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Everything posted by Retal

  1. Please someONE find a Batle for down : Reborn (BFD:R) server token Thnx
  2. Smakas kaa ?
  3. panadolextra1 always exist on MSN mesinger pleas... need to speak ;)
  4. when it works ( i speaking about BFDR) ?
  5. what ;// not work!! shit!!!!!
  6. YES please need new BFD-Reborn token ! :/
  7. L2Agahnim ERROR Can not resume thread 0 (error 6: the handle is invalid.) How understand this? :/
  8. I am out of luck to find BFDR Token .. erors tables and... :( :( :(
  9. Please give me link or share Hexprobe Hex Editor Version 1.41 FULL VERSION
  10. Ok.. i wait my friend maybe they know how find token of BFD-Reborn :( Agahnim you not have time to find this token( BFDR) ? regrettably.... becose in my country is paschal vacation and i should like my char raise big lvl :/
  11. I need new Token.. :( Agahnim why you cant..? how find a token .. please help .. find this token ;)
  12. Agahnim try use Bot in BFD-Reborn.. in bfd new patch and now i cant login whit bot 13:23:14 ->Agahnim's Bot Collection Version 2 13:23:14 Link LoginServer Succeed. 13:23:14 ->Login LoginServer Fail. Sory for en
  13. Thnx agahnim GOOD JOB !
  14. xrezerv2@walla.com
  15. Good Luck :!: :!:
  16. I found one server where i can see this tables but comands dosen't work.. I need leastwise one server where i can test whis exploit. thnx Sory for en
  17. I test this exploit on ~10 server.. dosen't work. Extraxt this files to L2text yes? And in gamo from help table yes? But dosent work ;/ Maxtor maybe you ca say some servers? Thnx I know.. my En is bad ;/
  18. Maxtor maybe you can say some servers where i can test this exploit? Big Thnx Sory for En
  19. Neila gal adminui bb jau baigi nuciulpt ? nea ?
  20. Pz pz kiek laimes pas neila koks nesveikas dziauksmas: "xDDDDDDDDDDDD" Neila apie tokius dalykus kaip adminu doxinimas tu tik sapne sapnavai tikriausia ,nes man rodos tave visi visur duxina. Sedi ten tam forume tokiu lopu kruvele mokanciu tik bybius drost prie PC
  21. As nesuprantu.. bld jus tokie patys buvot , jaj zmogus nori ismokt nemanau kad ce blogai krc..
  22. Chebra gal ssirenkam i koki nors IRC kanala ? Siulikit ... REIKIA VIENITIS :)
  23. what do whit this files ? extract to .... ? Sory ,my english bad :(
  24. Nu va gal galite man padeti ,as ten tos EN nelabai suprantu gal galit supazindint su visu situo sh ,nes as dar "zalias " . Dekiui
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