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Posts posted by Alexi

  1. idiots say that playing l2 for 11 years I've been on 11 and l2 not there 11 years are all simple

    Hello there , from what I understand you wan't to be gm so I'll tell you something its not funny to be a gm the only you can do is sit in the towns and answer people and maybe make sometimes events . Most of owners of servers are looking for developers that will help them with developing and so on but not people that wan'ts to be gm , but you're lucky that I left my last project interlude our staff decide to work on a epilouge server but we didn't close the interlude project so if you wan't to test how gm acces lvl 1 works then add me on msn swiker90@hotmail.com


    Last Reply on: September 03, 2009, 02:26:39 PM »


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  2. Alloha auto paei kurios sta staff members, eipa na ksekiniso k ego L2 ystera apo 2 xronia apoxis k dialeksa ton server tou forum mas alla otan piga na ftiakso account mou ebgale ena error oti den mporouse na synde8ei me tin database to account manager oriste k ti mou egrafe...


    Cant establish database connection[/move]


    As eidopoihsei kapoios ton Maxtor...


    Euxaristo ek ton proteron...


  3. Motherboard : Asus M4A89GTD PRO(AM3, DDR3, 890GX, VGA)


    Processor : AMD Phenom II X2 555 (AM3/3.20 GHz)


    RAM : Kingston DDR3 1333Mhz 6GB


    Graphic card : Asus ENGT 220 1GB


    HDD : Seagate Cheetah 300GB 15000 Rpm

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