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Posts posted by Morian

  1. Step 1: Open Photoshop and create a new image. This image can be any size, but the larger the better for this tutorial. I will make my image 400 x 400 with a black background.


    Step 2: Select the Rectangle Tool from the side tool bar as soon in the image below. Draw a thin rectangle on the left hand side of the image. The rectangle should be white and look like the second image below. You should now have two layers



    Step 3: Now we are going to merge the layers together (Image > Merge Down) or (Ctrl +E). Step 4: We will now apply the wind filter to this image (Filter > Stylize > Wind). Set the settings similar to what I have below in the first image. You will apply this effect two more times (Ctrl +F). Your image should look like the second image below.




    Step 5: Now we will rotate the image clock-wise (Image > Rotate Canvas > 90 CW). You should have an image similar to what I have below.



    Step 6: Next we will apply the polar coordinates filter (Filter > Distort > Polar Coordinates). Set the settings similar to what I have below in the first image. You should get an image similar to what is below in the second image.



    Step 7: Now we will invert the color (Image > Adjustments > Invert) or (Ctrl + I). This will switch the black area with white and the white area with black.


    Step 8: Take your magic wand, as shown in this first picture, ad drag around the bullet hole. Now we will inverse the image (Select > Inverse) or (Ctrl + Shift + I). You should have something like what is in the second image.



    Step 9: We will now copy the layer (Layer > Duplicate Layer). Now you should have a total of 2 layers and are done. You now have your bullet effect. You should have an image similar to what is below.



    Bonus Effect: You can add a bonus blending option to make it look more realistic. Right click on the layer and select Blending Options. Select the Inner Shadow option.


    Source freephotoshopguides.com


    You have to open your eyes...I didnt say your name!I said "MEN"......for everyone who tells him to do it fast!



    He he sorry, I think you write for me. :P Sorry again.

    My eyes is from sleep! :P I go clean my face with water :D :D :D

  3. men just wait he is just a human and he wont be working for you all day!


    @maniakmike take your time ;)


    Open your eyes and look my post better 


    I said


    When you have free time, Make and one sig from me.

  4. Well I watching you work maniakmike and you so much pro!

    When you have free time, Make and one sig from me.

    By the Way Thank you!


    Theme: Dota or Goku ssj :P

    Colour: Yellow, Oranger, Red

    Title: МØЯĮẮŊ™

    SubTitle: no

    Want to add maxcheaters text on sing: no

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