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Posts posted by IamYourDeath

  1. Dude wtf is whit this enchant rates.... and to many +  Good luck



    Enchant rates:

    � Safe +4

    � Max +30

    � Max Crystal +32

    � Donate/Event +35

    � Simple Enchant 90%

    � Blessed Enchant 95%

    � Crystal Enchant 100%

    omg FAIL xDDD

    why dont u make max enchant 100 with 99% chance?loled hard!

  2. Lol.You have too much free space on HDD...just w8 a bit.Original game was released 3 days ago so you have to w8 the damn it crack -.- " !Fifa was realeased on 27th September but there isnt yet a good crack...isnt easy nowdays ;D !

    Lol.You have too much free space on HDD...just w8 a bit.Original game was released 3 days ago so you have to w8 the damn it crack -.- " !Fifa was realeased on 27th September but there isnt yet a good crack...isnt easy nowdays ;D !


    thx god that i havent downloaded (fifa) yet :P

    if i have steam i must have the original game to play right?

  3. Ok, here are my suggestions:



    1. Make Epilogue Client (not boring fail freya...)

    2. Enchants: Safe 4/Max 12/chance 65%/blessed 65% (make vesper like 4-5 hours farm and bless scrolls a bit easy, for example farm like 15-20 bews/beas together per hour)

    3. No gm shop, make a community board shop instead (just like russians) Example:


    4. Custom Buffer (not copy-paste from maxcheaters, make a buffer ur self with limited buffs, no op buffs like blessing queen/gift queen/pride/sharp edge/hard tanning etc, make all buffs 1 hour except the op buffs, leave op buffs retail-like)

    5. Dont add Mana potions, add mana drugs instead, sounds more balanced for pvp (bishops... they have no endings healings, only 2-3 daggers can kill him so why he should greater batle forever?)

    6. Heroes every 1 week (best option for highrate)

    7. I would suggest you to buy Nhoke engine event and keep last man standing/deathmatch and tvt events (i kinda doubt ul do that since u cant find him right now) but if u cant ,do at least death match and tvt and implement reward per kill, also add a event npc shop where u can buy stuffs like gcs/gcms/bless/attribute from each reward kill event including event win reward

    8. Make attribute level max 7 with chance 50%

    9. Make 1 zone for attribute lv 4 farming/1 zone for attribute lv 7 farming/1 zone for bless weapons/1 zone for bless armors/1 zone for giant codexes (5  zones for each so it will take a bit more, this mean ,more pvp yep),ofc u can change the concept of farming to ur own style, this is just an example

    10. Add a serious reward system (not the kind of system where u stay afk for vote but the kind of system where u vote 1 per 12 hours) and u can get forgoten scrolls/codexes  there (yep, forgoten scrolls from vote only, sounds like fun, this will make people stay long)


    I have much much much more ideas but atm il present you these suggestion, happy enough ^^ ?


    +1 i agree in everything!!!
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