualboxes... ) 4. NPC GM SHOP - YES (only up to A grade ) 5. Class Manager - YES 6. Quest SubClass Noblesse - Full Quest or items in shop i dont really mind! 7. Epic RaidBoss - Retail 8. Event's - i voted about automated cuz if gm team cant make event for a couple of days ppl will complain...i am sure they can have a event enging and make their owns event when they want. 9. Custom Zone's - No Customs Zones 10. GlobalGateKeeper - No Epic RaidBoss Teleports 11. Quests for Epic RaidBoss? - YES 12. Olympiad - 1 week period 13. Enchant - +16 max , 30% 14. Siege - every 1 week 15. Buffs - all buffs 1h except 3rd (20 min , cat 2)
  15. wrong section...u should post it in Preview!
  16. 600 votes in 40hours is not bad at all! and the number will be increased a lot...there are many desperate ppl in L2 scene...cuz of all these shits-servers which exist right now...
  17. +1 same with paladins...make ppl be invisible in oly until the match start!
  18. forum didnt open now i guess...it was the same be4 wipe also
  19. ok finally i am online :D still dont know what the prob was,i just tried 1 more time and i logged in xD
  20. too high...x25 are much better!we will have less kids :P
  21. and why i cant log in?did u change system or something? EDIT:maybe log in is down?
  22. very nice features! what is the enchant rate? and when server will go live? EDIT:correct the date is TuEsday 17/4!
  23. where we can find results and discussions about this project?
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