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Everything posted by TheLegion

  1. Thank you all for the replies, the svn update did work, i just forgot to update this post. Again, thank you.
  2. It was removed on accident and replaced in less than 12 hours. Instead of jumping to conclusions, try asking!
  3. L2.hopzone went down for a few days and when they came back up, our auto-reward vote system doesn't report the vote counts. l2off interlude Vangath. if anybody has already fixed this issue, please let me know.
  4. Big patch coming this weekend, be sure to come check us out!
  5. I messaged you at 18:00, 20:00, and 22:00. Skype has offline messages, just reply damnit.
  6. The problem is that you don't actually respond on skype...
  7. Ok, i'll be attempting all this later, i really need help. lol
  8. thats what i was afraid of, But when you edit a texture, what defines what hand the texture ends up in? I see tons of guides on weapons, but none for shields, or converting items to shields.
  9. I am not a server dev, i'm a player. I can only edit client files. The server owner made a custom item with the ID number 10899. I want that item (Which is a shield) To LOOK like a soul separator. The textures of which EXIST within the game already as weapon. I want those textures on my Shield Item from the client side, as i understand, this can be done with the weapongrp.dat Have somebody translate this for you, its very clear in English.
  10. I'm not trying to add a new texture. I want to use a weapon texture for a NEW ITEM, i don't want to have to add my own textures.
  11. All races, all classes. You don't understand at all. I'm just trying to call an already existing texture/animation. I just need to know what places in the line to edit.
  12. The server i play on has off-hand daggers(Shields with no evasion penalty), somewhere in the last major update they became invisible. Using the weapongrp.dat i can make them look like shields, but what fields do i edit to make them look like the weapons again? ex: I copied the info line for soul separator into the ID line for the off-hand dagger, The icon/drop image change correctly, but it doesn't show up in the characters hand. Thanks whoever can help.
  13. 20:54:08 »¶Ó­Ê¹ÓÃÐÐÕß¡£ 20:54:08 Link LoginServer Succeed. 20:54:08 20:54:12 Link GameServer Succeed. 20:54:17 ->Enter Char[1]. 20:54:20 Only the clan leader is enabled. 20:54:58 ->Enter World Timeout.
  14. well, if you read those few steps there... nothing happens, hoe can i use something that doesn't exist? If it showed up in proxfier i wouldn't be having this problem. and damn, just looked at the version of bakeice... 2.42
  15. How do i use that one? i cant seem to find it anywhere. if i make my own Game_Guard.dll from the GameGuard.dll (thats in the clean folder) for the proxifier to use and proxifier re-routes all ports that it uses(2106, doesn't matter, but this is the specific port) the bakeice client wont login @ all.
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