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Everything posted by Fя0zenInside™

  1. also i uploaded the files on the site but i cant see the images somewhere,i mean i uploaded the images on the ftp but i cant see them on the site... also i dont understand this part 6. If the files are on the FTP server, you must change the permissions of ips.txt,invitecount.txt,box.php to 777 !
  2. he cant he want the imac :D
  3. because i dont know a shit from that can you say me how to put the files on filezilla and then how can i upload them? i am noob on that;x
  4. what you actually mean with that? 3. Open the file config.php where is in the folder lockerznew that you have unpacked, and change it! i didnt understand the whole part...
  5. nice1 i was looking something like that and also all that for free hmm? also if i find a diffucult on my way to create it can i reply here to help me? also thanks for posting it....
  6. o Pwnz0r pantos pisteyw oti prepei na mpei...
  7. [gr]prwta prepei na kaneis logout meta pata sto click on kai tote tha s vgalei na kaneis register sto email p ekanes invite ;)[/gr]
  8. maybe the other version is that you making domains you fish mails with username/passwords and then you invite them ::) hmm dunno what else to say...
  9. actually if i remember right you can only create 3 mails per day.
  10. i think that we should pm supermac ::)
  11. einai me to domain website? an nai pes to apo tr na mhn psaxnoume adika xD
  12. auto me to domain to xw ktlvei kai egw alla oute kai egw exw xD
  13. oh come on guys, help us out a little :P
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