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  1. Im hoping someone here can help me out.. I recently checked out a private server in which, when you started a new character you had this item called "Deck" Well, to use this item, you simply had a mob targeted and right clicked on the deck, and an html window opened up telling you everything that mob dropped.. the percent it dropped, and the same for spoiling. Iv searched the forums for help on obtaining what I need to make this apart of my server. It was very helpful in playing... Does anyone know where I could get something like this? Its not like the AIO item.. with the global gk, gm shop ect ect.. it was just the drop/spoil. Any help would be great. **Edit** This would be for an Epilogue server
  2. Yeah, I understand. I also have a donations npc. I wuld like to make it to where they can click on "Make me an AIO" And it changes there class to a prophet or something, and gives all the buffing skills automaticly. I know this is nothing on what you just explained. My server is set up that champion mobs drop Coins of Luck. and 5000 Coins of luck, you can go to my donation npc and buy Enchanted weps/armors/nobless/ect ect along with AIO buffer. so see, they can either donation to me for coins. or farm coins and get what they want in the donation npc. I just need to fix it up to where when they click on "Make me an AIO buffer" it gives skills automaticly, and changes that charactyer to a lvl 85 (Whatever 3rd class change is for Prophet) But I need alittle help on how I can set the buffs up so they get the buffs when they click on the AIO thing.
  3. Ha, im sure this is easy for you. :p but for me, this is the first server I have made that involves AIO's so iv never really had to deal with making them. low rate servers with retail like buffs had no need for them. "just take a char and add him manualy all buffers class to 1" you say this, but I have no idea what your saying. its new territory for me. can someone maybe post a guide or something on how to go about this?
  4. I have cracked korean version 10.9.5 oog walker, I log on my final server fine. but as soon as I click to move, it kicks me from server. I use this on my own server just for fun purposes... it says "player so-in-so kicked for walker movement" Anyone know of a way around this? or why its kicking me beside the obvious? Thanks for your help.
  5. Iv made a server, and id like to be able to setup an AIO template or something... Id like to have people donate for All In Ones, but have no idea on how I need to go about making them. Anyone able to help me out?? Id like to be able to just make another class ID or something, and have all the buffs in that ID's skilllist. but have no idea on how to do this. Any help is appreciated.
  6. iv got a few skills not working. and I cant find out where my problem is. Take my rapis shot skill. <skill id="99" levels="2" name="Rapid Shot" enchantLevels1="30" enchantLevels2="30"> <table name="#enchantMagicLvl"> 76 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 79 79 79 80 80 80 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 84 84 85 85 85 </table> <enchant1 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl"/> <enchant2 name="magicLvl" val="#enchantMagicLvl"/> <table name="#ench1time"> 1240 1280 1320 1360 1400 1440 1480 1520 1560 1600 1640 1680 1720 1760 1800 1840 1880 1920 1960 2000 2040 2080 2120 2160 2200 2240 2280 2320 2360 2400 </table> <table name="#ench2MpConsume"> 20 20 19 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 </table> <table name="#ench2mpInitialConsume"> 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 </table> <table name="#mpConsume"> 10 20 </table> <table name="#mpInitialConsume"> 4 5 </table> <table name="#rate"> 1.08 1.12 </table> <table name="#aggro"> 303 549 </table> <set name="mpConsume" val="#mpConsume"/> <set name="mpInitialConsume" val="#mpInitialConsume"/> <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/> <set name="reuseDelay" val="3000"/> <set name="hitTime" val="1500"/> <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/> <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/> <set name="aggroPoints" val="#aggro"/> <enchant2 name="mpConsume" val="#ench2MpConsume"/> <enchant2 name="mpInitialConsume" val="#ench2mpInitialConsume"/> <for> <effect name="Buff" time="1200" val="0"> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="#rate"> <using kind="Bow"/> </mul> </effect> </for> <enchant1for> <effect name="Buff" time="#ench1time" val="0"> <mul order="0x30" stat="pAtkSpd" val="1.12"> <using kind="Bow"/> </mul> </effect> </enchant1for> </skill> Can we find anything wrong with this? its not giving the atk speed. its giving the buff, but dont add anything to stats. Same for my Zealot. and a few others. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
  7. Hey guys, I have searched forums, and sorry if this has been answered before, but I couldnt find. Anyway, I have noticed that my mobs respawn time is almost instant. right after I kill a mob, it respawns right back. As well as my raid bosses.. Can someone point me in the direction on how I can set my respawn times for my mobs to sayyyy... 1 minute or so? and my raidbosses to retail? Appreciate the help.
  8. Nice website. ill put it up to get an in more depth.
  9. This was a problem in my server. appreciate the heads up.
  10. Hawt stuff. thanks. lemme look.
  11. A friend of mine had this problem connecting to my private server, all she did was copy the (fresh) system folder and replaced, and worked fine after that.
  12. Did you download Gracia Final or are you trying to update from Part 2 or what?
  13. Oh great, I was needing this as well. thanks alot.
  14. This was made for people like me who dont want to take the time to edit ourselves. ;P Good share. Ill use him.
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