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Everything posted by Phoenix4

  1. I am not sure but do the following Go to your BIOS and disable the option for SMART , also if you need any assistance for PCs check my topic
  2. Να σου πω την αλήθεια αυτό είναι σχετικά δύσκολο αλλά κάνε pm τον Noble® , έπαιζε wow official ίσως ξέρει ;P
  3. I know most duds from germany ain't speaking english especially the duds on france 90% of them ain't speaking at all lol. But about greeks , i believe we know the basic so we can communicate but the problem is there are plenty of immature who ain't speaking english on purpose. Greek letters are fine α = a β = b The rus letters are truly strange ;P
  4. Και να έχει γίνει δεν πειράζει ;P
  5. Το θέμα τελειώσε του έδωσα εγώ απάντηση στο gost και 7th επειδή είσαι εσύ θύμα δεν σημαίνει οτί είναι όλοι
  6. Agree also West ain't better. They got France/Spain/German-i-don't-want-to-speak-eng-guy Well we got rus , but still..
  7. You can't now since they haven't setup the feature but you will be able in the feature. Your 1st change will be free , the others will cost some euros (10 euro i guess) Also both sides have feeders rofl , changing won't lead to anything. Go check West's forum they want to change too cause they can't stand france/spain/german lol.
  8. Phoenix4


    #1 Song lolololol Season 1 ftw
  9. Αctually with the current Red his is having double slow making the enemy permaslowed similiar to Nunu's old E. I find it as a nerf tbh since with his E he had enough speed (he can even be with +1 boots for long since his E) , more isn't need. Giving more speed , okey but the distances ain't changing , he can reach his enemy just 0.2 milisec faster , can't be compared to perma slow style.
  10. Δεν υπάρχει αφού έπεσε Merge και ο official έχει μόνο 2 server τώρα , έναν Ευρωπαικό και έναν Αμερικάνικο.
  11. No since they won't be able to slow anymore. I mean then WW/Udyr/Trundle was coming you knew that you gonna get slowed and you feared this. Now more speed ? I set a ward and i know that you are coming who cares if you got 30speed more give me a break. Fiddle will be the future on teh junglez now.
  12. None is gonna buy it anyway since it is gonna be expensive , it will simply be added as a request from crying players cause they don't have map awareness and they get their ass Backdoored from Master Yi himself. Getting this scroll is gonna waste a slot , something you can not afford most of the times in end-game and in early/mid you just want to get as much cash as you can to make a process on your build , personally i find it a waste. Summoner spell is way better ;p
  13. Well http://t.qq.com/RiotGuinsoo Looks real , it's Guinsoo after all. Also they gonna add a Scroll which will give us the ability to teleport to any tower/minion but it's cost will be high (this will be done to avoid Backdoors as they said) But removing the slow effect from Red will make AP Caster/Junglers more viable (Fiddle for example) Dunno i don't like this change , it's gonna change loads of stuff.
  14. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=991563 /suicide
  15. Είναι ανάλογα πως έχει μεγαλώσει κάποιος με ποιες αρχές και άμα άκουγε τέτοια βρισίδια στο περιβάλλον του. Άμα είναι ένας 15 χρόνος που δεν το είχε ακούσει ποτέ , και μπει στο Internet/Forum και τέλος πάντων αρχίσει να του βρίζει την μάνα κάποιος , ο 1ος θα το πάρει άσχημα γιατί δεν το έχει συνηθίσει και το εκλαμβάνει αλλιώς.
  16. Shen cause he reminds me Sub-Zero from MK :$ Also edit your title , it is "which" not "witch" ;p
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