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Everything posted by ExTrEmEDwarf

  1. Maxtor unbanned him cause he paid as i know .. if you want more information pm maxtor locked
  2. ξέρεις που θα οδηγηθεί το thread αν καταλήξει σε flames, εκτός αν έχω χρόνο και το κάνω clean =/
  3. εδώ δεν τα δίνει σε μένα =/ σε σένα θα τα δώσει?;;; εγώ περιμένω να τα βγάλει..
  4. Uploaded: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZtArsjzlQ8 Have fun =D
  5. back Im thinking to go to the sea today ಠ_ಠ
  6. Im hearing Giannis Kotsiras atm, not so high today :/
  7. Glad that ppl are downloading it ^^ Every part is downloaded +/- 78 times, without the premium downloads.
  8. I bet its gonna be deleted cause of the voice, but the whole music is re-edited from Zero.
  9. I have it as remix, i will upload it on youtube if i find any decent picture to add the music :P
  10. Real name: Memoarichikaari ExTrEmE Dwarf: Kunaarishikurinku Temeikashilu
  11. http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=37243
  12. Όταν δεν ξέρεις να γράφεις Ελληνικά καλύτερα να γράφεις με Greeklish. Πάντως τις 2 εικόνες και τις 2 φωτογραφίες δεν θα τις έλεγα guide..
  13. Why i do think that you are DarkHacker? -.-"
  14. just give them the l2.ini with the changed ip -.-"
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