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Posts posted by Morian

  1. First off all the IP address have nothing to do with CS... wtf?

    It isn't possible.


    I would be happy if I be able to change my ip in cs ONCE, and I can't find a software to do it... So it's not possible.

    As i said the IP have nothing to do with CS.... The CS not have IP. Your IP is your router's IP, if you play CS or Dota or L2 or even serfing on the net you have the same IP. And you don't need any software to change your IP address, Just restart your router.




    Topic moved to right section.

    When we request something whatever is this we have to post in Cs Support.

  2. I just sell my old domains... I don't use it at all.


    The domains is from www.godaddy.com and the domain's name is netb0x.com and netb0x.info


    They expires at 5/14/2011.


    Some screenshots






    The price is 8$ both!


    For more informations feel free to add me in my msn morian01@hotmail.com

  3. Guys, i'm still editing a bit the video, thanks for your appreciation




    Let's say I win for example, I don't wanna see maxtor coming and saying "sorry you can't win because the promo is not 4 minutes long"


    Let is as it is... Just make one more like the previous one with more l2, cs, and wow videos and post it here. That's all

  4. the true size is 1263x1024 :D


    The starting size is 935x900  not all of the internet users have big screens and its hard to be accurate some times, anyway i did not say that 935x900 it the best size evar... xD Anyone has hes own style and preferences, and it depends on what are you creating ;)   


    I will keep that in my mind ;) thanks.


    Kiddding. Well, it's a good try for your first time, but you have to work much more.

    You should try to combine the colors better, resize the images well and also use elegant fonts, like Verdana. <3

    Furthermore, you should try to give a 3D feeling on the boxes, if you get what I mean.

    They're kinda flat atm. Make them more advanced using the shadows, bevel and so on.

    Anyway, keep it up. =]



    I got it ;) Thanks buddy! My next temp will pwn! xD


    The Images need to be resized the colors doesnt match at all and well it sux actually but if u fix the thinks we told u you will make smth better for sure.


    Always with love <3

    When i make my 2nd you will rate again nab! :)




    Thanks all for the comments and rates, really I appreciated.

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