# Class Master
# Config for special Class Master npc that can change players occupation
# If you need change occupation only use quest then set this to False (Default)
# Syntax: occupation number;[required item id(count)],[],...;[reward item id(count)],[],...;occupation number...
# Examples:
ConfigClassMaster = 1;[57(10000)];[];2;[57(100000)];[];3;[57(1000000)],[];[6622(1)]
# 1st occupation change for 100.000 Adena (item id 57)
# 2nd occupation change for 1.000.0000 Adena (item id 57)
# 3rd occupation change for 10.000.0000 Adena (item id 57) and 1.000.000 Ancient Adena (item id 5575)
# on 3rd occupation change player will be rewarded with 1 Book of Giants (item id 6622)
# ConfigClassMaster=1;[];[];2;[];[];3;[];[]
# 1st, 2nd, 3rd occupation change for free, without rewards
ConfigClassMaster = False
# Spawn Class Master npc if you have any in spawnlist. Default = False
SpawnClassMaster = False
# Allows Strider Update
ClassMasterUpdateStrider = False
kane ena backup apo ta quests sou se ena alo fakelo kai ta html, kai svista ola. Oti xreiazese apla kaneis ena c/p apo to backup mono to id pou xreiazese, i quest.