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Everything posted by Fя0zenInside™

  1. here it is... okey i will make it tomorow because i will eat and see uri geller in tv xD and then i will sleep but maybe i will make it and today...
  2. do you want with the santa or with the catty?xD np:P well you want with that render or you want 1 with the sigs that i made? also if i forgot some ppl to the Pr0's its not my fault;p i cant remember them all
  3. i check them but i have extended my pms for 1 hour xD well IF anyone want to add me in msn FrozenCr3w@hotmail.com
  4. no problemO mates! btw i am going out with my friends.... request free and when i come to home i will start making again;)
  5. here you go DarkLord :P thanks dude! GodPower yours coming... here it is:
  6. eh eh my fault okey... yea. :P btw i post here your sigs because i cant post anymore pm because i extended 10 pm in 1 hour xD
  7. lol i am not pr0 i am newbie i can tell you some pr0's here xD (coyote,sX,SoFaKi,MasterDisaster,Blane,SeeYa and many others i cant tell from all the pr0's the name;p) about your request i can make you 1 of this 2 sigs with your name do you want? yea... check your pms in 2mins. yeap check your pms in 2 mins. also thanks for comments guys...
  8. well i make 2 sigs for the moment but i will keep it updated because i will create in this topic only christmas sigs... and any1 can pm me to give the psd file if he want to take the signature for him well here we go... Christmas Cat: v1 v2 Santa Claus Sig(i really like this1 xD) v1 v2 Bad Snowman(rofl) v1 v2 P.S:All comments are welcome P.S2:I will keep it updated with more sigs when i create some more... P.S3:You Can PM me if you want and i will give you the psd file to make it everything you want(change name,add things,e.t.c)
  9. egw pantos exw akousei kala logia gia to iphone opiodhpote modelo alla einai ligo akrivoutsiko nmz auto epishs emena m aresei san kinhto kai tha to thela>.> alla... xD vsk egw tha s sunistousa na to pareis. alla as doume kai alles apopseis apo alla members.
  10. xD hmm also i like better the v2 now but the v3 is quite good like i said...
  11. also much better now with the boarders it may be better if the boarders was not so big but its ok also try to resize the sig at 350x130 but if you only want... nvm xD its nice and now..
  12. well first of all hmm maybe you overuse the brushes c4ds and dunno what else you put in the sig hmm... 2nd i only can see the final fantasy guy and thats a sword? nothing more... well about the text its quite good but i like more the GFX that you writed there with that font its ownz btw what font you used for the GFX? also you can add white boarders it may looks better then...
  13. haha;p yea maybe you have right about that because i need to read some tuts about backgrounds and e.t.c well i keep practising thanks^^ eh eh btw i learned how to do a avatar like yours i will make1 :D
  14. i have to agree with coyote for sure that you improve to a better way but dunno because this sig is made from a tut also if you keep this style in other sigs too then you show to us that you improved your skills keep it up dude!
  15. o_O you dont want comments ok... 3/10 and it is too much for this sig;)
  16. nice aio dude it has all the shares and guides/tricks nice job keep it updated^^
  17. well imagination FTW xD thanks for the comments guys and special to you coyote:)
  18. i wont and i wouldnt do it because like albos says that the experiments arent finished yet and thats why the vacine isnt 100% sure.
  19. really nice work dude.... i like very much the graphics of santa xD very good job keep up creating xmas things xD
  20. well i have to agree xD but from this two better is the 1st...
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