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Everything posted by xofox

  1. my first model, modeling and texturing for me Download Password: www.maxcheaters.com Thanks -=ANUBIS=- and Neblitox sorry 4 my bad english
  2. my first model, created by me Thanks -=ANUBIS=- and Neblitox
  3. creates a new texture and import with the UnrealED
  4. UTPackage Tool, open texture original, File>Options>Extracting>Base Directory right-clic mouse on the texture>Extract as Image> DDS or TGA Open texture with photoshop and you have to edit sorry 4 my bad english
  5. When edit UKX monster Anakim and export the file, in the game does not show textures sorry 4 my bad english
  6. Invisible Armor´s, created by me at the request of Imperium POSTE this armor http://img222.imageshack.us/img222/9238/fireup5.jpg[/img] included icons sorry 4 my bad english Download Password: www.maxcheaters.com
  7. qesaras is not the same armor Anubis more similar to the aqua armor http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/7326/iceee0.jpg[/img] sorry 4 my bad english
  8. I can do, but tell me which weapons look at the dual Dividers I just do sorry 4 my bad english
  9. Armor and Weapon DracoICE, created by me http://img527.imageshack.us/img527/6381/dracoice3nq1.jpg[/img] http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/2348/dracoice2yw9.jpg[/img] Download Password: www.maxcheaters.com
  10. is a very good idea, but tell me which weapons and i do the pack sorry 4 my bad english :X
  11. uhmm, normal stats <set val='424' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/> <set val='150' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/> <set val='8' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/> <set val='325' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/> <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/> <!-- SA: Critical Damage/Haste --> <add val='326' order='0x40' stat='cAtk'/> <mul val='1.10' order='0x30' stat='pAtkSpd'/> <mul val='1.05' order='0x30' stat='pvpPhysDmg'/> <mul val='1.05' order='0x30' stat='pvpMagicalDmg'/>
  12. sure, IL = InterLude :o
  13. NPC Gatekeeper Global, created by me Download Password: www.maxcheaters.com
  14. Dual Dragon Slayer Ice-Fire, created by me Download Password: www.maxcheaters.com
  15. may be similar but never the same, these buffers are created by me sorry 4 my bad english
  16. NPC Buffers created by me Download Password: www.maxcheaters.com
  17. test download this file and decompressed in C:\Windows\System32 Click here to go to the download of msvbvm60.dll sorry 4 my bad english :X
  18. I had the same mistake, creates a new texture, encrypt and enjoy ^^, sorry 4 my bad english :X
  19. works L][C6 Interlude no, add for id
  20. [HELP] Error save, when import texture dds ?
  21. Raid Boss Skills, extracted system L2GM Captures ID Lvl 4106 1 4127 1 4128 1 4130 1 4229 12 4232 12 4314 12 4315 12 4316 12 4685 1 4690 1 Download
  22. because i cant see me posts Valakas Accesory [iL] Demon Wing [iL]
  23. Client IL C6 (Interlude)
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