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Posts posted by Morian

  1. yea man but i will tell it again that i thought i saw...( i know that u can change ur ip by rr ur modem)


    anyway... cause something like this is not possible i will lock the topic. If you want anything else PM me to unlock.



  2. i use d3d and i think win7 doesn`t support OpenGL..and software sux.. my fps is always around 90 ..

    Yeah... Thats all, i found your problem.... It's from your graphics.... And windows 7 supports OpenGL... The only thing that you have to do, is to download and instal the drivers from your graphic card.

    If you have Nvidia go here and find the drivers from graphic card, download and instal it!

    After that you can run CS with OpenGL.

    Good Luck!

  3. You said that you tried servers from you country, actuallly from your city lol.... And you have a very good internet connection.

    Are you sure the lag comes from ping? Check your options and tell me what graphics you have? Maybe Software and not OpenGL?

    Also how much fps you have?

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