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Everything posted by tupacboss

  1. http://www.own3d.tv/video/85015/Beta_Siege chech guys this video im looking for this dd maybe someone have...
  2. if u dont like starwars Join x2 exp rate....
  3. Nice Idea To make This ;)
  4. I know but This Looks Great With This Skills... i will w8 for more replys
  5. im Looking For this Damage Display, maybe someone got it check video
  6. i know this from one Guy and im sure it work i will show you but now i have radio net... The same ip
  7. some server Have time to disconect in my l2world 5m and your char log out... when your network down try on your maybe help u, and in character screen u dont get dc Quick, but your client safe ip before u close net,..
  8. Hi Guys i will tell u a good idea, cant open dualbox on server? your server have vote reward for ip? Use my idea, everything what u need, is variable Ip. Log your char to character window, Quick Close your internet and open again, and u get new adress. works on alot servers
  9. i have Error dont know why ;/ : the Filename you specified has one or more spaces in it. unreal filenames cannot contains spaces
  10. all you guys dont watch forum, gm's increased the guest drop for some guests, in this is good, you can make alone all mats for bop or ....
  11. you can kill this mobs whit lvl 76 and mobs give you normal Q items..
  12. All What u need, is a just Quest in Crypt of disgrace, near Spawn stay Npc karuda, he will give you 2 guests, for the first u get 240 animal bone, for the 2nd Quest u get cbp or steel, 2 Quests in 5minuts, you can kill this mobs whit lvl 76 and mobs give you normal Q items..
  13. is possible u need copy just head of human fighter to elf male but is rly hard to make, 1 mm and head can be near ...
  14. im looking for this thx.
  15. Try to find for your client user.ini with unlimited zoom i think this can help you... Just click skroll on the mouse
  16. Sory for spam ill repair alone.... If someone have the same problem justr pm..... in all grade ...
  17. l2umbrella When you use enchant skrol, normally open the enchant window, but she dont work dont know why.. and here is this problem RequestEnchantItem.java
  18. Hello i have small problem whit system enchant in gracia 2 serwer, enchant dont work can someone help?
  19. Hi everyone i need small help, can someone tell me where i can find apella textures?
  20. works on gracia Try use Epic Set;)
  21. working on gracia part 2, only you change your lokalization my is d;lineage2/system.l2exe
  22. Hmm u have a good idea, when u change wywern to valakas maybe u can fly ;]
  23. no.... on m serwer work go to aden town find broadcasting tower go watch coloseum and when u in coloseum command /unstuck and u are in aden and u are invisible( u cant hit nothing)
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