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Everything posted by ExTrEmEDwarf

  1. We both spent so much time on 4chan.. duh
  2. some racist conversation you mean i'll clean it up, but the next racist comment is ban for 14 days
  3. i really cant watch this without laughing.. :S
  4. the video was normal for me till 1:08 after this when she stopped running i SO FUCING LOST BAUAHSAHHAHASHHASHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  5. After the update with the rapidpoints the half rapidshare community turned up to hotfile and megaupload thats why they will return back to the old system since they lost money instead of win
  6. Έχω βαρεθεί να βλέπω τέτοια threads. Δεν υπάρχει κανένα rule σε αυτό το board γιατί απλά το κάνανε post απο το general help μέχρι το off-topic board Απλά σταματήστε να κάνετε τέτοιου είδους threads >.>
  7. Αμα συνεχίσεις να γράφεις με ελληνικά πιστεύω θα φας ban επειδή σκοτώνεις την ελληνική γραμματική Διάβασε ένα μπαμπινιώτη και άσε τους servers
  8. googlebot blocked maxcheaters from google, was maxtor's mistake. he said he'll fix it =P
  9. He wanted to achieve the 6 stars thingie >.>
  10. L2JFree is protected from this, but remember - you have to compile the server with maven.
  11. take a look on this thread, find whatever you want and edit the codes that you need on your needs. You cant find everything ready ^^
  12. Why would you remove the credits from the original owner and add your name? As i know they can sue you for doing so.
  13. Αν έχεις winamp πήγαινε στις ιδιότητες του αρχείου και άλαξε τα απο εκεί, είναι οι αναλυτικές ιδιότητες.
  14. i was waiting you to make a thread ^^ your karma wont be lifted, it was a ban-warning cause usually we ban spammers =)
  15. not on my best but .. topic title fixed
  16. Το είχα κάνει post απο ότι θυμάμαι
  17. please stop making such threads with gm requests.
  18. correct this Fire(?) across the time(?) I feel you in my heart My love will never die See the world just in your eyes
  19. Δεν μπορεί να βλέπει όταν ποστάρουν τέτοιες μαλακίες και έχει και δίκιο
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