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Everything posted by bingbing

  1. how can i find this out? or better how can i change this?? :-P
  2. have same Problem but dose not help pls help me only have this error with weapongrp.dat and yes i use the correct FileEdit and yes i use the correct version pls help me
  3. nice maybe u upload a garcia? pack? but its verry nice share thank you
  4. which programm du u use?? file edit have same error like the theard starter
  5. << doesn't work -_- it just does not work is there no guide how to put new weapons/armors to my server easier?? :(
  6. I know there are a lot of these topics but i searched for them, in none of them is an good answer which helps me ^^ pls help me whit this damn error cuz i wanna have more customs at my server Edit: I tryed something i opend the weapongrp.dat and changed a value from an existing file... and then i saved it ... and see it worked ... but THEN! i tryed to add some lines into the weapongrp and after that i tryed to save again, but after this there was this error .. i also added the new line in the middel at th etop an at the end but nothing worked... please help me ^^ http://home.imageshack.gr/view.php?file=kr7atxh3qpyvc2u90gzb.jpg <-- Problem Please help me^^
  7. Hello i want to make a custom server iwant that the mobs like all mob are in the game wich i need to kill to rais my lvl ... i want that they drop speciall thinks to 100% but i dont know how to change for all mobs,... like change the herbs into my random items... but i want that the mobs only drop my random item not the standart items.. can pls help me where i have to change something ?? sorry for my bad english .. i hope for every body is clear what i mean ^^..
  8. I look for an working Geodata for hellbound server ... i allready found something at the search but its only for interlud ... i hope someone can send me an message :)
  9. but what header version do i have to use?? on garcia???
  10. verry nice but iam a real noob do u know any Topic which tells me step by step how to work with myqsl and navicat ,.. or maybe you can make an three klick server?? that would be verry nice :-D but thanks dude ...:D mfg
  11. hiw can i take the sqls from the imperial crusader amor,...
  12. have the same error how i have to add this stuf ??
  13. thats nice man my ally my friends downloaded it verry good collection^^
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