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Posts posted by IamYourDeath

  1. have 25% chance on critical to remove your target ,

    also you can read chances and infos on weapons

    aha ok!

    right now server is no beta right?so farm is easier than normal?i mean if i log in how much time will need t take armor/weapon t test them?

  2. if you check all of that modifications all is tested to avoid Over Powered Classs


    Example : Double SA at First it cannot be Focus + Cri stun = OP

    Thats why i change Cri Stun to Cri.Trick(remove target) that is normal also tested :)


    much more inside ..


    also this modifations give you the chance to make your custom build and have  different build than enemy

    maybe u should give us info about these SAs...for example trick's possibilities to land?
  3. i dont think so. In other websites its running correctly only with mxc is the lag problem. Thats why im inactive those months.

    maybe something wrong with ur IP...i guess u have to w8 an answer from Justice or Maxtor!
  4. i have the problem with the lag too, Only in maxcheaters my pc makes 3-4 mins to open a page, post something and blablabla...

    everything works great mate...i dont have any prob...maybe ur internet company had some problems?
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