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Everything posted by CheaterX

  1. Bp powa :] I like play pvp on self with nukers skills augument :]
  2. Mmm say anythink more... what server u play? Its not easy to say 1 bug for all l2off servers ;]
  3. Its easy. Only use l2w and set auto attack :]
  4. Best oly char is Treasure hunter (for me) and other dagger:] Ofc if u know how to play dagger ;P
  5. Maby stop copy mine post? http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=63836.0
  6. Dragon-Network (a place where normal things don't usually happen very often). Dragon x15 ;P
  7. So HB here and now i have problem... my bot cant see DN items :-\ (Mana Herbs, Healing Herbs, and some other ::)). Any1 can help me? pls ;D
  8. If its true so sorry... But i can't find there DN mana script for HB (il only) ;P
  9. No problem xD I only changed items id ;P
  10. So here is it ::) : // // ENHANCED MANA SCRIPT (WORKS AT DRAGON-NETWORK HELLBOUND SERVERS) // Label(INICIO) CharStatus(MP,<,60) //>>> VERIFY IF MANA IS LOW THAN 60% THAN USE E-MANA <<<// { Label(MANA) USEITEM(itemname[iD=8633]) USEITEM(Enhanced Mana Potion[iD=10764]) DELAY(19000) //>>> E-MANA POT DELAY (20000 = 20 SECONDS) <<<// CharStatus(MP,<,70) //>>> IF CHAR MP LOW THAN 90% USE E-MANA AGAIN <<<// { Call(MANA) } } DELAY(5000) Call(INICIO)
  11. Upload again plox
  12. In what chronicle it's work??
  13. Uffffff i kill this GG :) Thank U :*
  14. Nice exploit ;) It's work yeahhhh :P
  15. change starter zone?? :/
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