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Everything posted by konce

  1. I am selling my personal account , there are a lot of AAA games inside, never VAC or any ban. My account lvl is 500, over 3k badges,it's on top 250 world wide and on top 100 europe. Almost 1300 games,200 dlc's inside and over 8.000 hours of playtime. https://imgur.com/a/nwvqLJm Account games worth 6.7k $ - THE COST OF THE LEVELS NOT SHOWN ON STEAM DB! The list of the games https://pastebin.com/WcZs0r1q For any further informations feel free to message me ! Price is 3100 euro but we can discuss it, only serious offers :)
  2. UPDATE chars on hold untill wednesday for possible buyer!
  3. Arcana Lord 80 + sub quest ready Fortune Seeker 80 + wolf 66 + sub quest ready + a lot of mats from spoil Doomcryer 78 Shillien Elder 62 + kookaburra 55lvl also 65kk adena all upper 60 euro payment method paypal also gift to the buyer adrenaline key for 20 days period from today :) contact me here or add me skype --> blesmsh update chars sold :)
  4. noob admin and fail srv dont join , he tried to earn ppl with ddos other srvs and spam
  5. fail srv that kid admin ddos l2fabulous and spam his copy/paste srv to earn ppl , get a life kido
  6. hello that cracked bot works with windows xp ?
  7. hello, any1 can help? srv link is l2final.eu
  8. hello, any1 can help? srv link is l2final.eu
  9. hello i tried it but i achived to log in 2-3 times only at my srv the other times it stucks at server selection screen! can u help me about what is wrong? :/
  10. hello i am playing @ www.l2vindication.gr and it's a full antibot srv so i cant use any bot progs..but i need a prog for manor,some other players i think they use.So if any1 can help tell me :) ty!
  11. logiko ama valeis poio pl range na varaei apo poio makria :P
  12. pl palio script :P alla gamato
  13. vres ena walker me bypass kai tha eisai ok ;)
  14. nice guide :D
  15. auras dn ekleise?:P
  16. l2net ftw ;D
  17. thx gia to share ;)
  18. ginete kai me rr and dn douleuei me sub se merikous srv ;)
  19. kai egw psaxnw file :/ dn prepei na exei vgei tpt akoma
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