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Everything posted by ode0n

  1. well i paly on a low rate server x4 dex romania and there we need 1 party sorcerer and 1 pt archers 78 lvl and we kill easy
  2. Dworf DoubleShot sorry for the link that doesnt work Check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDrN771-EWc
  3. hehe we all like dworfs but we like more when they do stupid thinks like this: A electric dwarf!: Or maybe a gay dworf xD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDPUaeptGHQ&feature=related Or Dworf using DoubleShot with funny music xDD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JDrN771-EWc ^^
  4. a friend of mine tried this and he say thet he work
  5. i dont know if it works but if it work it is the best think that i even seen!
  6. Trust me that i want to try it verry much .. when i will have the posts i will try ^^ thx :*
  7. hello my friends im from Romania and my name is Sebastian / im 17 years old /i like this forum is cool :D
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