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Everything posted by Nod

  1. Kaloo xaxa den to fantazomoun oti ginete kati tetoio :D Nomiza pws oi alusides den uparxoun sthn pragmatikothta =)
  2. Dhladh sunfwneis mauto pou eipe ? : osoi lete oti einai "poustia" apla eistai noobs kai sas exoun xwsei apeires fores ... for spug4t4 omg ais8hma anwterothtas ??? pfff dld esena den 8a sou thn espage an enas xrhshmopoiouse exploit h bug gia na se nikaei sthn olympiad ...den 8a ton ebrhzes dld apla kaisy san e3upnos kai MH-noobas 8a xrhshmopoiouses kaisy bug :)) wraia mbravo :D isa isa etsi mas edh3es oti den eise player alla bugger dld tpt den to kataferneis me thn a3ia sou :)) GRATZ ;D kai isanwtera :)
  3. kalo kolpaki , an eine gia jail for ever :X
  4. Den topiasa auto "jump" ti enweis dld ? na kanoume click sunexia mexri na phdh3ei panw ? ....(auto exei an kanei kai me to geodata tou server basika ..)
  5. An exw allo class px titan kai mpw me duals Oly 8a leitourghsei o 2os tropos :) ?
  6. eine xrhshmo ....px an eise e3w apo Mos (monastery of silence) kaisou thn sthsoun apo ketra :] esy 8a to 3ereis kai den 8a pas 3erw gw .....h eine xrhshmo gia sieges :) na deis na kapios prwspa8ei na mpei apo allou ...
  7. ma ola ta hacks ktlp exoun trojans mesa .....kleise to antivirus kai 3anakanto
  8. E topame auto ....eine analoga ton server Oo
  9. Afou : o PkForAllNoobs sas ekane thn xarh kai ta ekane pio liana gt kanete posts pragmata pou den a3izoun ? opws to lol pou egrapse o ElfasQQ O_o prwto post sto MxC kai auto brhkes na peis ? Re pedeia an eine kati na peite ...peite gia ta bugs an douleuoun h oxi dne xreiazete na leei o ka8enas oti goustarei gia na kanei posts ....
  10. osoi xrhshmopoioun bugs kala eine siga mhn fygoun ..oi alloi pou dne ta 3eroun ta bugs 8a fygoun ...
  11. spammer o_O go spam on games previews and come later ... Noble this trick for titans works
  12. Sorcerer :) because he has big m attack :) he just needs little casting and voila :D
  13. Opws kai naxei h 8a exei donators enas server h 8a exei corruputed gms h 8a exei lag opote afou kanenas server den mporei na ta apoklhsei ola .....8a eine ligo dyskolo :) dOnates xreiazontai gia na suntirh8ei o server Lag OPWSDHPOTE L2 xwris lag eine pagwto xwris geush ... Kia fusika Corrupted gms ...e siga twra kai pios gm den 8a sugkrati8ei apo to na ftia3ei char kai na tous exei olous gia thn plaka tou :p opote mhn psaxneis xD dyskolo na breis enan normal server :P
  14. maybe they could make some monsters than human elf orc ...etc it would be nice xD
  15. xa0ax0xaxa0xa0ax0axax0ax0 to teleutaio marese ax0axax0axax0axax0 nai dne eine oloi active ;) poloi eine kai mono gia donate ...eixa dei enan server pou eixe +3 safe +50 max 30% chance kai to Donate elampe san xristougeniatiko dentro ....lolen
  16. Enow oti 8a prosexoun ;) siga mhn katsoun na alla3oun ton server gia ena arxeio ...
  17. Re pokemon niw8eis ?? ? den ekane double post + o strike eftia3e auto to topic
  18. Twistaki kanto hide kai pedeia :S mhn perimenete na krathsei polu auto to exploit :O oloi oi admins kai gms (mafia) eine users edw :S gia allh mia fora tous lete ti na diwr8wsoun.......
  19. sumfwnw :/ to 8ema eine to oti an enas gm parakolou8ei 8a fas kana kick apo to event :) kai pios sou eipe oti den 8a trabh3oun ss gia na klapsoune :p ?
  20. upoti8ete oti o gm 8a koimate ekhnh th stigmh :p
  21. i love the last one photo that it seems that the 2 dragon slayers have their OWN Hero aura ...omg if you are hero you ahve another 2 glows with ya ...nice share thx Anubis
  22. omg :P nice ax0xaax0ax0xa0xa
  23. huh...yeah you are not pr0 :D but anyway nice share xD
  24. omg nice share , it would be perfect for server named like L2 frozen xD (dunno if this server exists ..)
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