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Everything posted by WebM0nst3r

  1. Problem Solved Topic Locked ! yihaaa :P
  2. Devon banned for 5 days Morian's fixed your karma as i see Happy name's day have nothing to do with religions is a commond sense (even if Devon try to proove us the opossite) Topic Locked
  3. @Devon may i remind you • If a member create a topic discussing for religious subjects the topic will be immediately locked and the topic creator will be banned from our forums. Do i !@# speak to my self ??? 5 days post ban you really should start praying to satan for not giving ya a full ban !
  4. wut ? wtf ? loulz ? omgz0r ? lmao ? :P kane mia sigkrisi pola programmata bgenoun ka8e mera, posa apo auta ginonte diasima, poses eteries p ta bgalane exoun bgalei $$ apo ekei k posa apo auta crackaronte opote ta perneis free.
  5. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=32082.msg217520#msg217520
  6. as i told ya it sucks :P /jk :P for first time it was pretty good keep practicing and maybe one day u'll be like me :P
  7. einai san na zitas na petixeneis ton 1o ari8mo tou laxeio me sindiasmo na kerdizeis k ena skafos k ekeini tin stigmi na s kanei protasi gamou i angelina jolie :P oxi auto p les dn ginete i moni lusi einai na siko8ei o server se kapia alli xwra, auto ginete me 2 tropous ean exeis kapion filo ekei opote agorazete ekei to pc me ekatostara sindesi k fusaei 'h allios dedi ;)
  8. i erwtisi m emena einai ean a3izei, ean a3izei na spatali8oun tosa € gia na pareis tetio pc k na sikoseis server stin Ellada me tis taxitites tis ellhnikes oxi server dn sikoneis oute giaoutri stragkisto me 1% dn 8a siko8ei me mia sindesi ews 24 mbps 8a sikoneiws 40 me 50 atoma xalara meta 3ekinaei to lag :P
  9. oi :P dn briskw tin katalili le3ei xD
  10. ka8e refresh p kanw einai k mia new selida
  11. Μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις ένα έτοιμο pack για αρχή να δεις λίγο τι παίζει και μετά εάν θες να συνεχίσεις να ξεκινήσεις να δουλεύεις με compiled pack είναι πολύ καλύτερο από το να στα κάνει κάποιος άλλος και στο τέλος να μην ξέρεις τίποτα. Μια σοκολάτα εάν είναι δυνατόν γιατί με έπιασε λιγούρα βραδιάτικα xD Εάν γίνετε μην κανεις double - post κανε modify το πρώτο σου post ;)
  12. Anyway there is no point discussing it any more So Topic Locked ;)
  13. We really don't know, we are still investigating what he made and he by passed the protection.
  14. The image was a redirect image, when you saw his topic you saw his avatar too, that means that your browser loaded his avatar so when u loaded the image you where redirected to the Username and Password script.
  15. No the code was not on his posts - replies but it was located in his image (avatar) You may think it's impossible but he managed to connect his avatar with the .ru site Anyway problem found and solved user banned, you don't have to worry for anything now ;) Regards WebM0nst3r
  16. Vampires are alive the legend have to surviveeeeeeeeee lalalala oloi akuroi edw mesa locked . . .
  17. die in hell all :P just kidding ta prosopika ton allwn dn aforoun emas oeo ?!?!? maxcheaters eimaste 3analew oxi maxpsychopathers xD locked
  18. Topic Locked More Info Soon !! .... Stay Tuned :P
  19. 1st post updated. Topic Hidded for 100 posts !
  20. hell yeah :P we will host more than 4 servers of 4 different games so is gonna be really expensive
  21. na o tupas sto video dn mas ta edine me 10% ekptosi giauto k dn pirame tous piraulous apo tin kina :P wPF6SIGqPFI&feature=related
  22. nai :P k oxi mono mas kinigaei k i EU twra gt leei dn exoume xartia gia tous piraulous p isagame apo to auganistan akou dw -.-'
  23. to oti 3eroun tin onomasia tou project dn simenei oti 3eroun k to ti 8a ginei se auto ^^
  24. for me it download 3 parts at the same time with 800kbps and i got 8 MBPS internet connection :D
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