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About estaz

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  1. Could someone help me out with this error? Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.nio.ByteBuffer.rewind()Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; at l2f.gameserver.vote.DDSConverter.buildHeaderDxt1(DDSConverter.java:215) at l2f.gameserver.vote.DDSConverter.convertToDxt1NoTransparency(DDSConverter.java:126) at l2f.gameserver.vote.DDSConverter.convertToDDS(DDSConverter.java:113) at l2f.gameserver.cache.ImagesCache.loadImages(ImagesCache.java:69) at l2f.gameserver.cache.ImagesCache.<init>(ImagesCache.java:57) at l2f.gameserver.cache.ImagesCache$ImagesCacheHolder.<clinit>(ImagesCache.java:308) at l2f.gameserver.cache.ImagesCache.getInstance(ImagesCache.java:303) at l2f.gameserver.GameServer.<init>(GameServer.java:305) at l2f.gameserver.GameServer.main(GameServer.java:617) I've tried all kinds of different java versions to run the gameserver and to compile everything, still throws this one every time.
  2. Hello, I would like to buy a logo, more info please pm me.
  3. Hello! As the title says, I'm quite interested about this forum community and would like to know if there are any Electronic Dance Music producers out here? And if you are one of them, what software are you using, why? What sound/genre suits you the best? Maybe you can share some of your work? What plugins are you using, why? Is it just like a hobby, or you are pushing it to be the main thing in your life? So yeah, that's all I guess. For now ;) Farewell! And yeah, I love Hardwell!
  4. Im using lithuanian language. And Ixp, what do you mean by "works already" ?
  5. Hello, I downloaded the winamp1.3.3 app, decompiled it and translated the strings.xml (the default one). I compile it, put the resources.arsc file into the original apk file, but when i try to install the app (huawei phone), it just shows that it cannot be installed.. When i try to install it without putting the resources.arsc file (everything is original), it installs smooth. What is the problem..? APK Multitool does not drop any kind of error..
  6. Hello I'm in need of some money for further developments of my H5 Faction Engine (and for hosting), so I'm selling quite nice Interlude Faction Engine. It has 3k+ lines coded, basic and some interesting mods. Here are the configs of it: +#============================================================= +# Faction Engine +#============================================================= +#Enable Triple Faction Engine +FactionEngineEnabled = True + +#Faction Names +Team1Name = Angels +Team2Name = Demons +Team3Name = Fallens +#Team Name Colors in RGB format. +Team1ColorName = 00FFFF +Team2ColorName = 00FF00 +Team3ColorName = 00FF00 + +#Custom levels at start and for subclass. +StartingLevel = 75 +StartingLevelSubClass = 75 + +#Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp and Pk +FactionPlayerGetItemByPvP = True +#Item Amount (Player will receive - (FactionEngineAmmountItemRewardPvp * Faction Flags Number)) +FactionEngineAmmountItemRewardPvp = 1 +#Item ID, which player will receive in PVP +FactionPvPItemRewardID = 57 + +#Enable or Disable Item Rewards in Pvp and Pk for Party members +FactionPlayerGetItemByPvPInParty = True +#Party Reward only for support classes +PartyRewardOnlySupportClass = True +#Default 100% +Chance = 100 +#Reward item ids +PartyReward1 = 57 +PartyReward2 = 57 +PartyReward3 = 57 +PartyReward4 = 57 +PartyReward5 = 57 +PartyReward6 = 57 +PartyReward7 = 57 +PartyReward8 = 57 +PartyReward9 = 57 +PartyReward10 = 57 +#Reward amounts +PartyAmount1 = 1 +PartyAmount2 = 2 +PartyAmount3 = 3 +PartyAmount4 = 5 +PartyAmount5 = 4 +PartyAmount6 = 6 +PartyAmount7 = 8 +PartyAmount8 = 7 +PartyAmount9 = 9 +PartyAmount10 = 10 + +#Enable or Disable skill points and ancient adena reward by capturing enemy flag +FactionPlayerGetSpAAFlag = True +#Skill points amount, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8)(no clan - third) +FactionEngineAmmountSpFirstFlag = 1000 +FactionEngineAmmountSpSecondFlag = 500 +FactionEngineAmmountSpThirdFlag = 250 +#Ancient Adena amount, which player will receive by capturing enemy flag (first - clan level 1-5)(second - clan level 5-7)(third - clan level 7-8) +FactionEngineAmmountAAFirstFlag = 15 +FactionEngineAmmountAASecondFlag = 10 +FactionEngineAmmountAAThirdFlag = 5 + +#Enable or Disable experience gain in PVP +FactionPlayerGetExp = True +#Experience reward in PVP (first - lvl75-76)(second - lvl76-78)(third - lvl 78-80) +FactionExpRewardInPvpFirst = 1000000 +FactionExpRewardInPvpSecond = 500000 +FactionExpRewardInPvpThird = 250000 +#Faction points reward by capturing enemy base +FactionPointsRewardFlag = 5 +#Faction points reward by killing enemy faction member +FactionPointsRewardPvp = 3 + +#Team1 Faction Base location +FactionTeam1BaseX = 147453 +FactionTeam1BaseY = 27502 +FactionTeam1BaseZ = -2204 +#Team2 Faction Base location +FactionTeam2BaseX = 147741 +FactionTeam2BaseY = -55566 +FactionTeam2BaseZ = -2734 +#Team3 Faction Base location +FactionTeam3BaseX = 147741 +FactionTeam3BaseY = -55566 +FactionTeam3BaseZ = -2734 +#Spawn location for newbies (Faction engine must be enabled) +FactionCustomSpawnX = 147453 +FactionCustomSpawnY = 27502 +FactionCustomSpawnZ = -2204 + +#Enable or Disable .online command to see online status of all factions +EnableOnlinePlayersVC = True +#Show online status of all factions on login +EnableOnlinePlayersEnterworld = True + +#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by IP protection +EnableProtectionIP = True +#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same clan +EnableProtectionClan = True +#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm on same ally +EnableProtectionAlly = True +#Enable or Disable anti pvp farm by PDef protection (If target Pdef is less than "ProtectionArmourAmount" , player won't be rewarded) +EnableProtectionArmour = True +ProtectionArmourAmount = 300 I'm selling it for 80 euros through paypal. For people, who are not trusting me, I can sell it to you like this: 1. You send me 40 euro. 2. I give you the code. 3. You send me rest of the money. I can provide proofs of the code (SS, small parts of the code or smth like this) More info - PM. PS. With SMS Donation, this is a true money making monster!
  7. here is what i did in doDie if(Config.GVE_PVP_SYSTEM) { setPkKills(getPkKills()+ getPvpKills()); setPvpKills(0); } is it possible to do it in increasePvpKills without creating a new method?
  8. I want to do this: 1.For every kill player recieves a PvP point, and after the player dies, all pvps disappear and appears as pk points. (Basically, pvp points are kills in a row) 2.Player recieves as much adena as the opponent has pvp points at the exact killing time. I already did the pvp to pk part, but i cant get the second part working. Code you gaved me, in eclipse, throws me an error on int (syntax).
  9. Hello, i want to modify Vago "Item reward for pvp/pk kill.": // Give x y for a pvp kill addItem("Loot", x, y, this, true); sendMessage("You won y x for a pvp kill!"); i want that y would be the amount of targetPlayer pvps so that if killed player has 10 pvps, killer would get 10 y, but it seems that i cant get targetPlayer pvps as a var.. or can i?
  10. Hello everyone, I'm having troubles while compiling core: package l2.universe.communityserver.util does not exist [javac] import l2.universe.communityserver.util.Rnd; How to do that the compiler, while compiling core, would look for packages inside communityserver?
  11. edit: payment added.
  12. Someone can lock the topic. Developers founded.
  13. Hello everyone! I'm looking for pro and trusted java developers who are willing to create the most interesting H5 Java Faction server. Also, I'm requesting many features, but don't worry, you will be payed for it. Okay, so here's the main features of the project: Features will be sent to the dev when the deal will be on. PM me with your contacts. Payment: 100 euro if you do it in 1 week. 80 euro if you do it in 2 weeks.
  14. Server has been updated: Many bugs fixed Added new features: Events, Rebirth System, Mantra System.
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